Back To School. Letters to trump

The masks they told us a few months ago NOT to wear because they didn't do anything? Stop being such a fucking sheep.
You once again only listened to the edited clip of what Fauci said. In the full clip, he explained he was talking about people wearing N-95 masks, which he was preserving for the medical community.

With the shortage of PPE and the continued spread, Fauci, Birx and the CDC switched to advocating people wear simple cloth or paper surgical masks. Or even just a scarf or cloth that covered the nose and mouth.

They knew it was impossible to provide N-95 masks for 330 million people, there were barely enough for the 4 million doctors and nurses.
You once again only listened to the edited clip of what Fauci said. In the full clip, he explained he was talking about people wearing N-95 masks, which he was preserving for the medical community.

With the shortage of PPE and the continued spread, Fauci, Birx and the CDC switched to advocating people wear simple cloth or paper surgical masks. Or even just a scarf or cloth that covered the nose and mouth.

They knew it was impossible to provide N-95 masks for 330 million people, there were barely enough for the 4 million doctors and nurses.

Did you seriously just ignore the ~half dozen headlines that followed my post are you fucking blind?

Holy shit....
You far right radical extremists are pathetic.

You want to send kids to school so they will die or they bring the virus home to kill their families.

You are so far beyond sick.
Kids won't die you retarded communist pussy.
I watched this video and just cried.

For all that has been lost. All that will be lost and all that suffering could have been prevented.

Children need to go back to school. However it shouldn't be a death sentence.

Nor should it force a child to live the rest of their life knowing they bright that virus home and it killed their dad or someone they loved.

That is just way too much to force on a child. No matter what age they are.

One of my best friends and I were out of town the beginning of the month. Her 18 year old son was told he had a low grade fever at work. He was sent home. He had the test for the virus a day later. I told my friend if he has it, I won't take her home until it's safe. I didn't want that boy I helped to grow into a wonderful adult to have to spend the rest of his life knowing that his mom died because of a virus he brought home. She agreed with me. Luckily, the test came back negative.

No one should force a child to have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

Communist China is to blame for COVID you blithering nincompoop. Who instilled fear in these kids? Teach that they are Americans and fear nothing. Going to school is about fighting communist China.
The risk of children dying from COVID-19 is practically zero. Drop the bleeding heart bullshit already.

What about their teachers, and the other adults who keep schools running? 1/3 of all teachers are high risk adults.

Summer camps which opened this summer had to close after outbreaks. The kids and staff were tested as they arrived and then isolated at the camp. This should have been easy peasy. 82 cases at one camp. It closed for decontamination.

Kind of puts the lie to “kids don’t get it”. If you can drives miles out into the country and leave your kids in a remote area with other people who have all tested clear on arrival, how are you going to keep kids safe from the virus as they go back to school?
Did you seriously just ignore the ~half dozen headlines that followed my post are you fucking blind?

Holy shit....
Those posts were from January 2020, February 2020, and even the latest from March 7th 2020.

They have no connection to the later reality, there was no need for the general population to wear masks before the outbreak.

All your posts predated the outbreak in the USA.

March 6 – 21 Passengers on California Cruise Ship Test Positive
Twenty-one people of just 46 tested aboard a cruise ship carrying more than 3500 people off the California coast test positive for COVID-19, with 19 being crew members. The ship is held at sea instead of being allowed to dock in San Francisco while testing is conducted.
Communist China is to blame for COVID you blithering nincompoop. Who instilled fear in these kids? Teach that they are Americans and fear nothing. Going to school is about fighting communist China.

Trump is to blame for the botched American response to the virus. A quarter of a million Americans did not have to die. That’s ALL on Covid Donnie.
The replies in this thread from the far right radical extremists is just sickening.

So much for being pro life and caring about children but then I've always known that is nothing but a huge load of BS.

Keep publicly wanting and advocating to kill children and their parents. It will ensure that your party will never have any power again.

A major hypocritical post.....:CryingCow:

Did I get your teats right?
Trump is to blame for the botched American response to the virus. A quarter of a million Americans did not have to die. That’s ALL on Covid Donnie.
That's all you idiots blather about. Trump did a great job. You could bet that as soon as the first case hit the United States of America you bunch of half-wits on the left would blame Trump.
Summer camps which opened this summer had to close after outbreaks. The kids and staff were tested as they arrived and then isolated at the camp. This should have been easy peasy. 82 cases at one camp. It closed for decontamination.

Kind of puts the lie to “kids don’t get it”. If you can drives miles out into the country and leave your kids in a remote area with other people who have all tested clear on arrival, how are you going to keep kids safe from the virus as they go back to school?

The source at the summer camps were probably the same as the source in the nursing homes. The movement of employees or contractors in and out.
And that’s a flat out lie that Trump is using to try to force kids back to school. This is about forcing low income workers back to work. They can’t go back unless their children are back in school because the USA has no other child care program.

Even the American Paediatric Society has said children should NOTunder any circumstances, return to classrooms until the virus is under control and walked back their Guidelines published at the end of June.

Trump doesn’t care about his own grandkids, much less yours. Children and dogs hate him. I have never known an animal to be wrong about a person

Yes the kids miss their friends and their classes. But they need to feel safe. My grandkids haven’t been allowed in stores until this week. They’re learning to wear masks and socially distance.

The schools can’t keep kids safe from head lice. How are they going to keep them safe from Covid19?
How are they going to keep them safe from Covid19?

I watched this video and just cried.

For all that has been lost. All that will be lost and all that suffering could have been prevented.

Children need to go back to school. However it shouldn't be a death sentence.

Nor should it force a child to live the rest of their life knowing they bright that virus home and it killed their dad or someone they loved.

That is just way too much to force on a child. No matter what age they are.

One of my best friends and I were out of town the beginning of the month. Her 18 year old son was told he had a low grade fever at work. He was sent home. He had the test for the virus a day later. I told my friend if he has it, I won't take her home until it's safe. I didn't want that boy I helped to grow into a wonderful adult to have to spend the rest of his life knowing that his mom died because of a virus he brought home. She agreed with me. Luckily, the test came back negative.

No one should force a child to have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

"I just cried..." :lmao::lmao::lmao:
That's all you idiots blather about. Trump did a great job. You could bet that as soon as the first case hit the United States of America you bunch of half-wits on the left would blame Trump.

If Trump did a great job, why are we first in every coronavirus statistic in the world. Compare the US to the EU. Theiur caseloads keep going down because they're in control of the outbreak. The US is climbing toward 100,000 new cases a day, and (now over) 200,000 deaths by september.
Those posts were from January 2020, February 2020, and even the latest from March 7th 2020.

They have no connection to the later reality, there was no need for the general population to wear masks before the outbreak.

All your posts predated the outbreak in the USA.

March 6 – 21 Passengers on California Cruise Ship Test Positive
Twenty-one people of just 46 tested aboard a cruise ship carrying more than 3500 people off the California coast test positive for COVID-19, with 19 being crew members. The ship is held at sea instead of being allowed to dock in San Francisco while testing is conducted.

"Those posts were from before the outbreak."


Did the entire scientific field of virology change in the past 3 months? Did we just throw everything we've learned about viruses over the past hundred fucking years out and start writing new rules? Or is the media and left-wing mouthpieces curating a narrative of fear to generate revenue clicks and ratings from dumbfucks like you who have the memory retention of a goldfish?

I'm going with the latter. You people are so fucking thick it's a wonder you can even put socks on in the morning.
"Those posts were from before the outbreak."


Did the entire scientific field of virology change in the past 3 months?

They didn't want people running around wearing masks until there was an actual need for them to do so. They didn't want them grabbing up the short supply of masks they knew would be needed by the medical community.

Putting on a mask in early March was like putting a band-aid on your chin, in anticipation of cutting yourself shaving weeks later.

All your citations said is you don't need to put on a band-aid
The replies in this thread from the far right radical extremists is just sickening.

So much for being pro life and caring about children but then I've always known that is nothing but a huge load of BS.

Keep publicly wanting and advocating to kill children and their parents. It will ensure that your party will never have any power again.
You think it is in the kid's best interests to stay home, falling further behind, missing crucial social interaction with their friends and teachers? Many are now malnourished because their families can't afford to feed them properly. Some are being abused because of the stresses being put families on lockdown. You are taking an overly-emotional, myopic viewpoint of the situation.

As I have said before, there is no golden solution here. There will be collateral damage whether the kids stay home or go to school. In my view the benefits of them going back to school outweigh the downsides.
You far right radical extremists are pathetic.

You want to send kids to school so they will die or they bring the virus home to kill their families.

You are so far beyond sick.
Yanno, it's this kind of fear-mongering that caused us to run out of toilet paper. Science trumps fear. Always. This is why I always value facts and well-stated arguments over raw emotions. You want science, look at the EU. Almost all of their children are back in school and being taught in person.

Children have less receptors in their bodies that could be invaded by the virus, hence they are less likely to catch and or transmit the disease. Basic science also dictates that the immune system is stronger when you're a child and weaker when you're an adult.

Think about it. ... Or can you?
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You think it is in the kid's best interests to stay home, falling further behind, missing crucial social interaction with their friends and teachers? Many are now malnourished because their families can't afford to feed them properly. Some are being abused because of the stresses being put families on lockdown. You are taking an overly-emotional, myopic viewpoint of the situation.

As I have said before, there is no golden solution here. There will be collateral damage whether the kids stay home or go to school. In my view the benefits of them going back to school outweigh the downsides.

Unlike in Star Trek 2, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The future of this country is dependent on getting the coronavirus under control. And so far Trump has been demanding reckless behavior in opposition to following CDC or scientific/medical guidelines.

If you think the benefits of sending kids back to school before there's a vaccine outweighs the consequences, just give a ballpark figure of how many additional coronavirus deaths would be acceptable to carry it out.

This is just like when Truman estimated how many casualties it would take to invade Japan vs dropping the bomb.

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