Backfire: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case For Biden Investigation

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

Many calls were moved to a more secure location due to the leaking within the resistance within the admin.
This is nothing, again.
So it was secret then??

My God you trumpers are child like
They all are. Grow up.
So when he said "secret little phone call" -- why did you reflexively get your panties in a bunch and disagree with him??

"No, don't say that about my daddy!! It wasn't a secret call!! take that back!!"

2 comments later....."Of course it was a secret call"

Like I said...yall are pathetic....
I didn't disagree with him at all about it being secret. You must have me confused with someone else, moron.
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

You don't think it should be classified?
All communication from the President to leaders of foreign countries is classified.

This is what I said:
I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

You mean the same place that Susan Rice stated obama kept his calls....? You doofus. Everyone in the press already stated that obama and others use the same moron...

You moron...

Susan Rice: Obama Put Call Transcripts On Top Secret Server, Too

ormer national security adviser Susan Rice acknowledged last night that the Obama administration moved transcripts of conversations with foreign leaders onto the same top-secret server where the Trump administration stored his recent phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Great spin for your Orange Master

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden
Kent admitted that they had been pressuring Ukraine for some time to explain why corrupt prosecutors dropped the case against Burisma, it’s founder Mykola Zlochevsky and Hunter Biden. He says that to date Ukraine has not answered them. It is believed that Mykola Zlochevsky stole money coming from USAID and the International Monetary Fund. Great Britain froze accounts owned by Mykola Zlochevsky because they suspected money laundering. That occurred in the same month Burisma hired Hunter Biden.

BJ - -

This is why Biden illegally interferred in Ukraine's Government.

Except of course for the facts.

Kent testified that it was his and other officials’ “strong assumption” that the founder of the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, had stolen money, and that a prosecutor had taken “a bribe to close the case.”

Castor asked Kent whether he was in favor of that matter “being fully investigated and prosecuted.”

“I think since U.S. taxpayer dollars are wasted, I would love to see the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office find who the corrupt prosecutor was that took the bribe and how much was paid,” Kent answered.

Of course Biden acted openly as part of U.S. foreign policy. Not exactly illegal when Biden is following Obama's orders.

Believe me when I tell you that Obama should be locked up too.

Oh I don't doubt that you have fervently believed that Obama should have been locked up from the first moment you heard Kenyan.
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

Many calls were moved to a more secure location due to the leaking within the resistance within the admin.
This is nothing, again.

Thanks for recognizing that this was a secret call that Trump did not release until he knew that his attempt to pressure a foreign country to investigate his political rival was going to come out anyway.
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

Many calls were moved to a more secure location due to the leaking within the resistance within the admin.
This is nothing, again.

Thanks for recognizing that this was a secret call that Trump did not release until he knew that his attempt to pressure a foreign country to investigate his political rival was going to come out anyway.

You mean like the obama secret calls to foreign heads of state that he kept in the same place....

You really are a doofus.
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.
Pelosi will have to shut it down BEFORE it gets to an impeachment vote. This NEVER reaches the Senate
Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

Many calls were moved to a more secure location due to the leaking within the resistance within the admin.
This is nothing, again.

Thanks for recognizing that this was a secret call that Trump did not release until he knew that his attempt to pressure a foreign country to investigate his political rival was going to come out anyway.

You mean like the obama secret calls to foreign heads of state that he kept in the same place....

You really are a doofus.

Anything to deflect from your Orange Messiah's secret call to pressure a foreign government to investigate his political rival- and then sending his private attorney in to demand that they make a public announcement of the investigation into his poltical rival.
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.
Pelosi will have to shut it down BEFORE it gets to an impeachment vote. This NEVER reaches the Senate

It will be voted on.

If the vote is for impeachment- which it probably will be- it will go to the Senate.

The Senate will likely not vote to remove Trump.

This Senate would not have voted to remove Nixon.
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation
No, Kent said he was stupid, not illegal.
So Biden WITH THE EU,got the really corrupt guy to resign.
Hilarious I saw a repub congressman spewing your Biden line.
It turned out he didn't even know the name of the corrupt prosecuter!!!
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

Correctly stated under who's assertion? If yours, that assumes facts not in evidence that you possess a functioning brain.
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

You mean the same place that Susan Rice stated obama kept his calls....? You doofus. Everyone in the press already stated that obama and others use the same moron...

You moron...

Susan Rice: Obama Put Call Transcripts On Top Secret Server, Too

ormer national security adviser Susan Rice acknowledged last night that the Obama administration moved transcripts of conversations with foreign leaders onto the same top-secret server where the Trump administration stored his recent phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Should be no prob in releasing them then?
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

Then you agree with Donnie, who calls the shots. He was right all along, because joe is a POS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

Many calls were moved to a more secure location due to the leaking within the resistance within the admin.
This is nothing, again.

Thanks for recognizing that this was a secret call that Trump did not release until he knew that his attempt to pressure a foreign country to investigate his political rival was going to come out anyway.
Please link us up to all the Obama call transcripts with foreign leaders during his 8 year regime. Surely they weren't kept secret, right?

They must be easily accessed on the innerwebs, right?
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

Then you agree with Donnie, who calls the shots. He was right all along, because joe is a POS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not sure what the word salad is supposed to mean.

I agree with Kent- I have no problem with the Justice Department or the State Department investigating any possible illegal acts by Hunter or Joe Biden, if there is any evidence to support such an investigation.
Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

Many calls were moved to a more secure location due to the leaking within the resistance within the admin.
This is nothing, again.

Thanks for recognizing that this was a secret call that Trump did not release until he knew that his attempt to pressure a foreign country to investigate his political rival was going to come out anyway.
Please link us up to all the Obama call transcripts with foreign leaders during his 8 year regime. Surely they weren't kept secret, right?

They must be easily accessed on the innerwebs, right?


Anything but addressing what Trump did.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24
What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

Many calls were moved to a more secure location due to the leaking within the resistance within the admin.
This is nothing, again.

Thanks for recognizing that this was a secret call that Trump did not release until he knew that his attempt to pressure a foreign country to investigate his political rival was going to come out anyway.
Please link us up to all the Obama call transcripts with foreign leaders during his 8 year regime. Surely they weren't kept secret, right?

They must be easily accessed on the innerwebs, right?


Anything but addressing what Trump did.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24
Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

Yeah tough shit looks like ya got both.

Before the sham hearings started, the Republicans requested the testimony of Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. Adam Schiffty refused to allow them to call him because he claimed it was not a real scandal. Unfortunately, Schiff’s own witness, George Kent made the case that the matter needs investigation and that he had raised the matter and suggested it was a conflict of interest. Kent said that he would like the matter to be investigated. kent is considered by the Democrats to be a main witness in Schiff’s three ring circus.

BACKFIRE: Democrat Impeachment Hearing Makes Case for Biden Investigation

Adam Schiff correctly stated that Hunter Biden is not part of the impeachment.

I have no problem with the State Department or the Justice Department investigating the concerns Kent raised- here let me quote Kent:

"I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

I support an investigation by the United States- not a secret call to Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

Then you agree with Donnie, who calls the shots. He was right all along, because joe is a POS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not sure what the word salad is supposed to mean.

I agree with Kent- I have no problem with the Justice Department or the State Department investigating any possible illegal acts by Hunter or Joe Biden, if there is any evidence to support such an investigation.

If there is evidence? They never should have said a word about a conversation that Don had. Obama knew about it, and now it’s coming out for the world to see. Don did nothing wrong, and senile joe is no ones political opponent. In what other presidency, were telephone calls made public? And how does this bullshit compare in any way to watergate or scumbag Bill’s lies and coverups? This is a boring predictable waste of time, and Adam shitt will go down in history as the jerkoff that he is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What secret call? He released the transcript of the call you doofus.

Poor little dick Trumpette.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24View attachment 289991

Many calls were moved to a more secure location due to the leaking within the resistance within the admin.
This is nothing, again.

Thanks for recognizing that this was a secret call that Trump did not release until he knew that his attempt to pressure a foreign country to investigate his political rival was going to come out anyway.
Please link us up to all the Obama call transcripts with foreign leaders during his 8 year regime. Surely they weren't kept secret, right?

They must be easily accessed on the innerwebs, right?


Anything but addressing what Trump did.

The secret call he made to the President of Ukraine.

You know the one- the one that was labeled Top Secret and then hid away in a secret vault- until Trump realized that his call was going to be exposed because of the whistleblower?

This one:- that was Secret- Eyes only- not to be copied- until September 24

What whistle blower? So far, none of these star witnesses knows anything. Sounds like the credible evidence that never was, like the Russian collusion hoax. Perpetrated by the same moron, shitt. How does anyone even listen to this dumbass. He makes allegations, that he can’t back up. His mouth wrote a check, his ass can’t cash.

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