Bad news for climate religionists


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
A report published today in Great Britain has a sobering warning for us all:

The London Express, in a front page headline, says "A NEW ice age could be on its way to Europe after scientists warned of an alarming fall in the performance power of the Sun."

Science writer Owen Bennett points to what British scientists are calling "a drop in gas explosions on the Sun's surface." An 11-year cycle is peaking which normally is accompanied by a large number of gas explosions but, this time around, nada. Or at least far fewer than might be expected.

Bennett quoted one space physicist said he had not seen anything like it in his 30 year career. There are fears the temperatures could drop so low the Thames might freeze over. He further quoted Richard Harrison, head of The Rutherfor Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, as saying "If kyou want to see when the sun was this inactive you have to go back about 100 years."

It's called "The Maunder Minimum". One of the biggest of which swept Europe with freezing temperatures in the 17th Century. The River Thames froze solid and Londoners, several winters, had frost fairs on the ice. It was recorded that even The Baltic Sea iced over!

Yes, that IS climate change. Cyclical climate change as God (if there is one) or Mother Nature (if there is one) ordained. But not the sort The First Algorean Church of Global Warming had pinned hopes on.

Hard cheese, that.
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but but but but the CO2 emissions and man-made GW is the source of the money, not some Sun spots which can not be milked by select few :eusa_hand:
The concept of "man-made global warming" is nothing but an extortion racket. The big nuclear reactor in the sky is the source of all life and the sun's activity is not constant. Ice ages are a geologically proved phenomena and the globe has much, much more to worry about and society has no defense in the (likely?) event of a full blown ice age or even a catastrophic drop in the sun's radiation.
The concept of "man-made global warming" is nothing but an extortion racket. The big nuclear reactor in the sky is the source of all life and the sun's activity is not constant. Ice ages are a geologically proved phenomena and the globe has much, much more to worry about and society has no defense in the (likely?) event of a full blown ice age or even a catastrophic drop in the sun's radiation.

Please! The OP was enough heartbreak for 'em to absorb in one day. They might consider the above "twisting the knife"!
Originally I thought that a new solar minimum ought to be called the Gore Minimum. But he already has a prize.. So NOW im thinking it oght to be the IPCC Minimum, or just simply the Global Warming Minimum.

Lots of empirical evidence that the sun is behaving much like the entry into the Maunder Minimum....
I have often invited the AGW freaks to put their money where their mouths are, sadly, they are all still posting here. No guts, no guts at all when it comes to actually doing something about the damage they claim humans are doing to the planet.
If the IPCC hadnt been so focused on just the science that SUPPORTS their position, folks would have learned that Solar Intensity isnt the only important forcing function. The patterns that they are seeing are about the DURATIONS of the high and low portions of the 22 yr solar cycles.. And just like your home heating, it doesnt NEED to get hotter. It just needs to modulate its ON/OFF times...
The undeafening silence from The First Algore Church of Global Brouhaha can be excused. They've been called into an emergency prayer service to pray that the solar snooze might be quickly ended.
Wait, I'm confused. I'm just....not getting it. I don't know what's going on here. Hopefully [MENTION=38720]Abraham3[/MENTION], [MENTION=13758]Old Rocks[/MENTION], or [MENTION=22889]Matthew[/MENTION] will come by soon and explain to me how atmospheric CO2 is causing this weird solar activity. Maybe it's some kind of radioactive thing that happens when CO2 gets too warm.
The greenhouse effect of co2 on earth has nothing to do with the actions of the sun. The sun supplies the energy into the climate system but the greenhouse effect only blocks some of that ir(longwave) energy from going back into space. Like a cloudy night stays warmer as it blocks some of the energy and reflects it back towards the surface.

Secondly the climate hasn't cooled since 1998. You have to ask yourself why exactly hasn't the "decrease" in shortwave solar energy hasn't resulted in a slow decrease in temperature.
The greenhouse effect of co2 on earth has nothing to do with the actions of the sun. The sun supplies the energy into the climate system but the greenhouse effect only blocks some of that ir(longwave) energy from going back into space. Like a cloudy night stays warmer as it blocks some of the energy and reflects it back towards the surface.

Secondly the climate hasn't cooled since 1998. You have to ask yourself why exactly hasn't the "decrease" in shortwave solar energy hasn't resulted in a slow decrease in temperature.

AGWCult needs to be deprogrammed
What the sun does and the percentage of greenhouse gases within our atmosphere are two different things.

Has nothing to do with a cult. Two separate parts of the climate system one being the suns solar flex and the other being the green house effect made up of gases on our planet. Co2, water vapor or methane can't effect the sun.
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Wait, I still don't understand. A peer reviewed scientific study says we're heading toward some really cold times because of the sun. I also thought that CO2 controls the climate. So it must be the global warming, right? Global warming is causing the sun to be turned down, just like it causes colder weather and more sea ice.
Show me data supporting a collapse in global avg temperature?

How come speculation about future cooling needs more proof then speculation about future warming.. The REASONS MULTIPLE scientists are wary about the next couple sun cycles is weel documented.. Go read about it
Hmmmmmmmmmm............. Warmest four years on record. 2010, 2005, 1998, and 2013. The first is a moderate El nino, as is the second. The third is a very strong El Nino. 2013 was an ENSO neutral year. But 2014 looks at this point like it will be an El Nino summer, at least. So, boys, let's see how your cooling works out.
Wait, I still don't understand. A peer reviewed scientific study says we're heading toward some really cold times because of the sun. I also thought that CO2 controls the climate. So it must be the global warming, right? Global warming is causing the sun to be turned down, just like it causes colder weather and more sea ice.

Peer reviewed scientific study? Care to link us to that. Because I saw no such link in the OP.

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