Back To School. Letters to trump

The experts are still learning.
Although chances of a kid dying are low, I'm not convinced there's enough evidence or research to confirm just how hard or easy it is for them to transfer to adults and elderly.
Or what damage to what organs COVID has on a kid that might otherwise appear to be healthy, when they are actual carriers and asymptomatic.

Nearly one-third of children tested for COVID in Florida are positive.
Palm Beach County’s health director warns of risk of long-term damage

"Nearly one-in-three children tested for the new coronavirus in Florida has been positive, and a South Florida health official is concerned the disease could cause lifelong damage even for children with mild illness.

Dr. Alina Alonso, Palm Beach County’s health department director, warned county commissioners Tuesday that much is unknown about the long-term health consequences for children who catch COVID-19."""
You can say that about any disease. That's just more Dim hysteria mongering.
One parent with one kid does not a trend make.

Try again, and leave out your previous bogus attempt of kids protesting in 2017
So the one kid under 8 who died of COVID does not make a trend? That's right. It shows why brainless turds like you should be ignored.

Up yours meeting........LOL

Actually that's a good example. You have a room full of people without masks or socially distancing, the formula for the disease to spread like wildfire.

If the building was actually on fire, they would have done the same thing and ended the meeting the same way.
Exactly my point. Trump continues to say 1917 instead of correcting it being the 1918 spanish flu.

This is like when Trump said George Washington attacked the airport in the war of 1811.
That didn't happen, douchebag. Remember when Biden said that after Pearl Harbor FDR went on TV and reassured the nation?
All the quarantines in the world didn't stop the Black Plague from spreading or the Spanish flu. The Black Plague ended when all the people who were susceptible to it had caught it. That's called "herd immunity."

If you don't believe herd immunity will end it, then how is a vaccine going to work? They rely upon herd immunity, you witless fool.

The black plague took 3 iterations, and it was more survival of the fittest, not herd immunity.

How many people survived the plague?

In the first outbreak, two thirds of the population contracted the illness and most patients died; in the next, half the population became ill but only some died; by the third, a tenth were affected and many survived; while by the fourth occurrence, only one in twenty people were sickened and most of them survived.
Actually that's a good example. You have a room full of people without masks or socially distancing, the formula for the disease to spread like wildfire.

If the building was actually on fire, they would have done the same thing and ended the meeting the same way.
It's a very good example that people are saying Fuck you.

Corn Starch test........which is very small to see if masks really work.......even a N95 mask allows some corn starch through it...............So even professional masks cannot stop all of the virus.

Kids are more than likely to get killed by a lightning bolt from your ass than die from the virus. They do not need the masks.............They have also shown not to transmit the virus much either............

You will now say you are killing grandma..........those at risk need a professional mask and not the rest..........cloth masks will not do jack squat.......except the NARRATIVE OBEY.
So the one kid under 8 who died of COVID does not make a trend? That's right. It shows why brainless turds like you should be ignored.

One kid disproves the claim that kids don't die of the coronavirus.

Once more, we're arguing about price.
The black plague took 3 iterations, and it was more survival of the fittest, not herd immunity.

How many people survived the plague?

In the first outbreak, two thirds of the population contracted the illness and most patients died; in the next, half the population became ill but only some died; by the third, a tenth were affected and many survived; while by the fourth occurrence, only one in twenty people were sickened and most of them survived.
ROFL! So it took 600 years? That's because all the people who had immunity died of old age, dumbfuck. You don't pass your antibodies on to your children. You obviously don't even know what herd immunity is.

I marvel at how ignoramuses like you can pontificate on subjects you know nothing about.
That didn't happen, douchebag. Remember when Biden said that after Pearl Harbor FDR went on TV and reassured the nation?
There's a big difference between saying TV instead of radio.

Trump said George Washington attacked the airports in 1812.
One kid disproves the claim that kids don't die of the coronavirus.

Once more, we're arguing about price.
It proves that kids are in no danger from the virus, moron. When have we ever shut down schools because on kid died from the flu?
ROFL! So it took 600 years? That's because all the people who had immunity died of old age, dumbfuck. You don't pass your antibodies on to your children. You obviously don't even know what herd immunity is.

The decrease over time shows it was survival of the fittest. Those who had a natural immunity (which is passed genetically) survived to reproduce that genetic protection to their children. This is no different from sickle cell anemia being resistant to malaria.

On the contrary, individuals who are carriers for the sickle cell disease (with one sickle gene and one normal hemoglobin gene, also known as sickle cell trait) have some protective advantage against malaria. As a result, the frequencies of sickle cell carriers are high in malaria-endemic areas.
There's a big difference between saying TV instead of radio.

Trump said George Washington attacked the airports in 1812.
Post a link to it?

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed.”
FDR wasn’t the president; Herbert Hoover was. He served as president from 1929 until 1933, when Roosevelt, who went on to be elected to the top office four times, was inaugurated to his first term.
Second, if FDR had been president in 1929 and wanted to make a public statement on the state of the economy, it likely wouldn’t have aired on television. Because no one had a television yet. The TV was introduced to the public at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York, almost 10 years after the crash.

Joe Biden confuses D-Day date with Pearl Harbor attack

Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, reminded Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf Wednesday that he was once known as Pennsylvania's third senator when he was neighboring Delaware's 36-year representative in the U.S. Senate.

In response, Wolf jokingly teased during the virtual event that Delaware once fell under Pennsylvania's authority.

"But we declared our independence on Dec. 7 by the way, it's not just D-Day," Biden, the two-term vice president, replied.

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab
Zach Parkinson


All of this is wrong:

Delaware declared its independence on June 15, not December 7 (the date it ratified the Constitution)

D-Day was June 6, not December 7 (that's the date of the attack on Pearl Harbor)
It proves that kids are in no danger from the virus, moron. When have we ever shut down schools because on kid died from the flu?

Kids may have a low rate of mortality from the coronavirus, but strangely, even though his own citation proved kids can transmit the virus to other kids and to adults, he thinks that clustering kids in school, won't lead to children spreading it to the adults in their life.

I can remember how measles, mumps, chickenpox spread like wildfire through the schools before vaccinations.
The decrease over time shows it was survival of the fittest. Those who had a natural immunity (which is passed genetically) survived to reproduce that genetic protection to their children. This is no different from sickle cell anemia being resistant to malaria.

On the contrary, individuals who are carriers for the sickle cell disease (with one sickle gene and one normal hemoglobin gene, also known as sickle cell trait) have some protective advantage against malaria. As a result, the frequencies of sickle cell carriers are high in malaria-endemic areas.
abadabadabadaba. You made a fool of yourself, and not your trying to back track. Herd immunity is the reason each wave of plague ended. It doesn't mean the species as a whole is immune indefinitely.

Sickle cell is caused by a genetic defect, not a virus, moron. Those who survived the Black Plague were not "naturally immune." Otherwise, they wouldn't have contracted the virus.

You are a complete dumbfuck.
Kids may have a low rate of mortality from the coronavirus, but strangely, even though his own citation proved kids can transmit the virus to other kids and to adults, he thinks that clustering kids in school, won't lead to children spreading it to the adults in their life.

I can remember how measles, mumps, chickenpox spread like wildfire through the schools before vaccinations.
That's what the experts say, dumbass. Measles, mumps, chickenpox are not corona virus. Who should I believe, you or the experts?
Post a link to it?

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed.”
FDR wasn’t the president; Herbert Hoover was. He served as president from 1929 until 1933, when Roosevelt, who went on to be elected to the top office four times, was inaugurated to his first term.
Read a history book moron.

Recession of 1937–381937United StatesLasting around a year, this share price fall was triggered by an economic recession within the Great Depression and doubts about the effectiveness of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal policy.
The risk of children dying from COVID-19 is practically zero. Drop the bleeding heart bullshit already.
And if the idiot Trumpteteers would just wear the damn masks

The masks they told us a few months ago NOT to wear because they didn't do anything? Stop being such a fucking sheep.








All reports are that children are being harmed the most by this and keeping them home benefits them the least. Their death rate is almost zero and they are very low carriers of the disease. You didn't mention that. Children can't sit on a computer all day and replace in class learning. They just can't. But sacrifice them at the altar. Orange man bad. Any price, huh?

And that’s a flat out lie that Trump is using to try to force kids back to school. This is about forcing low income workers back to work. They can’t go back unless their children are back in school because the USA has no other child care program.

Even the American Paediatric Society has said children should NOTunder any circumstances, return to classrooms until the virus is under control and walked back their Guidelines published at the end of June.

Trump doesn’t care about his own grandkids, much less yours. Children and dogs hate him. I have never known an animal to be wrong about a person

Yes the kids miss their friends and their classes. But they need to feel safe. My grandkids haven’t been allowed in stores until this week. They’re learning to wear masks and socially distance.

The schools can’t keep kids safe from head lice. How are they going to keep them safe from Covid19?

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