Bad News for Opponents of Obamacare

States predict more insurance customers

If it proves this popular, opponents of Obamacare might as well raise the white flag.

Gee, when everyone is forced to purchase insurance, of course there will be more customers. If you don't become a customer, you face fines or jail.

What isn't being admitted by the Obama administration is that costs are going up a lot and many will face financial hardships because of that.

Obama is spending lots more tax payer dollars to try and convince people that Obamacare is good. Of course, the election is coming up and they don't want people upset because of the truth, which is Obamacare is a big costly mess.

They aren't even prepared to sign people up through exchanges. They have people going online, but it's not set up so they still have to make people fill out tons of paperwork. They have hired tens of thousands of navigators, who aren't even screened or trained much and they will have access to our most personal info, including social security numbers, addresses, medical history and of course the IRS has full real time access to our money in the bank.

They kicked the can down the road for one year, but only for the biggest corporations. The little people will start suffering the first of October. Companies continue to lay off workers.

Obamacare will not improve health care, it will make it worse. It will cost more. The only reason they passed it is so government can have control over us and they can access all the money in the country.

There are two types of people who like this deal- those who already live off government and are expecting something for free and those who will have nearly unlimited power over our lives. That is why those who shoved it through and fully understand what is in it don't want to be included. Congress, their staff, the IRS and unions want exempt. Congress is already exempt. I guess they have a problem with government bureaucrats accessing their private information and making them ripe for identity theft and other fraud. They don't give a damn what happens to the little people. In every dictatorship, you find an oppressed people while the leaders remain free and enjoy liberties.

Try reading a newspaper.

The front page of USA Today yesterday had an article citing statistics showing that companies are not laying off people because of Obamacare. In fact, hiring is in an uptick.

Congress is not exempt from Obamacare.

In states that accepted Obamacare, costs are decreasing.

We do not live in a dictatorship. Obamacare was passed by a democratically elected congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and most of it was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court.

lol, you believe everything you cute
but go on being an ass telling people to read a friggen Newpaper...
States predict more insurance customers

If it proves this popular, opponents of Obamacare might as well raise the white flag.

Gee, when everyone is forced to purchase insurance, of course there will be more customers. If you don't become a customer, you face fines or jail.

What isn't being admitted by the Obama administration is that costs are going up a lot and many will face financial hardships because of that.

Obama is spending lots more tax payer dollars to try and convince people that Obamacare is good. Of course, the election is coming up and they don't want people upset because of the truth, which is Obamacare is a big costly mess.

They aren't even prepared to sign people up through exchanges. They have people going online, but it's not set up so they still have to make people fill out tons of paperwork. They have hired tens of thousands of navigators, who aren't even screened or trained much and they will have access to our most personal info, including social security numbers, addresses, medical history and of course the IRS has full real time access to our money in the bank.

They kicked the can down the road for one year, but only for the biggest corporations. The little people will start suffering the first of October. Companies continue to lay off workers.

Obamacare will not improve health care, it will make it worse. It will cost more. The only reason they passed it is so government can have control over us and they can access all the money in the country.

There are two types of people who like this deal- those who already live off government and are expecting something for free and those who will have nearly unlimited power over our lives. That is why those who shoved it through and fully understand what is in it don't want to be included. Congress, their staff, the IRS and unions want exempt. Congress is already exempt. I guess they have a problem with government bureaucrats accessing their private information and making them ripe for identity theft and other fraud. They don't give a damn what happens to the little people. In every dictatorship, you find an oppressed people while the leaders remain free and enjoy liberties.

Try reading a newspaper.

The front page of USA Today yesterday had an article citing statistics showing that companies are not laying off people because of Obamacare. In fact, hiring is in an uptick.

Congress is not exempt from Obamacare.

In states that accepted Obamacare, costs are decreasing.

We do not live in a dictatorship. Obamacare was passed by a democratically elected congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and most of it was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court.


These dopes can't read.

If you look at the tea bagger posts on this board, most of them can barely think.

We're talking IQs in the low 70s and below.
Gee, when everyone is forced to purchase insurance, of course there will be more customers. If you don't become a customer, you face fines or jail.

What isn't being admitted by the Obama administration is that costs are going up a lot and many will face financial hardships because of that.

Obama is spending lots more tax payer dollars to try and convince people that Obamacare is good. Of course, the election is coming up and they don't want people upset because of the truth, which is Obamacare is a big costly mess.

They aren't even prepared to sign people up through exchanges. They have people going online, but it's not set up so they still have to make people fill out tons of paperwork. They have hired tens of thousands of navigators, who aren't even screened or trained much and they will have access to our most personal info, including social security numbers, addresses, medical history and of course the IRS has full real time access to our money in the bank.

They kicked the can down the road for one year, but only for the biggest corporations. The little people will start suffering the first of October. Companies continue to lay off workers.

Obamacare will not improve health care, it will make it worse. It will cost more. The only reason they passed it is so government can have control over us and they can access all the money in the country.

There are two types of people who like this deal- those who already live off government and are expecting something for free and those who will have nearly unlimited power over our lives. That is why those who shoved it through and fully understand what is in it don't want to be included. Congress, their staff, the IRS and unions want exempt. Congress is already exempt. I guess they have a problem with government bureaucrats accessing their private information and making them ripe for identity theft and other fraud. They don't give a damn what happens to the little people. In every dictatorship, you find an oppressed people while the leaders remain free and enjoy liberties.

Try reading a newspaper.

The front page of USA Today yesterday had an article citing statistics showing that companies are not laying off people because of Obamacare. In fact, hiring is in an uptick.

Congress is not exempt from Obamacare.

In states that accepted Obamacare, costs are decreasing.

We do not live in a dictatorship. Obamacare was passed by a democratically elected congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and most of it was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court.


These dopes can't read.

If you look at the tea bagger posts on this board, most of them can barely think.

We're talking IQs in the low 70s and below.
Oh, yes they can read and think well.

Fortunately for USMB tea party members, your failure to acknowledge how intelligent they are is irrelevant to reality.

I take it your IQ is a little higher than 70? So you limbo your opponents under your top number?

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See? I know how you are! :D
States predict more insurance customers

If it proves this popular, opponents of Obamacare might as well raise the white flag.

They won't do that until a white Prez gets in office and claims the ACA as his accomplishment.
Color doesn't matter, but if elected, we will wipe the falsetto "Affordable" out of the title, because affordable it isn't!

The only part of "Affordable" in the health care bill Obama and Nancy Pelosi presented I can relate to is when it's part of the word "Unaffordable," which is the elephant sitting in the room about Obama's bill which is also the highest tax hike in history that wasn't for going to war.

And when we do look into it, conservatives will take care of people as responsibility requires us to do, and you know it too, don't you.
I guess you want to be free to mooch off everyone else who has health insurance when you get sick and run to the emergency room for your free doctoring.

You little jerkoff, I haven't been to an emergency room in 10 years or more..And I PAY for my health care, not you or the government...We know that is A FOREIGN concept to you government dependent idiots...

what a useless parrot you are, you must be proud

Why don't you actually try responding to my point? That you are in favor of people mooching off others when it comes to health care.

How is getting so getting a subsidy NOT MOOCHING off others?

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"Bad News for Opponents of Obamacare"

But GOOD news for opponents of Obama:

2014 midterms.......
I don't care if the next president IS PINK...taking out this dreadful monster government intrusion of our FREEDOMS called the sickening, obamaCare... is high on the priority list...if there is a way
I will ask the OP again since he asked for a response

How is accepting a subsidy NOT mooching off others?
States predict more insurance customers

If it proves this popular, opponents of Obamacare might as well raise the white flag.

There's very little good news, these days, for opponents of corporatism. We're in the midst of fundamental changes to our style of government and our society. We're giving up on founding principles that we won't get back. Not easily at least. Historically, it takes great sacrifice to reverse this kind of trend.
Gee, when everyone is forced to purchase insurance, of course there will be more customers. If you don't become a customer, you face fines or jail.

What isn't being admitted by the Obama administration is that costs are going up a lot and many will face financial hardships because of that.

Obama is spending lots more tax payer dollars to try and convince people that Obamacare is good. Of course, the election is coming up and they don't want people upset because of the truth, which is Obamacare is a big costly mess.

They aren't even prepared to sign people up through exchanges. They have people going online, but it's not set up so they still have to make people fill out tons of paperwork. They have hired tens of thousands of navigators, who aren't even screened or trained much and they will have access to our most personal info, including social security numbers, addresses, medical history and of course the IRS has full real time access to our money in the bank.

They kicked the can down the road for one year, but only for the biggest corporations. The little people will start suffering the first of October. Companies continue to lay off workers.

Obamacare will not improve health care, it will make it worse. It will cost more. The only reason they passed it is so government can have control over us and they can access all the money in the country.

There are two types of people who like this deal- those who already live off government and are expecting something for free and those who will have nearly unlimited power over our lives. That is why those who shoved it through and fully understand what is in it don't want to be included. Congress, their staff, the IRS and unions want exempt. Congress is already exempt. I guess they have a problem with government bureaucrats accessing their private information and making them ripe for identity theft and other fraud. They don't give a damn what happens to the little people. In every dictatorship, you find an oppressed people while the leaders remain free and enjoy liberties.

Try reading a newspaper.

The front page of USA Today yesterday had an article citing statistics showing that companies are not laying off people because of Obamacare. In fact, hiring is in an uptick.

Congress is not exempt from Obamacare.

In states that accepted Obamacare, costs are decreasing.

We do not live in a dictatorship. Obamacare was passed by a democratically elected congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and most of it was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court.

lol, you believe everything you cute
but go on being an ass telling people to read a friggen Newpaper...

USA Today is a more reliable source of information than anonymous chain emails sent by tea bagging organizations which I suppose is your source of news.

Hey, when are you going to address my point: that you are in favor of people mooching off other people to pay for their health care.
well yeah, nothing like BEING FORCED and fined if you don't...

and now they are hoping we the people "surrender"...surrendering our freedoms is the goal of ObamaCare..

but hey, Who needs FREEDOM when you have GOVERNMENT...

What freedom is that, exactly?
I will ask the OP again since he asked for a response

How is accepting a subsidy NOT mooching off others?

I never claimed it was NOT.

However, if more people have insurance or contribute as much as they can, it will reduce the cost and the amount of the mooching.
I will ask the OP again since he asked for a response

How is accepting a subsidy NOT mooching off others?

I never claimed it was NOT.

However, if more people have insurance or contribute as much as they can, it will reduce the cost and the amount of the mooching.

Didn't you read what Stephanie posted ? She pays for her own health care. Why should she be forced to pay for someone else's too ? Why should anyone be forced to pay for someone else ?
You little jerkoff, I haven't been to an emergency room in 10 years or more..And I PAY for my health care, not you or the government...We know that is A FOREIGN concept to you government dependent idiots...

what a useless parrot you are, you must be proud

Why don't you actually try responding to my point? That you are in favor of people mooching off others when it comes to health care.

How is getting so getting a subsidy NOT MOOCHING off others?


I think we will find the only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us "subsidize."

You'll be paying for your own HC and all those who are "subsidized."

The country should go broke in no time.
I will ask the OP again since he asked for a response

How is accepting a subsidy NOT mooching off others?

I never claimed it was NOT.

However, if more people have insurance or contribute as much as they can, it will reduce the cost and the amount of the mooching.

Didn't you read what Stephanie posted ? She pays for her own health care. Why should she be forced to pay for someone else's too ? Why should anyone be forced to pay for someone else ?

Obama and Democrats tells them its the RIGHT and only FAIR what do they regurgitate..othere than that they don't who pays for them as long as it's everyone else
I never claimed it was NOT.

However, if more people have insurance or contribute as much as they can, it will reduce the cost and the amount of the mooching.

Didn't you read what Stephanie posted ? She pays for her own health care. Why should she be forced to pay for someone else's too ? Why should anyone be forced to pay for someone else ?

Obama and Democrats tells them its the RIGHT and only FAIR what do they regurgitate..othere than that they don't who pays for them as long as it's everyone else

I fully understand why they will not explain to us why some people should pay and others get subsidized. I just like to see Obama et al refuse to state that some people are too incompetent to care for themselves.
The responses from the Righties in this thread make me wonder why they weren't in the Drama Club in High school. BTW- you tards were paying a stealth tax already by having your premiums skyrocket to cover those w/o insurance.


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