Bad News for Opponents of Obamacare

Bullshit Immie. Link up or retract...

How about an apology for Immie, bfgrn? Bet that won't happen :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time
Pelosi?s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Go ahead, we all will be waiting for the apology.

Typical right wing parrot speak bullshit.

Section 7203 and Section 7201 are sections of the current Internal Revenue Code, laying out the consequences of willful tax nonpayment.

The health care bill that was signed into law by President Obama says criminal penalties will not apply to those who refuse to get coverage and refuse to pay the penalty tax. As we wrote in a March 2010 post on the IRS’ responsibilities, the law says on page 131: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."

Typical liberal with no comprehension skills. :eusa_whistle:

Immie was saying, It is for now, but how long before they change it and attach jail time to the penalty? That was what they wanted in the first place . If too many people refuse to comply, don't be surprised if they don't make it a criminal offense.

Now......think about those words that were bolded AND resized for your viewing pleasure. Nowhere did he imply that was the law, only that it's what they wanted....(they being Pelosi, the Speaker of the House)

You aren't going to be man enough to offer up an apology to Immie, are you?
Run along, son.
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Bullshit Immie. Link up or retract...

How about an apology for Immie, bfgrn? Bet that won't happen :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time
Pelosi?s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Go ahead, we all will be waiting for the apology.

Typical right wing parrot speak bullshit.

Section 7203 and Section 7201 are sections of the current Internal Revenue Code, laying out the consequences of willful tax nonpayment.

The health care bill that was signed into law by President Obama says criminal penalties will not apply to those who refuse to get coverage and refuse to pay the penalty tax. As we wrote in a March 2010 post on the IRS’ responsibilities, the law says on page 131: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."


Um, maybe if you would remember your history and not try to rewrite it, you would remember that The Witch of Frisco tried her damnedest to get criminal penalties for those who would not comply, but she had to compromise just to get enough of her mates to agree to vote for the damned legislation. She couldn't pass it with criminal penalties, but as I said, "it was what they wanted".

Also, as I stated, laws tend to change once they have been passed. Remember, liberals do not believe in "original intent". That goes for the Constitution and all legislation passed since. They told us we would not be held criminally liable... just wait.

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How about an apology for Immie, bfgrn? Bet that won't happen :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time
Pelosi?s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Go ahead, we all will be waiting for the apology.

Typical right wing parrot speak bullshit.

Section 7203 and Section 7201 are sections of the current Internal Revenue Code, laying out the consequences of willful tax nonpayment.

The health care bill that was signed into law by President Obama says criminal penalties will not apply to those who refuse to get coverage and refuse to pay the penalty tax. As we wrote in a March 2010 post on the IRS’ responsibilities, the law says on page 131: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."


Um, maybe if you would remember your history and not try to rewrite it, you would remember that The Witch of Frisco tried her damnedest to get criminal penalties for those who would not comply, but she had to compromise just to get enough of her mates to agree to vote for the damned legislation. She couldn't pass it with criminal penalties, but as I said, "it was what they wanted".

Also, as I stated, laws tend to change once they have been passed. Remember, liberals do not believe in "original intent". That goes for the Constitution and all legislation passed since.


Regardless of the dance steps the government must do to get around the wording of the law, they will do what is necessary to enforce compliance. They'll either change the law, or simply reinterpret its less convenient aspects, to ensure that the scofflaws pay.
From both the witch and Obama:

[ame=]Speaker Pelosi and President Obama admit JAIL is "fair" for not buying insurance - YouTube[/ame]

Funny, how both answer affirmatively without coming out and saying, "Hell yes, I think it is appropriate that those who refuse go to jail".

[ame=]Obama Refuses to Rule Out Jail Time for People Who Don't Buy Health Insurance. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Don't Buy Health Care, Get A 5 Year Felony And Loss of All Rights - YouTube[/ame]

Bullshit Immie. Link up or retract...

How about an apology for Immie, bfgrn? Bet that won't happen :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time
Pelosi?s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Go ahead, we all will be waiting for the apology.

Thank you, but we know bfgrn will do the liberal thing and ignore this. It is why I don't even respond to her anymore.

From the link:

Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”

bfgrn seems to think every liberal in Washington are saints and every conservative on the face of the earth are Satan spawn. She has a few screws loose.


It is Republican bullshit Immie. Republicans contrived all kinds of lies and twists to destroy health care reform.

2009 Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'

2010 Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care'

We NOW know that it was a collective plan from the very beginning. Republicans had NO INTENT on working with Democrats on health care reform. George W. Bush's former speechwriter spilled the beans. The GOP's only intent was to destroy the President of the United States, hand him his Waterloo. We, the People were never even a consideration for these traitors.

WHY don't you call out Republicans who "At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994."...???

You are having your head filled by propaganda and lies.

And I am a he not a she.
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From both the witch and Obama:

Speaker Pelosi and President Obama admit JAIL is "fair" for not buying insurance - YouTube

Funny, how both answer affirmatively without coming out and saying, "Hell yes, I think it is appropriate that those who refuse go to jail".

Obama Refuses to Rule Out Jail Time for People Who Don't Buy Health Insurance. - YouTube

Don't Buy Health Care, Get A 5 Year Felony And Loss of All Rights - YouTube


Well Immie, I just listened. You are a LIAR.
How about an apology for Immie, bfgrn? Bet that won't happen :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time
Pelosi?s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Go ahead, we all will be waiting for the apology.

Thank you, but we know bfgrn will do the liberal thing and ignore this. It is why I don't even respond to her anymore.

From the link:

Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”

bfgrn seems to think every liberal in Washington are saints and every conservative on the face of the earth are Satan spawn. She has a few screws loose.


It is Republican bullshit Immie. Republicans contrived all kinds of lies and twists to destroy health care reform.

2009 Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'

2010 Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care'

We NOW know that it was a collective plan from the very beginning. Republicans had NO INTENT on working with Democrats on health care reform. George W. Bush's former speechwriter spilled the beans. The GOP's only intent was to destroy the President of the United States, hand his his Waterloo. We, the People were never even a consideration for these traitors.

WHY don't you call out Republicans who "At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994."...???

You are having your head filled by propaganda and lies.

And I am a he not a she.

They said it themselves and I provided the video to prove it. The lies I am reading are coming from you.

Unlike you and Democrats, I call out Republicans all the time. I am neither Democrat nor Republican and believe that both parties are authoritarian in nature and both parties have drug this country into the gutter. I, unlike you, do not worship the members of one party over the other.

I don't hate liberals or conservatives, unlike you. I extremely dislike extremists, arrogant people, elitist and authoritarians, such as you, i.e. the make-up of Washington politics today. I want to be able to trust those who reign in Washington, which I no longer do regardless of party, unlike you.

Like I said, I don't hate liberals. In fact, I don't think this country could survive without them. I think we need both sides of the political spectrum as well as the middle. I believe liberalism helped to make this country great. I don't believe either liberalism or conservatism have worked alone to sink us, I know full well that it is corruption that has sunk us and that corruption does not discriminate against one political philosophy over the other. America cannot survive without liberals. America cannot survive without conservatives. America cannot survive as long as we allow the rampant corruption in Washington to exist. I do not believe America can survive, but that is not your fault or mine (liberal or conservative). It lies solely in the nature of human kind in that power corrupts.

And my apologies on the "she". You always remind me of a woman the way you post. Don't ask me why, because I can't describe what it is that makes me think you are a she. Perhaps it is because your politics remind me so much of when I first started conferring with my favorite poster of all time, Care4all. She sounded a lot like you when I first started posting on another site. We both mellowed. We both hated the other side back then, but then realized that the other side is not "Satan spawn", like you still seem to think.

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From both the witch and Obama:

Speaker Pelosi and President Obama admit JAIL is "fair" for not buying insurance - YouTube

Funny, how both answer affirmatively without coming out and saying, "Hell yes, I think it is appropriate that those who refuse go to jail".

Obama Refuses to Rule Out Jail Time for People Who Don't Buy Health Insurance. - YouTube

Don't Buy Health Care, Get A 5 Year Felony And Loss of All Rights - YouTube


Well Immie, I just listened. You are a LIAR.

Like I just said, you are the one that is the liar. They both stated unequivocally that they supported jail time for those who do not comply. You can continue to lie as long as you want. I have come to expect that from you. Maybe you would like to point out where I am wrong, rather than make such foolish statements without defending your point? No? I didn't think so. You cannot deny that they both stated penalties were appropriate and neither one of them denied that jail time was out of the question when it was asked of them point blank. If you are stupid enough to think... well, we know you are stupid enough to think that they were not supporting jail time for non-compliance.

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From both the witch and Obama:

Speaker Pelosi and President Obama admit JAIL is "fair" for not buying insurance - YouTube

Funny, how both answer affirmatively without coming out and saying, "Hell yes, I think it is appropriate that those who refuse go to jail".

Obama Refuses to Rule Out Jail Time for People Who Don't Buy Health Insurance. - YouTube

Don't Buy Health Care, Get A 5 Year Felony And Loss of All Rights - YouTube


Well Immie, I just listened. You are a LIAR.

Did anyone of them rule out the option of jail time? I listen to what they said. Now you called Immie a liar now's to time for you to man up. Stop dancing around the question as they did. Did anyone say no one is going to jail if they do not buy healthcare coverage?
From both the witch and Obama:

Speaker Pelosi and President Obama admit JAIL is "fair" for not buying insurance - YouTube

Funny, how both answer affirmatively without coming out and saying, "Hell yes, I think it is appropriate that those who refuse go to jail".

Obama Refuses to Rule Out Jail Time for People Who Don't Buy Health Insurance. - YouTube

Don't Buy Health Care, Get A 5 Year Felony And Loss of All Rights - YouTube


Well Immie, I just listened. You are a LIAR.

Did anyone of them rule out the option of jail time? I listen to what they said. Now you called Immie a liar now's to time for you to man up. Stop dancing around the question as they did. Did anyone say no one is going to jail if they do not buy healthcare coverage?

Of course they didn't. Jail time for non-compliance was what they both wanted initially. They found out that the witch's coven would not go along with it so they wrote it out, but just because they didn't get it passed the first time doesn't mean the idea is dead.

Well Immie, I just listened. You are a LIAR.

Did anyone of them rule out the option of jail time? I listen to what they said. Now you called Immie a liar now's to time for you to man up. Stop dancing around the question as they did. Did anyone say no one is going to jail if they do not buy healthcare coverage?

Of course they didn't. Jail time for non-compliance was what they both wanted initially. They found out that the witch's coven would not go along with it so they wrote it out, but just because they didn't get it passed the first time doesn't mean the idea is dead.


You nailed it, nice job.
Health Care Spin ? Again

No ‘Jail Time’ Here
A group called American Action Network resurrected an old falsehood that the law calls for "jail time" for anyone who fails to get health insurance. It doesn’t. As we wrote in May, the law nullifies the possibility of prison time for those who don’t get coverage and refuse to pay a fine. It specifically says on page 131: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."

There ya go....

Simply NOT TRUE that the Affordable Care Act can put you in jail if you don't pay the penalty...

So who is the one lying?
Health Care Spin ? Again

No ‘Jail Time’ Here
A group called American Action Network resurrected an old falsehood that the law calls for "jail time" for anyone who fails to get health insurance. It doesn’t. As we wrote in May, the law nullifies the possibility of prison time for those who don’t get coverage and refuse to pay a fine. It specifically says on page 131: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."

There ya go....

Simply NOT TRUE that the Affordable Care Act can put you in jail if you don't pay the penalty...

So who is the one lying?

The government. This is exactly as reliable as their claims that the mandate was not a tax. Until it was.
Health Care Spin ? Again

No ‘Jail Time’ Here
A group called American Action Network resurrected an old falsehood that the law calls for "jail time" for anyone who fails to get health insurance. It doesn’t. As we wrote in May, the law nullifies the possibility of prison time for those who don’t get coverage and refuse to pay a fine. It specifically says on page 131: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."

There ya go....

Simply NOT TRUE that the Affordable Care Act can put you in jail if you don't pay the penalty...

So who is the one lying?

Maybe you should read what I said! Or are you just lying to aid bfgrn?

I never once stated that the law passed with the jail time. I very clearly stated, and backed it up, that it was the original intention of Pelosi and Obama to include jail time, but that the legislation would not have passed with that provision so they took it out. I understand that bfgrn may have reading difficulties, but I know you do not.

From both the witch and Obama:

Speaker Pelosi and President Obama admit JAIL is "fair" for not buying insurance - YouTube

Funny, how both answer affirmatively without coming out and saying, "Hell yes, I think it is appropriate that those who refuse go to jail".

Obama Refuses to Rule Out Jail Time for People Who Don't Buy Health Insurance. - YouTube

Don't Buy Health Care, Get A 5 Year Felony And Loss of All Rights - YouTube


Well Immie, I just listened. You are a LIAR.

Like I just said, you are the one that is the liar. They both stated unequivocally that they supported jail time for those who do not comply. You can continue to lie as long as you want. I have come to expect that from you. Maybe you would like to point out where I am wrong, rather than make such foolish statements without defending your point? No? I didn't think so. You cannot deny that they both stated penalties were appropriate and neither one of them denied that jail time was out of the question when it was asked of them point blank. If you are stupid enough to think... well, we know you are stupid enough to think that they were not supporting jail time for non-compliance.


BULLSHIT Immie, NEITHER Pelosi or Obama "stated unequivocally that they supported jail time for those who do not comply"

Either you are a liar, or you have a comprehension problem.
Well Immie, I just listened. You are a LIAR.

Like I just said, you are the one that is the liar. They both stated unequivocally that they supported jail time for those who do not comply. You can continue to lie as long as you want. I have come to expect that from you. Maybe you would like to point out where I am wrong, rather than make such foolish statements without defending your point? No? I didn't think so. You cannot deny that they both stated penalties were appropriate and neither one of them denied that jail time was out of the question when it was asked of them point blank. If you are stupid enough to think... well, we know you are stupid enough to think that they were not supporting jail time for non-compliance.


BULLSHIT Immie, NEITHER Pelosi or Obama "stated unequivocally that they supported jail time for those who do not comply"

Either you are a liar, or you have a comprehension problem.

Bullshit bfgrn. You are both an idiot and a liar.

It was as plain as the nose on your face that they both support jail time for those who will not succumb. Only an idiot would deny that. Also, Meister posted proof positive that it was the original intent.

Yes, it got taken out. But only an Obama whore would deny that they did wanted jail time for non-compliance.

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Health Care Spin ? Again

No ‘Jail Time’ Here
A group called American Action Network resurrected an old falsehood that the law calls for "jail time" for anyone who fails to get health insurance. It doesn’t. As we wrote in May, the law nullifies the possibility of prison time for those who don’t get coverage and refuse to pay a fine. It specifically says on page 131: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."

There ya go....

Simply NOT TRUE that the Affordable Care Act can put you in jail if you don't pay the penalty...

So who is the one lying?

Maybe you should read what I said! Or are you just lying to aid bfgrn?

I never once stated that the law passed with the jail time. I very clearly stated, and backed it up, that it was the original intention of Pelosi and Obama to include jail time, but that the legislation would not have passed with that provision so they took it out. I understand that bfgrn may have reading difficulties, but I know you do not.


It's more fun to attack what they wish you'd said. It's like a strawman rodeo!
cool---so it's a voluntary deal---no penalty for non compliance. :eusa_whistle:
uhhhhh, not really Dillo...they can still come after you by garnishing your wages if you make a lot of money or they can take out what they believe you owe in penalty from your tax refund....those type of it still can have some bite to it...
Only Democrats passed this bill, not a single Republican voted for it, at least in the house, if memory are you saying that Democrats made certain that people would not go to jail if they did not succumb to the penalty? Why would they do that if they are all "obamabots" and follow him blindly?
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