Background checks?

Relevant reading. Emphasis mine.

''The current background check system violates numerous parts of the Bill of Rights. The Ron Paul Institute is correct in its assessment that background checks violate the First and Fifth Amendments because they “compel people to speak [and] provide information about themselves,” and “because you have to provide evidence against yourself in order to [acquire] a gun.”

The Brady System is also unconstitutional on Tenth Amendment grounds because the mandate to provide this information is not one of the federal government’s constitutional functions.

Last but certainly not least, background checks turn the presumption of innocence on its head. Instead of being free to acquire a firearm without government duress, law-abiding citizens are forced to submit records proving their innocence to a faceless bureaucracy. On what planet is this requirement not a violation of the very civil liberties enshrined in our legal tradition?''

Continued - Background Checks Are Unconstitutional, Not ‘Common Sense’

The courts have consistently held that background checks are perfectly Constitutional.

Cite the case law please.
Still waiting, Clayton.

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