Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""
Romney is only obligated to release the tax returns from the past couple of years.

Anything else is a deliberate deflection from the failed presidency of Barak Obama.

Whatever. Tell it to the voters.

The voters already know.....You are barking up the losing tree.
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""
Apparently he feels that the bad rap for not revealing his taxes would be outweighed by revealing them.
All he has to do is ask why the Democrats are deflecting from the mismanagement of the peoples money to attack his success.

That would be game, set, and match.
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Surprisinglinsly enough, a partner explains on (MSNBC) why Mitt was legally CEO of Bain during those years, just no longer a part of the company. While he wasn;t there and a management team was managing the company, Romney was being paid for the franchise value of the company he had created.

It was difficult for Mitt and his attorneys to even negotiate a salary because Romney was so busy with the Olympics, he said. He didn't come to any meetings and everyone recognized he was no longer involved in the company/.
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Romney's tax history has survived Obama Administration, repeated RNC Rivals, Mass Democratic Party and DNC scrunity for governership, prior Presidential runs and beyond for years.

Does not Give A Fuck Meter is pegged.
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

That he is a gazillionaire.

In our socialistic republic he is subject to be crucified.]
[B] I pledge allegiance to the NEW Flag of the United States of America, and to the Socialist Republic for which it stands,....[/B][/QUOTE]

I'm up with that. :eusa_clap:
Obama released TWELVE years worth of his tax returns.

Romney released ONE.

Romney could settle this entire situation by doing what most presidential nominees, even his own dad, have done election after election.

What is he hiding?

The fact he refuses to release more does not equal "hiding" something. it is doing no more than most Presidential candidates have done- PERIOD! He released what the majority of all candidates have done-including past Democrat candidates. The fact Obama chose to release more is entirely IRRELEVANT. How does that magically obligate others to also do so? What makes Democrats and the left believe THEY get to call the tune and force everyone else to dance to it? They can go to hell. NO MORE RULE CHANGING TO SUIT THE LEFT. The fact Obama chose to release more does NOT dictate how many the next guy must release! EVER. We all know liberals will MAGICALLY grasp this concept when the next Democrat chooses to only release two years again.

Anyone with a double digit IQ or more knows the REAL reason liberals are beating this pointless drum. They are hoping trolling through them will provide more false , phony distractions to Obama's horrific record and that's it. Liberals CONSTANTLY change the rules if, and ONLY if, doing so is believed to benefit them in any way. And of course change them once again when it benefits them again. And then pretend everyone is obligated to cave to their whims.

I hope Romney refuses to release any more tax returns. The left are a pack of total vomit inducing hyena hypocrites. The very same people who demanded Bush release his college transcripts - which he instantly did -because the left was sure they would prove he was "stupid" when it proved he was a superior student to either the moron Gore or John "Lurch" Kerry whose only college A was in French. So now that Obama REFUSES to release HIS college transcripts, the left suddenly has NO problem with that! NO college transcripts needed from a DEMOCRAT -just the Republican is obligated to produce whatever the LEFT demands. Or be met with screams of outrage and bullshit claims he is "hiding" something, right? But they will immediately change the rules yet again when the next Democrat candidate only releases two years of his tax returns, refuses to release HIS college transcript etc. Time to put a STOP to the left trying to force the Republican candidate to dance to THEIR constantly changing tune! FUCK 'EM!

The entire game plan for the left is to try and convince people they should care far more about what Romney legally did with his own money than what Obama and Democrats have done with MINE. Not working.
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Obama released TWELVE years worth of his tax returns.

Romney released ONE.

Romney could settle this entire situation by doing what most presidential nominees, even his own dad, have done election after election.

What is he hiding?

The fact he refuses to release more does not equal "hiding" something.

That's a very new concept in GOP politics. Ask Clinton, Kerry, Gore.

then there was when Dukakis refused to release his full medical history and conservatives said he had to be hiding something.

stfu you lying piece of con-crap

Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

what would the tax returns tell you, no wait what do you want the tax returns to say ala Bain?

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