Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

what would the tax returns tell you, no wait what do you want the tax returns to say ala Bain?

Massachusetts Commission’s finding: Romney left Bain in '99
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

what would the tax returns tell you, no wait what do you want the tax returns to say ala Bain?

Massachusetts Commission’s finding: Romney left Bain in '99

The idea that there even is an attempt to make this into "Baingate" is offensive and absurd.

What we should be saying is that the Democrat party has become "Anti-capitalismgate".
The idea that there even is an attempt to make this into "Baingate" is offensive and absurd.

What we should be saying is that the Democrat party has become "Anti-capitalismgate".

Is Perry becoming a Democrat again? Didn't he call it "vulture capitalism"? Even his own party is holding their collective noses!!! :cool:
According to Obama people's hard work is not what makes them successful- it's other people that make them successful. At what point will this idiot just shut up and go away?

That's right November 2012- NOBAMA folks!

Another Bain-in-the-ass-bullshit-thread!!


yeah, Don't forget Republican voters want Romney to release his tax returns too... :eusa_clap:

The tax returns issue could prove a thorny one for Romney, who was booed at a GOP debate in South Carolina earlier this year after he equivocated on whether he would release the returns. His 2011 returns, released in January, showed that Romney and wife Ann paid $3 million in taxes in 2010 on $21.7 million in income, a tax rate of 13.9%, much lower than the 35% marginal rate.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

Ya think?

I think they love their own ignorance and want to keep it.

They know he's a chronic liar but they can pretend he's not. Once he releases his tax returns, they just might have to admit he's a cockroach.

Another Bain-in-the-ass-bullshit-thread!!


yeah, Don't forget Republican voters want Romney to release his tax returns too... :eusa_clap:

The tax returns issue could prove a thorny one for Romney, who was booed at a GOP debate in South Carolina earlier this year after he equivocated on whether he would release the returns. His 2011 returns, released in January, showed that Romney and wife Ann paid $3 million in taxes in 2010 on $21.7 million in income, a tax rate of 13.9%, much lower than the 35% marginal rate.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

Ya think?

I think they love their own ignorance and want to keep it.

They know he's a chronic liar but they can pretend he's not. Once he releases his tax returns, they just might have to admit he's a cockroach.

Funny how you can go along with the "republicans want to see them too" mantra, but clam right up when it's pointed out that "democrats have stated there's no basis for Obama's claims".

Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Surprisinglinsly enough, a partner explains on (MSNBC) why Mitt was legally CEO of Bain during those years, just no longer a part of the company. While he wasn;t there and a management team was managing the company, Romney was being paid for the franchise value of the company he had created.

It was difficult for Mitt and his attorneys to even negotiate a salary because Romney was so busy with the Olympics, he said. He didn't come to any meetings and everyone recognized he was no longer involved in the company/.

Guy, you are trying to claim this guy had millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money tied up in this partnership, as the world was going in to economic meltdown in 2000 and 2001, and that he really had no personal involvement because he was too busy designing the downhill course in the Olympics?

Seriously? This is your contention?

The timing here is critical. Romney likes to brag about how well Bain did when it was the 1990's and everyone was kind of doing well. But when the economy started to go into the shitter in 2000, and those Bain companies started offshoring and outsourcing and downsizing and laying off union workers, well, Gosh, Darn, I had nothing to do with that, even though I was making a lot of money off of it! That was those other guys. The guys I left in charge of the company I was owner and CEO of and I drew a six figure salary from.

Nope, nope, I was too busy designing the Luge Course.
The timing here is critical. Romney likes to brag about how well Bain did when it was the 1990's and everyone was kind of doing well. But when the economy started to go into the shitter in 2000, and those Bain companies started offshoring and outsourcing and downsizing and laying off union workers, well, Gosh, Darn, .

Retardo LEARN Then and only then re-post

How Outsourcing Creates Jobs

by Mark Thornton

Putting limits on foreign outsourcing will make the U.S. a less desirable location for employers and would put American companies at a disadvantage compared to their foreign competitors in Europe and Japan, who can continue to rely on the low-cost advantages of foreign outsourcing. As such, the ability to outsource work to other countries is crucial for both new job creation and saving current American jobs from foreign competition. The current economic weakness in the U.S. economy is clearly the result of cyclical and financial factors, not offshore outsourcing. Our economy is the number-one beneficiary of open trade and technology — 5% of American workers are employed by foreign companies. Any attempt to curtail outsourcing would harm the economy directly and further push us toward a disastrous protectionist trade war. "

Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Surprisinglinsly enough, a partner explains on (MSNBC) why Mitt was legally CEO of Bain during those years, just no longer a part of the company. While he wasn;t there and a management team was managing the company, Romney was being paid for the franchise value of the company he had created.

It was difficult for Mitt and his attorneys to even negotiate a salary because Romney was so busy with the Olympics, he said. He didn't come to any meetings and everyone recognized he was no longer involved in the company/.

Guy, you are trying to claim this guy had millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money tied up in this partnership, as the world was going in to economic meltdown in 2000 and 2001, and that he really had no personal involvement because he was too busy designing the downhill course in the Olympics?

Seriously? This is your contention?

The timing here is critical. Romney likes to brag about how well Bain did when it was the 1990's and everyone was kind of doing well. But when the economy started to go into the shitter in 2000, and those Bain companies started offshoring and outsourcing and downsizing and laying off union workers, well, Gosh, Darn, I had nothing to do with that, even though I was making a lot of money off of it! That was those other guys. The guys I left in charge of the company I was owner and CEO of and I drew a six figure salary from.

Nope, nope, I was too busy designing the Luge Course.

Finally, something worth reading that makes total sense.
Obama doesn't release anything about his college years, so that the GOP can't attack him.
Romney doesn't release his past tax returns so that the DNC can't attack him.
Seems like a smart move by both.
So, he took risk with others money, who HAD/HAVE the money. hmmm Reads a lot like what took this economy to the brink on wall st. when bushy boy and the con's had full control. Bush; just another spoiled rotten, draft dodgin rich punk that was running the country while going on a charging frenzy with the nations credit card, which benefitted a relative few while screwing a relative many. Isn't that right? If not, how not?
Obama released TWELVE years worth of his tax returns.

Romney released ONE.

Who the f--- cares?

What does this have to do with the bad economy? What does this have to do with out-of-control illegal immigration? What dose this have to do with the war on terrorism?
So, he took risk with others money, who HAD/HAVE the money. hmmm Reads a lot like what took this economy to the brink on wall st. when bushy boy and the con's had full control. Bush; just another spoiled rotten, draft dodgin rich punk that was running the country while going on a charging frenzy with the nations credit card, which benefitted a relative few while screwing a relative many. Isn't that right? If not, how not?

No need to be jealous of those who have succeeded in their lives.

Do you bitch about Gates, Buffet (tax dodger) Soros...
'In January,2011, President Obama named General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt to head the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, an economic advisory board focused on job creation...
Mr. Obama's choice of Immelt came under scrutiny Friday in the wake of a front-page story in the New York Times reporting that despite $14.2 billion in worldwide profits - including more than $5 billion from U.S. operations - GE did not owe taxes in 2010.

In fact, the story said, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.
White House defends embrace of G.E. CEO despite report company didn't owe taxes in 2010 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Oh and lets not forget Jon Corzine, the former CEO of Goldman Sach and of MF Global. MF Global filed for bankruptcy protection in October 2011, and Corzine resigned on November 4, 2011.

'Jon Corzine -- under federal and congressional investigation following accusations that the securities firm he headed illegally took clients' funds before collapsing -- is among President Obama's top re-election campaign bundlers, raising at least $500,000, according to the campaign’s filing Friday with the Federal Election Commission.

Corzine, the former New Jersey senator and governor, and former head of Goldman Sachs, is among 127 individuals (dubbed “volunteer fundraisers” in the parlance used by Obama’s Chicago campaign) credited with raising more than $500,000 through the first quarter of 2012.

Corzine is being investigated by the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission; he told Congress under oath last year that, while serving as chief executive at MF Global, he knew nothing about clients’ missing funds.

RealClearPolitics - Corzine, Amid Scandal, Is Among Obama's Top Bundlers

Former Gov. Corzine's Wall Street firm under investigation; hundreds of millions of dollars in question |

If you choose to be envious of people who 'have money', be FAIR when pointing your finger to ALL who are wealthy.

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