Bad news for climate religionists

When do you think human culture developed? At the end of the last glacial period, the human population of the entire planet was about 4 million. How much infrastructure do you think they had at risk.
When do you think human culture developed? At the end of the last glacial period, the human population of the entire planet was about 4 million. How much infrastructure do you think they had at risk.

So the warming came first and then human culture developed or the Geico caveman started "ManMade Global Warming Climate Change"?
When do you think human culture developed?

Today. And yesterday. And tomorrow. And every day for the past 2.5 million years.

At the end of the last glacial period, the human population of the entire planet was about 4 million.

Estimated. Unless you happen to have a copy of the census for that year laying around.

How much infrastructure do you think they had at risk.


History of the world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The point is that greater than 99% the material consistence of human culture - of what is being put at risk by climate change - has never experienced the glacial period of an ice age. Therefore, that we are in an ice age (ie, there is permanent ice at the poles and Greenland) is completely, fooking, irrelevant.

The point is that greater than 99% the material consistence of human culture - of what is being put at risk by climate change - has never experienced the glacial period of an ice age. Therefore, that we are in an ice age (ie, there is permanent ice at the poles and Greenland) is completely, fooking, irrelevant.

[ame=]Billy Madison - Best insult ever! I award you no points - YouTube[/ame]
How much impact do you think that childish little video has the fourth or fifth time you use it? Are you incapable of coming up with your own responses?

How much impact do you think anything you say has, after the 1,000th time you say something stupid.

Come on, you'd be better off just to admit you were entirely wrong and off base. The world is in an ice age. Now. This is an ice age. Look outside. See that? That's what an ice age looks like.

Don't try to talk around it. Especially with asinine ideas like saying that human culture only began in the past few millennia, or an even more asinine suggestion that technology equates to culture.
Were we in an ice age in 1850? Yes

Since then temperatures have risen at an unprecedented rate due to human GHG emissions. They will rise even further and human infrastructure and human resource control will suffer as a result. Millions will be forced to relocate. We are going to suffer shortages of drinking and irrigation water. Food shortages will result. People are going to die from it.

Will we still be in an ice age? Yes. So... does it matter? Did it matter? Will it matter? No, no and no.
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Were we in an ice age in 1850? Yes

Since then temperatures have risen at an unprecedented rate due to human GHG emissions. They will rise even further and human infrastructure and human resource control will suffer as a result. Millions will be forced to relocate. We are going to suffer shortages of drinking and irrigation water. Food shortages will result. People are going to die from it.

Hey, can I borrow your crystal ball? I want to take it down to the pony tracks.

How much impact do you think anything you say has, after the 1,000th time you say something stupid.

Come on, you'd be better off just to admit you were entirely wrong and off base. The world is in an ice age. Now. This is an ice age. Look outside. See that? That's what an ice age looks like.

Don't try to talk around it. Especially with asinine ideas like saying that human culture only began in the past few millennia, or an even more asinine suggestion that technology equates to culture.

F'ing idiot probably thinks that there has always been ice at the poles.
Were we in an ice age in 1850? Yes

Since then temperatures have risen at an unprecedented rate due to human GHG emissions. They will rise even further and human infrastructure and human resource control will suffer as a result. Millions will be forced to relocate. We are going to suffer shortages of drinking and irrigation water. Food shortages will result. People are going to die from it.

Will we still be in an ice age? Yes. So... does it matter? Did it matter? Will it matter? No, no and no.

Look around....that sky you thought was falling was just an acorn...

The fact is that we are still in an ice age and there is nothing unprecedented about the climate today......unless you want to include the unprecedented amount of data tampering being done to make the past appear cooler so that the present can look warmer.
So many good entries for the dumb-off this week.

Swim thinks we're in an ice age because it's cold at his house.

SSDD still doesn't understand the second law.

Flac is actually denying that GHG forcing will cancel the next ice age.

And Frank is apparently just drunk and/or stoned. That is, the usual.

It's going to be tough to choose a winner, given how they're all such deserving cultists.
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So many good entries for the dumb-off this week.

Swim thinks we're in an ice age because it's cold at his house.

SSDD still doesn't understand the second law.

Flac is actually denying that GHG forcing will cancel the next ice age.

And Frank is apparently just drunk and/or stoned. That is, the usual.

It's going to be tough to choose a winner, given how they're all such deserving cultists.

The winners are laughing at your stupid ass for still believing in cagw,
Were we in an ice age in 1850? Yes

Since then temperatures have risen at an unprecedented rate due to human GHG emissions. They will rise even further and human infrastructure and human resource control will suffer as a result. Millions will be forced to relocate. We are going to suffer shortages of drinking and irrigation water. Food shortages will result. People are going to die from it.

Will we still be in an ice age? Yes. So... does it matter? Did it matter? Will it matter? No, no and no.

Hey, can I borrow your crystal ball? I want to take it down to the pony tracks.

That's your response? Are you going to make any attempt to explain why being in an ice age is pertinent to a discussion of AGW?
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So many good entries for the dumb-off this week.

Swim thinks we're in an ice age because it's cold at his house.

SSDD still doesn't understand the second law.

Flac is actually denying that GHG forcing will cancel the next ice age.

And Frank is apparently just drunk and/or stoned. That is, the usual.

It's going to be tough to choose a winner, given how they're all such deserving cultists.

The winners are laughing at your stupid ass for still believing in cagw,

Im laughing at his stupid ass, for declaring that the next Ice Age has been canceled due to mans CO2 emissions... The delusions oof power are strong with this one...

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