Bad atheist arguments

Question, if an atheist (or a nihilist to be more specific) doesn't rape or murder, does that mean he is a "good person", or that he's a "bad atheist".

(And yes, by atheist I mean nihlist, I'm aware that not all those who identify as atheist are, in actuality nihilistic, or even entirely irreligious, in regards to holding "positive" beliefs and faith-based axioms or sentiments, about life, the universe, ideology, and other things, regardless of what role their "lack of belief" in God plays in it)
Question, if an atheist (or a nihilist to be more specific) doesn't rape or murder, does that mean he is a "good person", or that he's a "bad atheist".

(And yes, by atheist I mean nihlist, I'm aware that not all those who identify as atheist are, in actuality nihilistic, or even entirely irreligious, in regards to holding "positive" beliefs and faith-based axioms or sentiments, about life, the universe, ideology, and other things, regardless of what role their "lack of belief" in God plays in it)
What a painfully idiotic question. I award you no troll points.
The lion does not turn around when a small dog barks. - Nigerian Proverb

Go from the presence of a foolish man. - The Holy Bible

If you stop to throw a rock at every dog that barks you'll never get to your destination. - Winston Churchill

Never argue with stupid people, they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience- Mark Twain
Question, if an atheist (or a nihilist to be more specific) doesn't rape or murder, does that mean he is a "good person", or that he's a "bad atheist".

(And yes, by atheist I mean nihlist, I'm aware that not all those who identify as atheist are, in actuality nihilistic, or even entirely irreligious, in regards to holding "positive" beliefs and faith-based axioms or sentiments, about life, the universe, ideology, and other things, regardless of what role their "lack of belief" in God plays in it)
Question, if a Christian isn’t raping little boys, does that mean they are good Christians?
Question, if an atheist (or a nihilist to be more specific) doesn't rape or murder, does that mean he is a "good person", or that he's a "bad atheist".

(And yes, by atheist I mean nihlist, I'm aware that not all those who identify as atheist are, in actuality nihilistic, or even entirely irreligious, in regards to holding "positive" beliefs and faith-based axioms or sentiments, about life, the universe, ideology, and other things, regardless of what role their "lack of belief" in God plays in it)
It has been my experience that both atheists and theists are equally moral and immoral. There are good and bad elements within both ranks.
Question, if a Christian isn’t raping little boys, does that mean they are good Christians?

Right after THIS post:
"Never argue with stupid people, they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience- Mark Twain " - rightwinger (sick)

You are SO VILE and SO IGNORANT that despite trying to keep from putting you on my Ignore List,that last blast if complete idiocy you wrote showed how low you truly are.

Arriverderci brutto
Question, if a Christian isn’t raping little boys, does that mean they are good Christians?

Right after THIS post:
"Never argue with stupid people, they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience- Mark Twain " - rightwinger (sick)

You are SO VILE and SO IGNORANT that despite trying to keep from putting you on my Ignore List,that last blast if complete idiocy you wrote showed how low you truly are.

Arriverderci brutto
Looks like you can dish it out but you can’t take it Snowflake
an infinite regression doesn’t make sense. you.

So what? We don't base our knowledge of what is or may be true on whether or not it makes sense to uneducated, unqualified religious people with an agenda.
I’m not making an uneducated or unqualified argument. I am making an argument on science and logic.

An infinite regression doesn’t make sense period. Energy is finite. It can’t exist without changing.

Put up or shut up.
An infinite regression doesn’t make sense period. Energy is finite. It can’t exist without changing.

Put up or shut up (Fort Fun).

The Left doesn't deal in facts and science, Friend. They simply call you names and proclaim their intellectual and moral superiority and you're supposed to tremble in fear and trepidation therefor. You and I don't fall for such nonsense. That really irritates them.
An infinite regression doesn’t make sense period. Energy is finite. It can’t exist without changing.

Put up or shut up (Fort Fun).

The Left doesn't deal in facts and science, Friend. They simply call you names and proclaim their intellectual and moral superiority and you're supposed to tremble in fear and trepidation therefor. You and I don't fall for such nonsense. That really irritates them.
We do like to mock those who believe in magical creatures
An infinite regression doesn’t make sense period.
Not an argument. And it makes complete sense, and is easily demonstrable, using mathematics, and staying withing the known laws of physics. I gave two such examples. So, you have made no argument here, just a claim. And the claim has been completely demolished, with examples.

Got anything else?
It has been my experience that both atheists and theists are equally moral and immoral. There are good and bad elements within both ranks.

Joseph Stralin - atheist
Chairman Mao - atheist
Pol Pot - atheist

100,000,000 murdered by atheists

Atheism Is Evil


you are being deranged.

if you are truly a chemical engineer then we are all in danger.

Atheism isn't evil.

Some people are evil (trump, putin, you, limbaugh)

and they encourage OTHER PEOPLE to do WICKED THINGS.

Hitler never actually gassed anyone.

he probably didn't even ORDER anyone to do it.

But there were lots of people like YOU who were perfectly happy to do EVIL THINGS on his behalf.

so millions died. NOT because hitler was religious, NOT because every aryan german was protestant, but because they were perfectly happy to kill lots of people.

Atheism, the simple disbelief in god, doesn't kill anyone and is NOT evil.
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It has been my experience that both atheists and theists are equally moral and immoral. There are good and bad elements within both ranks.

Joseph Stralin - atheist
Chairman Mao - atheist
Pol Pot - atheist

100,000,000 murdered by atheists

Atheism Is Evil
All also... and more importantly socialists.
Not only socialists....
But rightwing socialists who were opposed to leftwing imperialist ideology. In point of fact... Contextually speaking... It was the radical rightwingers of the scenario; who were filling mass graves with the"Leftwingers"...
It has been my experience that both atheists and theists are equally moral and immoral. There are good and bad elements within both ranks.

Joseph Stralin - atheist
Chairman Mao - atheist
Pol Pot - atheist

100,000,000 murdered by atheists

Atheism Is Evil
So only 3 people? Not very many.:itsok:

How many Christians have killed Jews? How many Muslims have killed Christians? How many Jews have killed Muslims?
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I've seen some atheists argue in favor of atheism simply because they "were born" into an atheist household or culture, or silly folk wisdom of like that - or just because follow whoever their favorite atheist media personality is (e.x. Dawkins, Harris, etc).

This is a silly argument, since this of course means if you'd been born into an Islamic country, or hadn't been indoctrinated into atheism, by your parents, teachers, or whatever cultural forces influence your views, you'd be a Muslim, or if you started following an Muslim media personality, you'd be one by mere virture of blindly parroting whatever the commenter or "guru" says.

A lot of atheists, falsely conflate science (or Francis' Bacon's specific methodology of science, to be more specific) with atheism, just as they falsely or dishonestly conflate atheism with "secular religions", philosophies, or belief systems (e.x. Secular Humanism, and its list of positive beliefs or faith-based axioms, which are not simply a "lack of belief" in a God, potentially running contrary to scientific arguments and information as well).

As a wonderful example of the simplistic, anti-intellectual arguments often used by atheists - one is the simple argument of "not believing in a God because I don't believe in Santa Claus).

This is a bad and silly argument, since it's akin to dismissing the idea of aliens by equating beliefs or theories about aliens with "Marvin the Martian".

Generally, it's because an atheist has a simplistic, icongraphic image of God or a God in the form of a physical entity, such as how God is portraryed in popular media, or in artwork such as Michelangelo's Creation of Adam (when, even during the era of the Medieval Catholic Church, this was silly, and it was known that such icons or images were not "God himself", but merely used to represent God, being an abstract, transcendent concept depicted via an image for simplicity's sake).

The other silly argument is that "I don't believe in anything which I can't see with my own eyes" - this is just simple folk wisdom and superstitions harkening back to the ancient Greeks, and immediate dismisses any and all scientific theories or bodies of abstraction if one is consistent (as an example, ancient Greeks observed phenomina such as gravity, but didn't construct scientific theories or laws from said information, as thinkers such as Newton did, rather just attributing it to the random, chaotic whims of pagan gods or goddesses). This ends up conflating "folk wisdom" and anti-intellectualism, and the marketing or branding slogans erroneously associated with it (e.x. "reason", "skeptic", "freethinker"); which is why beliefs in various evolutionary theories, or the theory that 'mankind descended from animals, or came from nature' have been "common sense" or folk wisdom as far back as the pre-Socratic Greek philosophers, due to being fairly simplistic physical observations, not nonfloatable with the invention or development of more complex theories based on said observations, such as theories of evolution attributed to Darwin, or in the context of legal philosophy.

(Much as "atheism" in some form or another, has been folk wisdom as far back as Epicurus and so forth, being based on emotional or sentimental whims, and showing it has nothing or very little to do with any modern incarnation of scientific theories or institutions).

All scientific theories are approximations invented and created from mathematics, dealing with mental concepts and abstractions which aren't visible to the naked eye - such as Newton taking information such as the orbit of planets, the falling of apples from trees, and using mathematical approximations to develop it into a grand, unified theory of gravity.

The other terrible argument usually just boils down to making an argument from authority on behalf of Bacon's scientific method, and arguing that concepts such as "God" are outside the scope of said institution and its parameters. (If practiced consistently, this also dismissed Secular Humanism, and its faith-based philosophical beliefs, none of which are "empirical", "repeatable", "testable" by the parameters of Bacon's method, much as the mythical historical teleology behind Bacon's method and the development thereof is just historical myth, often entirely false or inaccurate, and not empirical, reputable, or testable by the parameters of Baconian scientific institutions and methodologies.

Nor are other concepts, abstractions or theories (such as legal theory, as in the case of the Common Law), which people take for granted, despite not being "scientific" in the Baconian sense, showing that, in practice, the argument of authority used by atheists in regards to concepts outside the scope of Bacon's method, is only used when it's convenient (e.x. as a dismissal of "religion", based on dishonest or false notions of what "religion" is to begin with, generally solely conflating it with "mythology"), while not applying the same consistency to Secular Humanism, or other secular philosophies such as Utilitarianism, which are not "scientific" theories, and would likewise have to be dismissed as being outside the scope of Bacon's method as well.
Interesting. All the Atheists I have ever interacted with were people of faith. Faith that there is no God.

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