Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

So, he took risk with others money, who HAD/HAVE the money. hmmm Reads a lot like what took this economy to the brink on wall st. when bushy boy and the con's had full control. Bush; just another spoiled rotten, draft dodgin rich punk that was running the country while going on a charging frenzy with the nations credit card, which benefitted a relative few while screwing a relative many. Isn't that right? If not, how not?

No need to be jealous of those who have succeeded in their lives.

Do you bitch about Gates, Buffet (tax dodger) Soros...
'In January,2011, President Obama named General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt to head the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, an economic advisory board focused on job creation...
Mr. Obama's choice of Immelt came under scrutiny Friday in the wake of a front-page story in the New York Times reporting that despite $14.2 billion in worldwide profits - including more than $5 billion from U.S. operations - GE did not owe taxes in 2010.

In fact, the story said, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.
White House defends embrace of G.E. CEO despite report company didn't owe taxes in 2010 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Oh and lets not forget Jon Corzine, the former CEO of Goldman Sach and of MF Global. MF Global filed for bankruptcy protection in October 2011, and Corzine resigned on November 4, 2011.

'Jon Corzine -- under federal and congressional investigation following accusations that the securities firm he headed illegally took clients' funds before collapsing -- is among President Obama's top re-election campaign bundlers, raising at least $500,000, according to the campaign’s filing Friday with the Federal Election Commission.

Corzine, the former New Jersey senator and governor, and former head of Goldman Sachs, is among 127 individuals (dubbed “volunteer fundraisers” in the parlance used by Obama’s Chicago campaign) credited with raising more than $500,000 through the first quarter of 2012.

Corzine is being investigated by the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission; he told Congress under oath last year that, while serving as chief executive at MF Global, he knew nothing about clients’ missing funds.

RealClearPolitics - Corzine, Amid Scandal, Is Among Obama's Top Bundlers

Former Gov. Corzine's Wall Street firm under investigation; hundreds of millions of dollars in question |

If you choose to be envious of people who 'have money', be FAIR when pointing your finger to ALL who are wealthy.

Jealous of what?:lol:

As for the rest of your tripe, what does any of that have to do with this thread and/or baingate?

btw I'm forwarding you no credence with all that tripe you wasted your time listing!:eusa_whistle:
He was spending 12-16 hrs a day working on the 2002 SLC games. That alone you should tell you the time he was involved with Bain after he stepped down. Heck, he didnt even meet with them long enough to negotiate his retirement package until after the Games were over.

The truly despicable thing about this lie is you guys tried to argue that Romney should be ineligible for the ballot to be governor because he wasnt working at Bain any more.

Just to be clear --- are you saying Romney didn't do any work for Bain, but Romney cashed the checks Bain sent him for NOT WORKING?
Do Republicans call that fraud or do they save that label for unemployment and welfare recipients?
He was spending 12-16 hrs a day working on the 2002 SLC games. That alone you should tell you the time he was involved with Bain after he stepped down. Heck, he didnt even meet with them long enough to negotiate his retirement package until after the Games were over.

The truly despicable thing about this lie is you guys tried to argue that Romney should be ineligible for the ballot to be governor because he wasnt working at Bain any more.

Just to be clear --- are you saying Romney didn't do any work for Bain, but Romney cashed the checks Bain sent him for NOT WORKING?
Do Republicans call that fraud or do they save that label for unemployment and welfare recipients?

He was spending 12-16 hrs a day working on the 2002 SLC games. That alone you should tell you the time he was involved with Bain after he stepped down. Heck, he didnt even meet with them long enough to negotiate his retirement package until after the Games were over.

The truly despicable thing about this lie is you guys tried to argue that Romney should be ineligible for the ballot to be governor because he wasnt working at Bain any more.

Just to be clear --- are you saying Romney didn't do any work for Bain, but Romney cashed the checks Bain sent him for NOT WORKING?
Do Republicans call that fraud or do they save that label for unemployment and welfare recipients?


7600 Fast and Furious Documents have been turned over to investigators in Congress and five federal agencies are investigating...

But don't let facts confuse you.
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Like you would even understand them? How many new directions do you need to feed false allegations? You think the IRS can't handle it, they are not doing their jobs now??? Hey, how about you produce Barry's Foreign Student Aid Documents, and have your Secretary call my Secretary, and we can do lunch. ;)
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Like you would even understand them? How many new directions do you need to feed false allegations? You think the IRS can't handle it, they are not doing their jobs now??? Hey, how about you produce Barry's Foreign Student Aid Documents, and have your Secretary call my Secretary, and we can do lunch. ;)

Student AID? :rofl:
I love seeing the left stamp their feet in a tantrum because Romney won't show them his private docs not required by law.

Where are Obama's transcripts? I don't believe for a minute that he has any degree higher than HS, if that. He has done little to show he is all that sharp at all.
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Like you would even understand them? How many new directions do you need to feed false allegations? You think the IRS can't handle it, they are not doing their jobs now??? Hey, how about you produce Barry's Foreign Student Aid Documents, and have your Secretary call my Secretary, and we can do lunch. ;)

Meat was mean to his dog and kids at his prep school, bad on Meat.

Meat won't get out his RELEVANT tax returns, when he has agreed to produce irrelevant returns, from 2010 and 2011, while his RELEVANT documents will show, per Meat's 2006 asset disclosure list on Schedule C, Part II, "Arrangements or Agreements," how Meat was contractually connected, to Bain, all the way until Feb. 11, 2009.

So we need to see tax returns from 1999 through 2009, at least, which if he coughs them up would make Meat even, with his daddy, George, who gave up 12 years.

We should also see any relevant corporate minutes, 1999 through 2009.

The SEC will tend to be more concerned, with guys, like Bernie Madoff. It took too long, to bust him. The IRS will be more concerned, with whether W. Meat (white) Obamney computed and paid his taxes, correctly. But we are VOTERS, who have to figure out if anyone should vote, for Meat or somebody not as evasive.

Republicans might have to nominate somebody else. Did you think of THAT? Duh, no?

Just sayin,' Obtuse. We can see YOU aren't a super-auditor, but I know a lot of people, who can audit, including one guy, who used to work for the IRS, then the DEA, so let's see some damn tax returns, since WE CAN ALSO READ SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, LEGAL DOCUMENTS, CARTOONS, whatever you have.

And we aren't obtuse, so we don't deflect relevant inquiry, with irrelevant inquiry.

You refer to your "secretary," above, which makes me think you use women, to deflect. Cut it out, if you do.
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