Bad News for Opponents of Obamacare

I wonder how much all that "subsidizing" is gonna cost we the taxpayer??

Pelosi would probably suggest that we all just pay it and worry about those little details later.

I'm still waiting for an answer to Why we allow moochers to mooch.

That is exactly what we have been doing. Are you saying we should have dumped our health insurance?

We're paying less now and have gotten two refunds from our health care insurer - BCBS.

I have also asked why we have allowed EMTALA to force us to pay for moocher's health care but no one has ever had an answer. Are you saying that YOU do have an answer?
I see you are also too dumb to understand my point.

She's already paying for other people's health care because people who don't have insurance often run to the emergency room to get treatment that is free for them, thus increasing her costs.

Under Obamacare, those costs will be less because more people will be paying into the system.

what a have no FRIKKEN proof of this yet you sit here and spew it like a good little parrot

I ask again.

What is your solution?

You are already subsidizing other people's health care.

You sure are avoiding my point.

WHY----WHY is anyone paying for someone else's health care---are they just too fucking stupid to write a check ?
Make the moochers stop mooching. Why are they mooching in the first place?

ObamaCare makes people pay for their own health care insurance.

Reagan's socialist EMTALA forces us to pay for the health care of others.

and if the moochers can't pay ? I mean really---they're moochers. Does someone really expect them to pay ?

You're talking apples and oranges:

"moochers" - That word implies that the patient can pay but chooses not to.

"can't pay" - implies that the patient "can't pay".

You can read the link in my sig or any other of the gazillions of available links to learn about how ObamaCare handles both scenarios.

Or, you can choose not to read about it.

Whichever is okay with me.
what a have no FRIKKEN proof of this yet you sit here and spew it like a good little parrot

I ask again.

What is your solution?

You are already subsidizing other people's health care.

You sure are avoiding my point.

WHY----WHY is anyone paying for someone else's health care---are they just too fucking stupid to write a check ?

It has been the law of the land ever since Reagan signed the bill into law.
ObamaCare makes people pay for their own health care insurance.

Reagan's socialist EMTALA forces us to pay for the health care of others.

and if the moochers can't pay ? I mean really---they're moochers. Does someone really expect them to pay ?

You're talking apples and oranges:

"moochers" - That word implies that the patient can pay but chooses not to.

"can't pay" - implies that the patient "can't pay".

You can read the link in my sig or any other of the gazillions of available links to learn about how ObamaCare handles both scenarios.

Or, you can choose not to read about it.

Whichever is okay with me.

It's so complicated that you can't even state it in a few sentences ?

Moochers or those who simply cannot pay----it makes no difference. Why should someone else be forced to pay for them ?
I wonder how much all that "subsidizing" is gonna cost we the taxpayer??

Pelosi would probably suggest that we all just pay it and worry about those little details later.

I'm still waiting for an answer to Why we allow moochers to mooch.

Oh thats easy.

We allow it because some of those idiots we elect have no problem with those that have taking care of those that don't have. Its called Welfare. Medicaid and subsidies. Gotta inclue the EMTLA also. I love Reagan but this little dealy sucks.

You know. Like those who can't afford to pay under the ACA will be "subsidized" by the rest of us.

Hope that helped.

Oh and BTW. It works great till you run out of other peoples money.
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why----why is anyone paying for someone else's health care---are they just too fucking stupid to write a check ?

it has been the law of the land ever since reagan signed the bill into law.

why ?

You seem to be looking for a particular response and I have no idea what that would be.

Not to mention that I'm just not interested in this incessant circular posting about ObamaCare. Most issues have been discussed and argued to exhaustion.

If you have a point, feel free to make it but, beyond the fact that the socialist EMTALA has been the law of the land since Reagan made it so, I really don't know what point you're trying to make.
I wonder how much all that "subsidizing" is gonna cost we the taxpayer??

Pelosi would probably suggest that we all just pay it and worry about those little details later.

I'm still waiting for an answer to Why we allow moochers to mooch.

Oh thats easy.

We allow it because some of those idiots we elect have no problem with those that have taking care of those that don't have. Its called Welfare. Medicaid and subsidies.

You know. Like those who can't afford to pay under the ACA will be "subsidized" by the rest of us.

Hope that helped.

Oh and BTW. It works great till you run out of other peoples money.

You "forgot" Reagan's socialist EMTALA.
Pelosi would probably suggest that we all just pay it and worry about those little details later.

I'm still waiting for an answer to Why we allow moochers to mooch.

Oh thats easy.

We allow it because some of those idiots we elect have no problem with those that have taking care of those that don't have. Its called Welfare. Medicaid and subsidies.

You know. Like those who can't afford to pay under the ACA will be "subsidized" by the rest of us.

Hope that helped.

Oh and BTW. It works great till you run out of other peoples money.

You "forgot" Reagan's socialist EMTALA.

Yep. Let's get rid of that. It'll be a lot easier than building a nationwide health care bureaucracy.
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Pelosi would probably suggest that we all just pay it and worry about those little details later.

I'm still waiting for an answer to Why we allow moochers to mooch.

Oh thats easy.

We allow it because some of those idiots we elect have no problem with those that have taking care of those that don't have. Its called Welfare. Medicaid and subsidies.

You know. Like those who can't afford to pay under the ACA will be "subsidized" by the rest of us.

Hope that helped.

Oh and BTW. It works great till you run out of other peoples money.

You "forgot" Reagan's socialist EMTALA.

I added it.

I have no interest in funding anyone elses lives. If they can't take care of themselves then tough shit.

The only exceptions to that is the Military and anyone who is mentally or physically handicapped.

Any able bodied anybody is a moocher and a freeloader in my book.
Now folks, you see who it REALLY is (liberals-Democrats) and what party (Democrat) that calls people, FREELOADERS, MOOCHERS, ETC

it's not the people on welfare, etc. It's the people they WANT TO FORCE into a government program and if you resist those are the sweet names you are called...

why anyone would be Democrat is beyond me this is what THEY THINK OF YOU
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I will ask the OP again since he asked for a response

How is accepting a subsidy NOT mooching off others?

I never claimed it was NOT.

However, if more people have insurance or contribute as much as they can, it will reduce the cost and the amount of the mooching.

10 million "moochers" will cost less than 100 million "moochers"

Got it

The Brooklyn bridge still for sale?
States predict more insurance customers

If it proves this popular, opponents of Obamacare might as well raise the white flag.

Raise the white flag to who? We're not the ones who disarmed ourselves. You mindless disarmed zombies are going to attempt to murder us when we restore the Constitution?

no shit, how frikken sick is it to want their fellow Americans to surrender to the government..
and if they don't they get called, moochers or WORSE...some of these people don't deserve to live in a free country
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ObamaCare makes people pay for their own health care insurance.

Reagan's socialist EMTALA forces us to pay for the health care of others.

and if the moochers can't pay ? I mean really---they're moochers. Does someone really expect them to pay ?

You're talking apples and oranges:

"moochers" - That word implies that the patient can pay but chooses not to.

"can't pay" - implies that the patient "can't pay".

You can read the link in my sig or any other of the gazillions of available links to learn about how ObamaCare handles both scenarios.

Or, you can choose not to read about it.

Whichever is okay with me.

Not my words, the op implied that those that don't pay are moochers. Obamacare does nothing but creates more of these

If they can pay, we have a court system for them.
I wonder how much all that "subsidizing" is gonna cost we the taxpayer??

Pelosi would probably suggest that we all just pay it and worry about those little details later.

I'm still waiting for an answer to Why we allow moochers to mooch.

Oh thats easy.

We allow it because some of those idiots we elect have no problem with those that have taking care of those that don't have. Its called Welfare. Medicaid and subsidies. Gotta inclue the EMTLA also. I love Reagan but this little dealy sucks.

You know. Like those who can't afford to pay under the ACA will be "subsidized" by the rest of us.

Hope that helped.

Oh and BTW. It works great till you run out of other peoples money.

yes thank you------there are people who can't or won't pay so people who have money will have to cover them. What would happen if the people with money just refused to play this game ?
Why hasn't one obamabot on this board responded to g5000's comment?

I find that very strange :eusa_whistle:

What he claims is flatly untrue.

States that already have exchanges have lowered their costs.

Respond to his post, not just the blanket "flatly untrue" It is true, already there are parts of obamacare that's not funded. The numbers given to the CBO were cherry picked and now this debacle is costing a hell of a lot more than what it was packaged as. There are carve outs that going to hit the tax payers even more.
States are picking and choosing the winners and losers with the insurance companies by using tax breaks. And you come back with "flatly untrue". I laugh at your sorry ass, Smiley. :lol:

He claimed Obamacare would bankrupt states. There is no evidence for this. That is why it deserves a ruling of flatly unture. What you say is also flatly untrue. There's no evidence that it's going to cost more than what was originally thought or that it is going to cause an increase in taxes.
what a have no FRIKKEN proof of this yet you sit here and spew it like a good little parrot

I ask again.

What is your solution?

You are already subsidizing other people's health care.

You sure are avoiding my point.

WHY----WHY is anyone paying for someone else's health care---are they just too fucking stupid to write a check ?

Do you just not get it?

The health insurance premiums you pay are higher because you are paying to support a medical system that takes care of people who have no insurance. Some of these people who don't have insurance really can't afford it, but there are many who can afford it but choose to mooch off the system.
and if the moochers can't pay ? I mean really---they're moochers. Does someone really expect them to pay ?

You're talking apples and oranges:

"moochers" - That word implies that the patient can pay but chooses not to.

"can't pay" - implies that the patient "can't pay".

You can read the link in my sig or any other of the gazillions of available links to learn about how ObamaCare handles both scenarios.

Or, you can choose not to read about it.

Whichever is okay with me.

Not my words, the op implied that those that don't pay are moochers. Obamacare does nothing but creates more of these

If they can pay, we have a court system for them.

Obamacare reduces the number of moochers, you idiot.

It makes people pay for health insurance, if they can afford it.

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