Bad news for climate religionists

Basic concepts:

The primary source of heat for planet Earth has decreased its output by a mere 2/1365 or .1% just recently

In the last oh, 200 years, CO2 has increased by .02% and CO2 never drives climate.

Hmm, which is the driver, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky that the AGWCult ignores, or CO2?

Actually no. There hasnt BEEN a 2% decrease in solar output YET. GoldiRocks was just referring to the decrease that WOULD occur if the sun goes into another minimum.
A report published today in Great Britain has a sobering warning for us all:

The London Express, in a front page headline, says "A NEW ice age could be on its way to Europe after scientists warned of an alarming fall in the performance power of the Sun.".

Deniers have been predicting a "New Ice Age" since the 1970s! :cuckoo:

Maybe several thousand years from now. Thats what the Vegas book odds are anyway.
A report published today in Great Britain has a sobering warning for us all:

The London Express, in a front page headline, says "A NEW ice age could be on its way to Europe after scientists warned of an alarming fall in the performance power of the Sun.".

Deniers have been predicting a "New Ice Age" since the 1970s! :cuckoo:

Ummmmm, that was you idiots....idiot.
Indeed. So many people forget that the climate change hysteria began with the belief that humans needed to intervene and create human driven global warming. This was based on the logically faulty premise that trends over geologically insignificant time spans were indicative of overall climate change.

Within a decade, the very same group of "scientists" completely flipped the script, like Eminem rapping about Leave it to Beaver. Same flawed logic, just different clothes.
A report published today in Great Britain has a sobering warning for us all:

The London Express, in a front page headline, says "A NEW ice age could be on its way to Europe after scientists warned of an alarming fall in the performance power of the Sun."

Science writer Owen Bennett points to what British scientists are calling "a drop in gas explosions on the Sun's surface." An 11-year cycle is peaking which normally is accompanied by a large number of gas explosions but, this time around, nada. Or at least far fewer than might be expected.

Bennett quoted one space physicist said he had not seen anything like it in his 30 year career. There are fears the temperatures could drop so low the Thames might freeze over. He further quoted Richard Harrison, head of The Rutherfor Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, as saying "If kyou want to see when the sun was this inactive you have to go back about 100 years."

It's called "The Maunder Minimum". One of the biggest of which swept Europe with freezing temperatures in the 17th Century. The River Thames froze solid and Londoners, several winters, had frost fairs on the ice. It was recorded that even The Baltic Sea iced over!

Yes, that IS climate change. Cyclical climate change as God (if there is one) or Mother Nature (if there is one) ordained. But not the sort The First Algorean Church of Global Warming had pinned hopes on.

Hard cheese, that.

that could certainly spell doom

for my proposed carbon offset program

maybe i could start a carbon onset program

and dig up a tree for a few dollars

to help the coolists feel better

about the world they live in
A report published today in Great Britain has a sobering warning for us all:

The London Express, in a front page headline, says "A NEW ice age could be on its way to Europe after scientists warned of an alarming fall in the performance power of the Sun."

Science writer Owen Bennett points to what British scientists are calling "a drop in gas explosions on the Sun's surface." An 11-year cycle is peaking which normally is accompanied by a large number of gas explosions but, this time around, nada. Or at least far fewer than might be expected.

Bennett quoted one space physicist said he had not seen anything like it in his 30 year career. There are fears the temperatures could drop so low the Thames might freeze over. He further quoted Richard Harrison, head of The Rutherfor Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, as saying "If kyou want to see when the sun was this inactive you have to go back about 100 years."

It's called "The Maunder Minimum". One of the biggest of which swept Europe with freezing temperatures in the 17th Century. The River Thames froze solid and Londoners, several winters, had frost fairs on the ice. It was recorded that even The Baltic Sea iced over!

Yes, that IS climate change. Cyclical climate change as God (if there is one) or Mother Nature (if there is one) ordained. But not the sort The First Algorean Church of Global Warming had pinned hopes on.

Hard cheese, that.

There was one Maunder Minimum (as the name clearly implies) and it was from 1645-1715, which is NOT "100 years ago"

The sunspot cycle or solar magnetic activity cycle, has been going on since Noah wore knickers and is 11 years long.

The Earth will go into an ice age, in another 10,000 years or so. In the near term, greenhouse warming from human co2 emissions and warming-released methane will more than make up for the tiny dip in solar output.
A report published today in Great Britain has a sobering warning for us all:

The London Express, in a front page headline, says "A NEW ice age could be on its way to Europe after scientists warned of an alarming fall in the performance power of the Sun.".

Deniers have been predicting a "New Ice Age" since the 1970s! :cuckoo:

Ummmmm, that was you idiots....idiot.

Nope, that was you deniers. The vast majority of scientists predicted warming in the 1970s, and they were correct. You deniers were wrong, as usual.
The Earth will go into an ice age, in another 10,000 years or so.

Not with our current greenhouse gas emission track. We've pretty much snuffed out the next ice age. Which might have been good to do in 10,000 years, but was insanely stupid to do now.

Wow man.. Did you get a promotion to prophet??? CONGRATS! You taking this comedy on tour?
The Book of Mamooth.. Has the right stuff...
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Show me data supporting a collapse in global avg temperature?

How about evidence that demonstrate that the increase in temps has been faked? Remove the results of that data tampering and you have your collapse.

U.S. Data Since 1895 Fail To Show Warming Trend - New York Times

NOAA now shows a 1.3 degree increase during that same time....they have rewritten history.



And there is ample evidence of data tampering over the rest of the globe as well. You have seen it before time and time again.
The Earth will go into an ice age, in another 10,000 years or so.

Not with our current greenhouse gas emission track. We've pretty much snuffed out the next ice age. Which might have been good to do in 10,000 years, but was insanely stupid to do now.

You're both wrong. The Earth is currently in an ice age.

We are not in a glacial period. Human culture developed entirely in a climate similar to this one. Note where we are in the temperature pattern shown below.

Not with our current greenhouse gas emission track. We've pretty much snuffed out the next ice age. Which might have been good to do in 10,000 years, but was insanely stupid to do now.

You're both wrong. The Earth is currently in an ice age.

We are not in a glacial period. Human culture developed entirely in a climate similar to this one. Note where we are in the temperature pattern shown below.


Since I know you problems with interpreting graphs, just for the record, how many of those interglacial warm periods were as long as this one? Do you see any that were SHORTER THAN THE ONE WERE IN? What would you say about the expectation for when temps might start receeding again BASED SOLELY on that chart? Is this news to you?
The ice age is a period of land glaciers
glacial is a period of expanding glaciers
Inner-glacial is a period of warming and decreasing glaciers

Ice age has lasted the past few million years...

Thanks, it is good to see that at least one of you (warmers) is reading something other than the book of AGW dogma. I noticed that you also had it right on the other thread regarding the earth being an open system.

Interesting that you would support people who have such a weak grasp of the basics. If you have ever taken any upper level science you surely know that if you don't grasp the basics, you are prone to error at every turn in the more advanced arena....climate science is a prime example.

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