Bad News for Opponents of Obamacare

I don't think you get it. We will NOw be subsidizing even MORE people. Most of which are currently paying the full amount. In the future they will pay less putting even more of the burden on the few.

Subsidies will become a political football. Political parties will pay for votes by increasing subsidies to higher and higher income levels. It is a nightmare about to happen.

Look the other way while the train wreck happens.

How could we subsidizing more people?

Are more people going to get sick now than did before?

How could we subsidize more people?

You got your head buried in the sand?

We will be paying people to buy health insurance! Based on income levels.

That's subsidizing many more than we are today under the current system. Most of those getting those payments currently are paying the full price.

You've created a system that will make "mooching" the norm.

actually obummer said people can apply for subsidies no questions asked, no verification needed.
How could we subsidizing more people?

Are more people going to get sick now than did before?

How could we subsidize more people?

You got your head buried in the sand?

We will be paying people to buy health insurance! Based on income levels.

That's subsidizing many more than we are today under the current system. Most of those getting those payments currently are paying the full price.

You've created a system that will make "mooching" the norm.

actually obummer said people can apply for subsidies no questions asked, no verification needed.

Maybe CK will do us a favor and ask for a waiver to cover all usmb'ers.
If the aca is so damn good why did congress beg to be let out? And why did obummmer let them out? Huh?


No, Congress Is Not Exempt From Obamacare

A carefully crafted story in Politico caused a stir this week by claiming that congressional leaders were in talks to exempt staffers from the effects of Obamacare. It isn't true.

Will Politico print a retraction? It's more likely that they will merely pat themselves on their collective back, hoist a toast at their favorite DC watering hole, and share a laugh over another episode of successful trolling completed.

If the aca is so damn good why did congress beg to be let out? And why did obummmer let them out? Huh?


No, Congress Is Not Exempt From Obamacare

A carefully crafted story in Politico caused a stir this week by claiming that congressional leaders were in talks to exempt staffers from the effects of Obamacare. It isn't true.

Will Politico print a retraction? It's more likely that they will merely pat themselves on their collective back, hoist a toast at their favorite DC watering hole, and share a laugh over another episode of successful trolling completed.


congress and all their staffers are exempt from obamacare.
If a patient who receives care at an emergency rooms does not pay, what action does anyone take ?

If someone does not pay for Obamacare, what action will someone take ?

Willow, you don't understand the details, but your problem is you don't want to understand the details. You are not interested in the truth, you just want mud to throw.

The first link I posted was from Freedom Works...READ it...

FreedomWorks is a non-profit organization heavily involved with the Tea Party movement. It does not disclose its corporate donors, and its leaders are drawn heavily from the leadership of the Republican party and right-wing operatives.
I guess you want to be free to mooch off everyone else who has health insurance when you get sick and run to the emergency room for your free doctoring.

You little jerkoff, I haven't been to an emergency room in 10 years or more..And I PAY for my health care, not you or the government...We know that is A FOREIGN concept to you government dependent idiots...

what a useless parrot you are, you must be proud

Why don't you actually try responding to my point? That you are in favor of people mooching off others when it comes to health care.

Try this Einstein,you will be subsidizing even more people with Obama care. But then you didn't bother to think past the usual talking points. A trip to the emergency room doesn't mean you will help pay,with the subsidies that Obama care your guarantied to pay more.
States predict more insurance customers

If it proves this popular, opponents of Obamacare might as well raise the white flag.

well since it's MANDATED retard of course the prediction is more insurance customers. That doesn't mean they like it it means they're FORCED TO BUY IT.

Glad to have the opportunity to clear that up for you!

It's cheaper to just pay the fine. They may be surprised when push comes to shove.

It is for now, but how long before they change it and attach jail time to the penalty? That was what they wanted in the first place. If too many people refuse to comply, don't be surprised if they don't make it a criminal offense.

well since it's MANDATED retard of course the prediction is more insurance customers. That doesn't mean they like it it means they're FORCED TO BUY IT.

Glad to have the opportunity to clear that up for you!

It's cheaper to just pay the fine. They may be surprised when push comes to shove.

It is for now, but how long before they change it and attach jail time to the penalty? That was what they wanted in the first place. If too many people refuse to comply, don't be surprised if they don't make it a criminal offense.


as opposed to making people pay for their own health care----yes this all seems very fair to me. :lol:

Willow, you don't understand the details, but your problem is you don't want to understand the details. You are not interested in the truth, you just want mud to throw.

The first link I posted was from Freedom Works...READ it...

FreedomWorks is a non-profit organization heavily involved with the Tea Party movement. It does not disclose its corporate donors, and its leaders are drawn heavily from the leadership of the Republican party and right-wing operatives.

congress and their employees received a waiver from obummer care that's a fact jack.
well since it's MANDATED retard of course the prediction is more insurance customers. That doesn't mean they like it it means they're FORCED TO BUY IT.

Glad to have the opportunity to clear that up for you!

It's cheaper to just pay the fine. They may be surprised when push comes to shove.

It is for now, but how long before they change it and attach jail time to the penalty? That was what they wanted in the first place. If too many people refuse to comply, don't be surprised if they don't make it a criminal offense.


Oh, absolutely. They soft-peddled mandatory auto insurance in the same way. It was introduced with mild penalties and fines, which scofflaws were happy to ignore. But as people acquiesced to the law, the fines were ramped up and now jail IS part of the mix. It will be even easier with the mandate. Jail time is already part of the penalty, given that they've framed it as a tax. Not paying your taxes is something you go to jail for.

Here's how it will work - despite the fake claims that there are no criminal penalties associated with the mandate: Let's say you refuse to follow orders. You tell the insurance companies, and the government to fuck off and you don't buy the required insurance policy. At the end of the year, you get your tax bill. Let's say you owe $500 dollars in taxes and $500 dollars for the penalty. You send them a check for $500 for your taxes, refusing to pay the penalty. The IRS promptly deposits your check and pays off your penalty instead, and then threatens to come after you with the full force of the law if you refuse to pay the remaining $500.

I've yet to see anything in PPACA that prevents this from happening, and I'm reasonably sure it's exactly what will happen. People who don't comply will go to jail.
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Willow, you don't understand the details, but your problem is you don't want to understand the details. You are not interested in the truth, you just want mud to throw.

The first link I posted was from Freedom Works...READ it...

FreedomWorks is a non-profit organization heavily involved with the Tea Party movement. It does not disclose its corporate donors, and its leaders are drawn heavily from the leadership of the Republican party and right-wing operatives.
Can't argue w/ FreedomWerks as a source now can you Willow?:eusa_whistle: They still have to go on Obama's exchanges :)
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well since it's MANDATED retard of course the prediction is more insurance customers. That doesn't mean they like it it means they're FORCED TO BUY IT.

Glad to have the opportunity to clear that up for you!

It's cheaper to just pay the fine. They may be surprised when push comes to shove.

It is for now, but how long before they change it and attach jail time to the penalty? That was what they wanted in the first place. If too many people refuse to comply, don't be surprised if they don't make it a criminal offense.


Bullshit Immie. Link up or retract...
States predict more insurance customers

If it proves this popular, opponents of Obamacare might as well raise the white flag.

Gee, when everyone is forced to purchase insurance, of course there will be more customers. If you don't become a customer, you face fines or jail.

What isn't being admitted by the Obama administration is that costs are going up a lot and many will face financial hardships because of that.

Obama is spending lots more tax payer dollars to try and convince people that Obamacare is good. Of course, the election is coming up and they don't want people upset because of the truth, which is Obamacare is a big costly mess.

They aren't even prepared to sign people up through exchanges. They have people going online, but it's not set up so they still have to make people fill out tons of paperwork. They have hired tens of thousands of navigators, who aren't even screened or trained much and they will have access to our most personal info, including social security numbers, addresses, medical history and of course the IRS has full real time access to our money in the bank.

They kicked the can down the road for one year, but only for the biggest corporations. The little people will start suffering the first of October. Companies continue to lay off workers.

Obamacare will not improve health care, it will make it worse. It will cost more. The only reason they passed it is so government can have control over us and they can access all the money in the country.

There are two types of people who like this deal- those who already live off government and are expecting something for free and those who will have nearly unlimited power over our lives. That is why those who shoved it through and fully understand what is in it don't want to be included. Congress, their staff, the IRS and unions want exempt. Congress is already exempt. I guess they have a problem with government bureaucrats accessing their private information and making them ripe for identity theft and other fraud. They don't give a damn what happens to the little people. In every dictatorship, you find an oppressed people while the leaders remain free and enjoy liberties.

Try reading a newspaper.

The front page of USA Today yesterday had an article citing statistics showing that companies are not laying off people because of Obamacare. In fact, hiring is in an uptick.

Congress is not exempt from Obamacare.

In states that accepted Obamacare, costs are decreasing.

We do not live in a dictatorship. Obamacare was passed by a democratically elected congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and most of it was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Ignorance is such a distatsteful thing.
It's cheaper to just pay the fine. They may be surprised when push comes to shove.

It is for now, but how long before they change it and attach jail time to the penalty? That was what they wanted in the first place. If too many people refuse to comply, don't be surprised if they don't make it a criminal offense.


Bullshit Immie. Link up or retract...

How about an apology for Immie, bfgrn? Bet that won't happen :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time
Pelosi?s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Go ahead, we all will be waiting for the apology.
It is for now, but how long before they change it and attach jail time to the penalty? That was what they wanted in the first place. If too many people refuse to comply, don't be surprised if they don't make it a criminal offense.


Bullshit Immie. Link up or retract...

How about an apology for Immie, bfgrn? Bet that won't happen :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time
Pelosi?s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Go ahead, we all will be waiting for the apology.

Typical right wing parrot speak bullshit.

Section 7203 and Section 7201 are sections of the current Internal Revenue Code, laying out the consequences of willful tax nonpayment.

The health care bill that was signed into law by President Obama says criminal penalties will not apply to those who refuse to get coverage and refuse to pay the penalty tax. As we wrote in a March 2010 post on the IRS’ responsibilities, the law says on page 131: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."

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It is for now, but how long before they change it and attach jail time to the penalty? That was what they wanted in the first place. If too many people refuse to comply, don't be surprised if they don't make it a criminal offense.


Bullshit Immie. Link up or retract...

How about an apology for Immie, bfgrn? Bet that won't happen :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time
Pelosi?s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Go ahead, we all will be waiting for the apology.

Thank you, but we know bfgrn will do the liberal thing and ignore this. It is why I don't even respond to her anymore.

From the link:

Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”

bfgrn seems to think every liberal in Washington are saints and every conservative on the face of the earth are Satan spawn. She has a few screws loose.

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