Back To School. Letters to trump

Yanno, it's this kind of fear-mongering that caused us to run out of toilet paper. Science trumps fear. Always. This is why I always value facts and well-stated arguments over raw emotions. You want science, look at the EU. Almost all of their children are back in school and being taught in person.

I don't have the citation at my fingertips but someone posted that the schools are at "half capacity" They leave every other desk empty, the kids wash their hands before entering class, and frequently throughout the day. They eat "at their desks", and of course, wear masks, AND socially distance using markings on the floor.
Children have less receptors in their bodies that could be invaded by the virus, hence they are less likely to catch and or transmit the disease. Basic science also dictates that the immune system is stronger when you're a child and weaker when you're an adult.

Think about it. ... Or can you?

Point 1: Children have fewer receptors. They're children they have fewer or smaller of everything. Yet they are just as susceptible to cancer.

Point 2: They have a stronger immune system. This is true and false. At birth they inherit the immune system from their mothers. But that fades over time, which is why babies have to be vaccinated. Adults through exposure or vaccination actually have stronger immune response.

Are Children's Immune Systems Stronger than Adults ...

Research shows that young people do NOT have immune systems as efficient as adults. Children may be prone to contact a viral infection, and take more time to ...

at a very young age children have inexperienced immune systems which leaves them prone to infections
Unlike in Star Trek 2, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The future of this country is dependent on getting the coronavirus under control. And so far Trump has been demanding reckless behavior in opposition to following CDC or scientific/medical guidelines.

If you think the benefits of sending kids back to school before there's a vaccine outweighs the consequences, just give a ballpark figure of how many additional coronavirus deaths would be acceptable to carry it out.

This is just like when Truman estimated how many casualties it would take to invade Japan vs dropping the bomb.
You can stake out the moral high ground and boldly state that one Corona virus death is too many. That is a dangerous stance to take, because as I already described the negative consequences to kids, and our country, is greater staying out of school than going back.
An 18 year old kid cares about his mother so he wouldn't expose her to the virus. That's fine but what about other senior citizens? They should have been reasonably safe in NY nursing homes except for the fact that the governor sentenced them to death when he forced nursing homes to accept people who were obviously infected with the disease, low grade fever and all. Who is going to hold Andrew criminally responsible for the deaths of over 3,000 Americans?
You can stake out the moral high ground and boldly state that one Corona virus death is too many. That is a dangerous stance to take, because as I already described the negative consequences to kids, and our country, is greater staying out of school than going back.
I didn't even hint at a number, and it certainly wouldn't be in the single digits. I'm asking you to do the cost benefit analysis with the benefit to children on one side.

Now i'm asking you how many deaths would be acceptable to you to balance it?

It's no different than when FDR or Truman balanced estimated casualties against various military actions.
I watched this video and just cried.

For all that has been lost. All that will be lost and all that suffering could have been prevented.

Children need to go back to school. However it shouldn't be a death sentence.

Nor should it force a child to live the rest of their life knowing they bright that virus home and it killed their dad or someone they loved.

That is just way too much to force on a child. No matter what age they are.

One of my best friends and I were out of town the beginning of the month. Her 18 year old son was told he had a low grade fever at work. He was sent home. He had the test for the virus a day later. I told my friend if he has it, I won't take her home until it's safe. I didn't want that boy I helped to grow into a wonderful adult to have to spend the rest of his life knowing that his mom died because of a virus he brought home. She agreed with me. Luckily, the test came back negative.

No one should force a child to have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

By far, the most cases are not deadly. Stop with the drama.
An 18 year old kid cares about his mother so he wouldn't expose her to the virus. That's fine but what about other senior citizens? They should have been reasonably safe in NY nursing homes except for the fact that the governor sentenced them to death when he forced nursing homes to accept people who were obviously infected with the disease, low grade fever and all. Who is going to hold Andrew criminally responsible for the deaths of over 3,000 Americans?
I've been chasing this BULLSHIT for weeks. If you look at New Yorks nursing home fatality percentages, they're half the national average. They're 46th in the country in that ranking with 1 being highest percentage.
Unlike in Star Trek 2, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The future of this country is dependent on getting the coronavirus under control. And so far Trump has been demanding reckless behavior in opposition to following CDC or scientific/medical guidelines.

If you think the benefits of sending kids back to school before there's a vaccine outweighs the consequences, just give a ballpark figure of how many additional coronavirus deaths would be acceptable to carry it out.

This is just like when Truman estimated how many casualties it would take to invade Japan vs dropping the bomb.
That's total horseshit. Coronavirus is under control. As long as we don't send infected people to nursing homes, the death toll will continue to decline. As it stand, the death toll is greatly exaggerated. The real death toll is probably around 70,000 - no worse than the flue, in other words. The shutdown is destroying this country, and Democrat mayors and governors are the ones who imposed that on us.
By far, the most cases are not deadly. Stop with the drama.
Today, more than 90% of people survive myocardial infarction. That's the technical term for heart attack; it means an area of damaged and dying heart muscle caused by an interruption in the blood supply.

Yet we take heart attacks seriously.
They didn't want people running around wearing masks until there was an actual need for them to do so. They didn't want them grabbing up the short supply of masks they knew would be needed by the medical community.

Putting on a mask in early March was like putting a band-aid on your chin, in anticipation of cutting yourself shaving weeks later.

All your citations said is you don't need to put on a band-aid
They lied, in other words. Since they lied about masks, why should anyone believe what they say?
Today, more than 90% of people survive myocardial infarction. That's the technical term for heart attack; it means an area of damaged and dying heart muscle caused by an interruption in the blood supply.

Yet we take heart attacks seriously.
Corona virus doesn't cause permanent damage to your body, shit for brains. A heart attack does.
That's total horseshit. Coronavirus is under control. As long as we don't send infected people to nursing homes, the death toll will continue to decline.
Would you like the zipcode for REALITY, because right now you're nowhere near it.

Coronavirus cases are exploding, with more than 70,000 new infections a day.
I've been chasing this BULLSHIT for weeks. If you look at New Yorks nursing home fatality percentages, they're half the national average. They're 46th in the country in that ranking with 1 being highest percentage.
We've already had this discussion, turd. Check the graph below. It shows that New York has one of the highest rates of nursing home deaths caused by COVID:
Would you like the zipcode for REALITY, because right now you're nowhere near it.

Coronavirus cases are exploding, with more than 70,000 new infections a day.
Reported cases are increasing only because states have vastly increased their testing. The number of deaths is declining.
They lied, in other words. Since they lied about masks, why should anyone believe what they say?

Telling people not to wear a mask before March 2020 is because the general public didn't need to wear masks before March 2020.

On March 1st, there were 6 cases in the entire country.

At the time of his latest citation, there were 64 cases in the US.

I don't have the citation at my fingertips but someone posted that the schools are at "half capacity" They leave every other desk empty, the kids wash their hands before entering class, and frequently throughout the day. They eat "at their desks", and of course, wear masks, AND socially distance using markings on the floor.
Until you can produce a cite, we'll just assume that's the usual bullshit.
Telling people not to wear a mask before March 2020 is because the general public didn't need to wear masks before March 2020.

On March 1st, there were 6 cases in the entire country.

At the time of his latest citation, there were 64 cases in the US.

No, it's because the doctors and nurses wanted to hog the masks for themselves. Fauci even said so, douchebag.
Well our school was prepping to go back, but the school board has put the brakes on and it sounds like virtual now to start.

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