Bad man.. u criticized my daddy.. bad, bad man! Why Liz Cheney dislikes Trump so much

you are so dishonest. You claim to be pro life but you vote for baby killers

good one

I'm sure Jesus is quite impressed.

I'm sure Jesus is quite impressed with a serial adulterer married three times who stole from the elderly at his fake university and made his fortune with gambling houses and contests of the flesh. A man who bears false witness against others on a daily basis, and covets his neighbors wives.

Yeah. Uh huh.

I was a Republican all my life, dipshit, until 2017. Now I'm a registered Independent. That means that even if Trump lives to be 100, I will have been a Republican longer than him. I am still more conservative than he and you RINOS are, and always will be.
I'm sure Jesus is quite impressed with a serial adulterer married .
yes, adultery is worse than murder...

must be...

you know, not forgiving is also a sin

Jesus said that if you don't forgive, you will not be forgiven. So you obviously don't forgive Trump for whatever it is that most angers you about him... God knows what that might be...

he was good for America?

he didn't want strangers invading the US to rob, rape and kill Americans... ?

he got 3 people on the Sup Ct who could change the laws to save human life?

To hate someone like that, you have to be the damn devil himself...

Well, now we know, eh?

I kind of suspected but... gee... Why on earth did I think a person could overcome someone disagreeing with Daddy?

shouda known... politicians...

whiney babies, most of them
Horsehit for gullible cultists like you.

Cheney, like 100% of the party, depised Trump from day one and said so.

Then some of them became asslickers to buy votes like yours, and some didn't.
Is that the new Republican white-wing excuse? I can see you do not recognize integrity.
What does integrity look like to a dim?

let's see...

letting strangers into our country to rob, rape and murder Americans... takes integrity, for sure..

shut down US pipelines so all Americans will have to pay WAY higher gas prices and worse, we will be dependent on foreigners who want to "bury" us.. yep, it takes a lot of integrity to do that

worst of all, dims think it takes great integrity to murder little children

you guys have a lot of integrity

no response again


you people are so cowardly... I thought I had collected all the apropos adjectives there were for dims

short sighted
un-self aware

so now we can add Cowardly

I'm sure there are others as well...

yep, y'all are doing well... No one is going to vote for you.. except morons... I guess there are still a few of them
So why did she vote for all his policies then?
what a lie

do dims ever get tired of lying?

do they ever read the Bible where it says that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire?

they don't believe in all that stuff, do they? Well, i heard from a very reliable source that most people in Hell didn't believe inHell... so there's that...
what a lie

do dims ever get tired of lying?

do they ever read the Bible where it says that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire?

they don't believe in all that stuff, do they? Well, i heard from a very reliable source that most people in Hell didn't believe inHell... so there's that...
She did. It isn't a lie. You are just very ignorant.

Her conservative cred makes you look like a commie tranny.
she knew she had to run as a R in WY
bc WY is one of the most conservative states

but now... I guess she is like all politicians who only care about being politicians .. once in office... different story.

she probably votes with IllHand... and those freaks in the squad
She'll probably be voted out in Nov. And she could resign from the committee, campaign as one of Trump's lackeys & be reelected. But she hasen't done that.

Unlike a slew of other Trump bootlickers like Stefanik who sold their soul to that self indulgent autocrat wannabe despite knowing he's as fucking guilty as hell.

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