Bahahahaa! Trump's screws homeowners over - Wall Street Journal

That $10K cap on state and local tax deductions is also devastating to small businesses. It's as if the Republicans all brainstormed "what would kill jobs most effectively?", and them implemented the idea.
More like, "how can we hasten the decline of high tax, big deficit Liberal hellholes"
it's not about affordable housing but property taxes. How much your monthly payment is doesn't have jack to do with property taxes.

Yes it can. If you are a young professional making a lot of money, the only housing in the area may be more expensive housing with higher property taxes. The Atlanta suburbs are a example. A recent NY Times analysis showed that people in the $100,000-200,000 are the most likely to pay higher taxes. This was based on the Senate bill so the numbers may have changed some but not that much. This is likely to be people in the suburbs. In terms of income, they may be seen as having it made, but the could be scarping by. Ronald Reagan did a much better job on tax reform because he wanted to do what was right not play politics.
dude, I have a 300K home and property taxes are 8k. Illinois happens to be the highest property tax state next to california and New york. so don't give me that.

So you know what everybody in the country's situation is. You are a arrogant ass. The fact is that Reagan's tax reform was well thought out rather than this mess. It would have been better to phase out deductions for state and local taxes. For example, full deductibility for people from $0-500,000, 500,001-999,999 75% and $1000,000 and above 50% deductibility.
well I know what the highest property tax states are. And I know that for the majority of folks in all of the other states, this doesn't affect them. so yeah, I do.

Even McConnell says some of the middle class will pay higher taxes. He helped write the bill.
it's not about affordable housing but property taxes. How much your monthly payment is doesn't have jack to do with property taxes.

Yes it can. If you are a young professional making a lot of money, the only housing in the area may be more expensive housing with higher property taxes. The Atlanta suburbs are a example. A recent NY Times analysis showed that people in the $100,000-200,000 are the most likely to pay higher taxes. This was based on the Senate bill so the numbers may have changed some but not that much. This is likely to be people in the suburbs. In terms of income, they may be seen as having it made, but the could be scarping by. Ronald Reagan did a much better job on tax reform because he wanted to do what was right not play politics.
dude, I have a 300K home and property taxes are 8k. Illinois happens to be the highest property tax state next to california and New york. so don't give me that.

So you know what everybody in the country's situation is. You are a arrogant ass. The fact is that Reagan's tax reform was well thought out rather than this mess. It would have been better to phase out deductions for state and local taxes. For example, full deductibility for people from $0-500,000, 500,001-999,999 75% and $1000,000 and above 50% deductibility.
dude, the rich pay more. I won't cry for them.

You are a liar but that shouldn't be a surprise since you apparently support Trump. The rich will have loopholes to make up for it. They will gain and Trump makes out like a bandit. I can see why he doesn't want to reveal his tax returns.
See folks, you really DID want to know what was in that tax bill before it passed.

Homeowners Rush to Prepay 2018 Property-Tax Bills
Filers line up at municipal offices before the GOP law kicks in; ‘It’s been insane here’

David Harrison and

Jennifer Levitz
Updated Dec. 26, 2017 7:57 p.m. ET

Homeowners across the nation are rushing this week to prepay their property taxes for 2018 before the Republican tax law kicks in Jan. 1 and effectively raises the levy on higher-end homes.

The new legislation, which President Donald Trump signed into law last week, caps at $10,000 the amount of state and local taxes that filers can deduct from their federal tax bill. That means those whose tax bills regularly exceed that amount could benefit by paying more tax in 2017, when the deduction has no limit."""""

Homeowners Rush to Prepay 2018 Property-Tax Bills

Everyone knew what was in it ,if they didn't why did they rush to pay property tax?

So let me get this straight they rushed to pay local property tax so they didn't have to pay it to the feds?
I am confused?
Trump screws homeowners over.....


Land owners become republicans in more than words....
There's something to be said for being self sustained and not relying on the government to bail you out....
Hahahaha....You idiots just keep repeating yourselves and none of you will post anything to the contrary.
Trump is fucking us over, just like we said he would.
The new law is worse than I thought, it's not just a cap on property tax deduction at $10K.
It's a combination of state, local and property COMBINED and capped at $10K.

Another liberal half truth, here I'll finish this morons sentence for him...AND the standard deduction was nearly doubled to $12,000 for singles and $24,000 for married couples.

What you forget to add is the personal exemption. In 2017, the combined standard deduction and personal exemption will be $10,400 for single taxpayers and $20,800 for a married couple. Also this was indexed for inflation which the new standard deduction will not be. That means the standard deduction will be worth less each year. The reason for this is to take the money and give it to corporations.

What you forget to add is the increase in the child tax credit which is $2,000 per child cash money on your pocket not simply a reduction in taxable income. Also those of us at higher incomes got screwed out of our personal exemption under the current tax code. Not true of the new child tax credit which is now given to those of us at higher incomes.

A couple does not have a child nor does a single person so we are not talking about a child tax credit. The new standard deduction is nowhere near doubling.

Right, you wish to avoid discussing a HUGE tax cut for married couples and heads of households, I think we know why. Typical liberal BS cherry pick, tell half the story, spin, twist.

You are a lying little weasel. You said the standard deduction would nearly double. That is not true as you did not combine the current standard deduction. I hate to clue you in but everybody does not have children. You lied and are trying to divert attention from the lie or is it that you are too stupid to add.
Yes it can. If you are a young professional making a lot of money, the only housing in the area may be more expensive housing with higher property taxes. The Atlanta suburbs are a example. A recent NY Times analysis showed that people in the $100,000-200,000 are the most likely to pay higher taxes. This was based on the Senate bill so the numbers may have changed some but not that much. This is likely to be people in the suburbs. In terms of income, they may be seen as having it made, but the could be scarping by. Ronald Reagan did a much better job on tax reform because he wanted to do what was right not play politics.
dude, I have a 300K home and property taxes are 8k. Illinois happens to be the highest property tax state next to california and New york. so don't give me that.

So you know what everybody in the country's situation is. You are a arrogant ass. The fact is that Reagan's tax reform was well thought out rather than this mess. It would have been better to phase out deductions for state and local taxes. For example, full deductibility for people from $0-500,000, 500,001-999,999 75% and $1000,000 and above 50% deductibility.
well I know what the highest property tax states are. And I know that for the majority of folks in all of the other states, this doesn't affect them. so yeah, I do.

Even McConnell says some of the middle class will pay higher taxes. He helped write the bill.

Why don't you look it up lazy ass.
Yes it can. If you are a young professional making a lot of money, the only housing in the area may be more expensive housing with higher property taxes. The Atlanta suburbs are a example. A recent NY Times analysis showed that people in the $100,000-200,000 are the most likely to pay higher taxes. This was based on the Senate bill so the numbers may have changed some but not that much. This is likely to be people in the suburbs. In terms of income, they may be seen as having it made, but the could be scarping by. Ronald Reagan did a much better job on tax reform because he wanted to do what was right not play politics.
dude, I have a 300K home and property taxes are 8k. Illinois happens to be the highest property tax state next to california and New york. so don't give me that.

So you know what everybody in the country's situation is. You are a arrogant ass. The fact is that Reagan's tax reform was well thought out rather than this mess. It would have been better to phase out deductions for state and local taxes. For example, full deductibility for people from $0-500,000, 500,001-999,999 75% and $1000,000 and above 50% deductibility.
dude, the rich pay more. I won't cry for them.

You are a liar but that shouldn't be a surprise since you apparently support Trump. The rich will have loopholes to make up for it. They will gain and Trump makes out like a bandit. I can see why he doesn't want to reveal his tax returns.

I guess trhat is what the truth does to you. You don't have a answer.
It was just a few days ago Tax cuts for the rich. We're all getting screwed so the rich don't have to pay their fair share.

Now it's the rich are getting hammered. Lower the taxes on the rich.
It was just a few days ago Tax cuts for the rich. We're all getting screwed so the rich don't have to pay their fair share.

Now it's the rich are getting hammered. Lower the taxes on the rich.
Who said this: I will lose a lot of money from this tax bill.

Have you ever called out even one of Trump's thousand of lies?

You're afraid of being thrown out of the Whores R Us club.
dude, I have a 300K home and property taxes are 8k. Illinois happens to be the highest property tax state next to california and New york. so don't give me that.

So you know what everybody in the country's situation is. You are a arrogant ass. The fact is that Reagan's tax reform was well thought out rather than this mess. It would have been better to phase out deductions for state and local taxes. For example, full deductibility for people from $0-500,000, 500,001-999,999 75% and $1000,000 and above 50% deductibility.
dude, the rich pay more. I won't cry for them.

You are a liar but that shouldn't be a surprise since you apparently support Trump. The rich will have loopholes to make up for it. They will gain and Trump makes out like a bandit. I can see why he doesn't want to reveal his tax returns.

I guess trhat is what the truth does to you. You don't have a answer.
Don't waste your time on Jc. He still thinks Obama was born in Kenya. Lol
See folks, you really DID want to know what was in that tax bill before it passed.

Homeowners Rush to Prepay 2018 Property-Tax Bills
Filers line up at municipal offices before the GOP law kicks in; ‘It’s been insane here’

David Harrison and

Jennifer Levitz
Updated Dec. 26, 2017 7:57 p.m. ET

Homeowners across the nation are rushing this week to prepay their property taxes for 2018 before the Republican tax law kicks in Jan. 1 and effectively raises the levy on higher-end homes.

The new legislation, which President Donald Trump signed into law last week, caps at $10,000 the amount of state and local taxes that filers can deduct from their federal tax bill. That means those whose tax bills regularly exceed that amount could benefit by paying more tax in 2017, when the deduction has no limit."""""

Homeowners Rush to Prepay 2018 Property-Tax Bills

Everyone knew what was in it ,if they didn't why did they rush to pay property tax?

So let me get this straight they rushed to pay local property tax so they didn't have to pay it to the feds?
I am confused?
EvenCongress didn't know what was in the bill. Why you lying?
They had a few hours to read a 1500 page bill.
I loved it when the republicans said they'd vote on it when they admitted they didn't read the bill.
This taxscam bill was hated by Americans by 2-1.
Thank God the dems opposed it in unison
Great tv ad for next year
What, high end home owners need to pay more?

I thought this bill was supposed to transfer all the wealth to the rich.
Not all the wealth. Just most of it.
Rich Democrats in Blue States don't count.
By the time all the chips fall from this "tax cut" for the middle class, it's either going to be a zero-sum scam or less money at the end of the month, every month.
The shit is gonna hit the fan in a few weeks when Trump introduces his trillion dollar infrastructure bill. The new tax law which will add a trillion dollars to deficits and a trillion dollar infrastructure bill is going drive fiscal conservatives up the wall demanding huge cuts and those cuts are not going to fall on the shoulders of big business nor the top 1% but rather the folks on Medicaid, Medicare, foods stamps, and families that depend on government subsidies to pay their health insurance premiums. The poor and middle are going to get screwed big time.
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That $10K cap on state and local tax deductions is also devastating to small businesses. It's as if the Republicans all brainstormed "what would kill jobs most effectively?", and them implemented the idea.

not to us here in TN.......because we don't elect local democrats any more......except in the get what you vote for......
maybe you'll care what govt money is used for..........Im not holding my breath.

Also Tennessee is a low income state. I guess uneducated people love Republicans.
And yet all these years they paid more in federal taxes than high income states because they don’t deduct property taxes like the higher income states. Hmmm that never crossed your mind I’m sure.
What a total bunch of brain-dead nonsense. If you're paying more than $10K in state and local taxes, then you are in the top 10% of income earners and you live in a fairly expensive house. The "friend" who said that "Trump raised his property taxes by $4K" is both idiotic and very well off.

I live in Virginia. In order to pay more than $10K in state and local taxes, you have to make at least $120K per year *and* live in a house tax-appraised at over $330K. In order to pay substantially more--$3K or more--than $10K per year in state and local taxes, you have to make at least $180K per year and live in a house tax-appraised at over $500K.

And if you make $180K per year, your federal income tax burden will be cut by 3 percentage points for your first taxable $38K (single)/$77K (married), cut by another 3 percentage points for your taxable income between $38K-$82K (single)/$77K-$165K, and cut by 4 percentage points for your taxable income between $82-$157 (single)/$165-$315 (married).

So maybe your liberal friend should start lobbying his state and county governments to reduce their tax rates instead of expecting taxpayers in low-tax states to subsidize his state and local taxes that exceed $10K.

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