Back To School. Letters to trump

Corona virus doesn't cause permanent damage to your body, shit for brains. A heart attack does.

Look who's completely wrong again?

Physicians report that patients hospitalized for Covid-19 are experiencing high rates of blood clots that can cause strokes, heart attacks, lung blockages, and other complications, Parshley reports.

Physicians have also reported an increase in inflammation of and damage to the heart muscle in Covid-19 patients.

People infected with the coronavirus may be left with permanent lung damage. Doctors are reporting growing numbers of people who still have breathlessness and coughing months after falling ill with covid-19, and whose chest scans show evidence of irreversible lung scarring.
The light at the end of the tunnel. They're working on faster and more widespread testing. They're working on a vaccine. Why the rush?

The coronavirus is like a school on fire. And before the flames are out, you want to send the children back in because they don't burn as easily as adults.

Fake analogy
I watched this video and just cried.

For all that has been lost. All that will be lost and all that suffering could have been prevented.

Children need to go back to school. However it shouldn't be a death sentence.

Nor should it force a child to live the rest of their life knowing they bright that virus home and it killed their dad or someone they loved.

That is just way too much to force on a child. No matter what age they are.

One of my best friends and I were out of town the beginning of the month. Her 18 year old son was told he had a low grade fever at work. He was sent home. He had the test for the virus a day later. I told my friend if he has it, I won't take her home until it's safe. I didn't want that boy I helped to grow into a wonderful adult to have to spend the rest of his life knowing that his mom died because of a virus he brought home. She agreed with me. Luckily, the test came back negative.

No one should force a child to have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

Trump and his merry band can whine, scream, and bitch all they want. It'll be up to school administrators, school boards, and principals to decide what the school year looks like and if kids go back. No self respecting administrator is going to put their job, their reputation, and kids lives on the line if the science and infection numbers don't support going back. No one gives two shits what El Prez wants.
We've already had this discussion, turd. Check the graph below. It shows that New York has one of the highest rates of nursing home deaths caused by COVID:

If by one of the highest you mean in the bottom 80%
Reported cases are increasing only because states have vastly increased their testing. The number of deaths is declining.
deaths are declining because of better medical treatment, such as plasma from coronavirus survivors. A therapy that wasn't available months ago.
Look who's completely wrong again?

Physicians report that patients hospitalized for Covid-19 are experiencing high rates of blood clots that can cause strokes, heart attacks, lung blockages, and other complications, Parshley reports.

Physicians have also reported an increase in inflammation of and damage to the heart muscle in Covid-19 patients.

People infected with the coronavirus may be left with permanent lung damage. Doctors are reporting growing numbers of people who still have breathlessness and coughing months after falling ill with covid-19, and whose chest scans show evidence of irreversible lung scarring.
Any disease can have complications. That doesn't change the fact that 99% of the people who catch it suffer no long term damage. You can get pnuemonia from catching a cold or the flue.
I don't have the citation at my fingertips but someone posted that the schools are at "half capacity" They leave every other desk empty, the kids wash their hands before entering class, and frequently throughout the day. They eat "at their desks", and of course, wear masks, AND socially distance using markings on the floor.

Until you can produce a cite, we'll just assume that's the usual bullshit.

And here's the citation. Let's see if you're man enough to apologize for calling it bullshit.

"Children attend on alternate days, so half the desks in every classroom can be left empty, and for now they are also going home early. Teachers and students all wears masks.

The students line up — paying attention to marks on the floor to indicate appropriate distancing — to wash their hands before classes even start, and
continue to do so throughout the morning.

Lunch is eaten at their desks, facing forward, in silence." 7d471bf20207_story.html
I've been chasing this BULLSHIT for weeks. If you look at New Yorks nursing home fatality percentages, they're half the national average. They're 46th in the country in that ranking with 1 being highest percentage.
What does "half the national average" mean? 46th in the country means what? Did Aushwitz kill more Jews than Treblinka? Ddn't the governor order nursing homes to take in obviously infected patients or lose their licenses? Doesn't that mean anything besides inane statistics?
How do you know 99 percent have no long term effects? We don't know enough about it yet. The virus is kicking our country's butt big time.
Before deciding to go virtual this fall our district was going to order gowns, gloves, masks, and face shields for all adults.
Kids are more likely to die from getting hit by a car while walking to and from school, than they are by the Kung Flu.

17,000 children a year are treated for injuries associated with school buses.

250 kids each year die in pedestrian accidents.

About 1200 kids are killed each year in car accidents:

Now tell us, how many kids have died from Kung Flu?
School busses aren’t contagious
Any disease can have complications. That doesn't change the fact that 99% of the people who catch it suffer no long term damage. You can get pnuemonia from catching a cold or the flue.

So why the bullshit about it didn't cause any permanent damage?

Corona virus doesn't cause permanent damage to your body, shit for brains. A heart attack does.

You've been wrong more times than I can count, and I have a calculator with 13 digit resolution.
What does "half the national average" mean? 46th in the country means what? Did Aushwitz kill more Jews than Treblinka? Ddn't the governor order nursing homes to take in obviously infected patients or lose their licenses? Doesn't that mean anything besides inane statistics?

If you think the governor of New York did something wrong, you would be able to show the effect with the numbers. Only in this case New Yorks nursing home numbers (deaths per 1,000 residents) are in the bottom 80% and at half the national average in nursing home death percentage.

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