Bait and switch...

The Democrats Love Their Border stampede
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

Sure bub, keep telling yourself that. A fence with slats does nothing to stop it since drugs can be passed right through it.
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

Sure bub, keep telling yourself that. A fence with slats does nothing to stop it since drugs can be passed right through it.
That's right. Hand size packages of heroin are pouring into our SACRED LAND 100 miles from any port of entry
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

You do know that the "wall" is not just the physical wall right?
When Trump and Democrats BEFORE Trump talk about a wall, it is a number of assets.
A physical wall, increase in border patrol, surveillance and detection technology all working together.
The Democrats were for it before they were against it as soon as it was uttered from Trumps mouth
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

Sure bub, keep telling yourself that. A fence with slats does nothing to stop it since drugs can be passed right through it.
Drugs are smuggled in trucks mixed with other cargo
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

You do know that the "wall" is not just the physical wall right?
When Trump and Democrats BEFORE Trump talk about a wall, it is a number of assets.
A physical wall, increase in border patrol, surveillance and detection technology all working together.
The Democrats were for it before they were against it as soon as it was uttered from Trumps mouth
No they weren’t. They supported increased security ten years ago
Since then, the number of illegal immigrations has decreased

But stop moving the goalposts. Trump promised a big, beautiful wall and that Mexico would pay for it

Looks like taxpayers are being asked to pay
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

You do know that the "wall" is not just the physical wall right?
When Trump and Democrats BEFORE Trump talk about a wall, it is a number of assets.
A physical wall, increase in border patrol, surveillance and detection technology all working together.
The Democrats were for it before they were against it as soon as it was uttered from Trumps mouth
No they weren’t. They supported increased security ten years ago
Since then, the number of illegal immigrations has decreased

But stop moving the goalposts. Trump promised a big, beautiful wall and that Mexico would pay for it

Looks like taxpayers are being asked to pay

Really RW?
You ever hear of campaign rhetoric? Unfulfilled campaign promises? Only Trump?
Do tell.
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

You do know that the "wall" is not just the physical wall right?
When Trump and Democrats BEFORE Trump talk about a wall, it is a number of assets.
A physical wall, increase in border patrol, surveillance and detection technology all working together.
The Democrats were for it before they were against it as soon as it was uttered from Trumps mouth
No they weren’t. They supported increased security ten years ago
Since then, the number of illegal immigrations has decreased

But stop moving the goalposts. Trump promised a big, beautiful wall and that Mexico would pay for it

Looks like taxpayers are being asked to pay

Really RW?
You ever hear of campaign rhetoric? Unfulfilled campaign promises? Only Trump?
Do tell.
Didn’t sound rhetorical to me

If it was rhetoric, why did Trump ask the president of Mexico to pay for the wall in his first week as President?

The Mexican President told Trump to go fuk himself
Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

You do know that the "wall" is not just the physical wall right?
When Trump and Democrats BEFORE Trump talk about a wall, it is a number of assets.
A physical wall, increase in border patrol, surveillance and detection technology all working together.
The Democrats were for it before they were against it as soon as it was uttered from Trumps mouth
No they weren’t. They supported increased security ten years ago
Since then, the number of illegal immigrations has decreased

But stop moving the goalposts. Trump promised a big, beautiful wall and that Mexico would pay for it

Looks like taxpayers are being asked to pay

Really RW?
You ever hear of campaign rhetoric? Unfulfilled campaign promises? Only Trump?
Do tell.
Didn’t sound rhetorical to me

If it was rhetoric, why did Trump ask the president of Mexico to pay for the wall in his first week as President?

The Mexican President told Trump to go fuk himself
Because Trump does things for effect, and rather in-eloquently.
The guy is not exactly well polished, but that is not always bad. I remember at the G7 Summit and he lambasted the entire European government for their continued failure to meet their financial requirements. I practically stood up and applauded at the TV. Loooooong overdue, he was absolutely right about stopping our annual funding of their slush funds while they fail repeatedly to even remotely fulfill their financial responsibilities.
Fact is Trump is arrogant/egotistical/crude and probably the largest whiner the White House has ever had...but he is far far far less of a problem than the hysterical over-dramatized Trump mania the left drone out every single day.
I don't particularly like him overall, but we could and have, done much worse.
Dems offered $25 billion in border funding last year in return for a path to citizenship for Dreamers

Trump turned it down

Senate Democrats offered to provide $25 billion in border wall funding earlier this year in return for giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship. But Trump and most Republicans rebuffed that proposal to salvage the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Democrats are unlikely to provide $25 billion for Trump's wall absent a much broader immigration deal.

Trump loses temper over border wall funding

Why Democrats Decided to Offer Trump His Wall - The Atlantic

Why Trump Isn’t Taking Democrats’ Offer For A Wall

I could have gone on, plenty of links of early last year.
Trump's rubes have self-inflicted amnesia. It's how he is able to hoax them again and again and again.
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

You do know that the "wall" is not just the physical wall right?
When Trump and Democrats BEFORE Trump talk about a wall, it is a number of assets.
A physical wall, increase in border patrol, surveillance and detection technology all working together.
The Democrats were for it before they were against it as soon as it was uttered from Trumps mouth
No they weren’t. They supported increased security ten years ago
Since then, the number of illegal immigrations has decreased

But stop moving the goalposts. Trump promised a big, beautiful wall and that Mexico would pay for it

Looks like taxpayers are being asked to pay

Really RW?
You ever hear of campaign rhetoric? Unfulfilled campaign promises? Only Trump?
Do tell.
Ah. So Trump is just like every other politician. Another gator in the swamp fucking over the rubes.

He's different only in that he lies way, way, way more.

And you're okay with that.
You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

You do know that the "wall" is not just the physical wall right?
When Trump and Democrats BEFORE Trump talk about a wall, it is a number of assets.
A physical wall, increase in border patrol, surveillance and detection technology all working together.
The Democrats were for it before they were against it as soon as it was uttered from Trumps mouth
No they weren’t. They supported increased security ten years ago
Since then, the number of illegal immigrations has decreased

But stop moving the goalposts. Trump promised a big, beautiful wall and that Mexico would pay for it

Looks like taxpayers are being asked to pay

Really RW?
You ever hear of campaign rhetoric? Unfulfilled campaign promises? Only Trump?
Do tell.
Didn’t sound rhetorical to me

If it was rhetoric, why did Trump ask the president of Mexico to pay for the wall in his first week as President?

The Mexican President told Trump to go fuk himself
Because Trump does things for effect, and rather in-eloquently.
The guy is not exactly well polished, but that is not always bad. I remember at the G7 Summit and he lambasted the entire European government for their continued failure to meet their financial requirements. I practically stood up and applauded at the TV. Loooooong overdue, he was absolutely right about stopping our annual funding of their slush funds while they fail repeatedly to even remotely fulfill their financial responsibilities.
Fact is Trump is arrogant/egotistical/crude and probably the largest whiner the White House has ever had...but he is far far far less of a problem than the hysterical over-dramatized Trump mania the left drone out every single day.
I don't particularly like him overall, but we could and have, done much worse.
What you mean is....he lies
He will say anything to get what he wants

He thought he would get more support for a border wall if he said he would make Mexico pay for it

So he lied
The fact remains it’s a fucking clown show down there, totally ineffective to this point. We have no border security to speak of down there

Yes, doesn't matter if we build a 100' steel wall w/C4 mines around it....because>>>>

I could have gone on, plenty of links of early last year.

DD nails it

No, the reason why it’s a failure Progressives need the votes, corporate America needs the labor, and snowflakes need natural law

Seems to me your side are the snowflakes you've been crying about a wall and replacement of obamacare now, how long? Your daily cryies are laughed at by the educated on both sides of the political spectrum. Keep whining and crying and maybe you'll get your wish one day and I can foresee the demise of obamacare long before a wall.

You used "cryies" and talk about being educated? Were you dribbled on your head as a child?

No was in a hurry this morning Mr correctness. Now who was talking about being educated in this thread?
Our president is the greatest deal maker of all time...So where is the deal?

All he has offered is demands. A deal means you have to offer something in return

Deals Democrats may agree to...

Path to citizenship for dreamers
Appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Have Trump agree not to run in 2020

See? Democrats are reasonable

Dems siding with drug cartels and human traffickers is just handing 2020 on a silver platter. That’s the deal of the century.

You do know a wall does nothing to stop that don’t you?

Sure bub, keep telling yourself that. A fence with slats does nothing to stop it since drugs can be passed right through it.
Drugs are smuggled in trucks mixed with other cargo
Also in those huge crates that come in on ships.

ETA: And what is it, opium, heroin and morphine that comes in from China? Those are shipped here too and not via the southern border.
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Please, everyone, remember what Patton once said. "Wall fortification is a monument to man's stupidity". tRump has now proven just how right Patton was!
Well, The
Please, everyone, remember what Patton once said. "Wall fortification is a monument to man's stupidity". tRump has now proven just how right Patton was!
The numbers of caught illegal aliens are down because more are getting by our none existent border security.
Like I said it’s a fucking clown show down there, just like Groundhog Day a failure every single day
Well, The
Please, everyone, remember what Patton once said. "Wall fortification is a monument to man's stupidity". tRump has now proven just how right Patton was!
The numbers of caught illegal aliens are down because more are getting by our none existent border security.
Like I said it’s a fucking clown show down there, just like Groundhog Day a failure every single day
Well, The
Please, everyone, remember what Patton once said. "Wall fortification is a monument to man's stupidity". tRump has now proven just how right Patton was!
The numbers of caught illegal aliens are down because more are getting by our none existent border security.
Like I said it’s a fucking clown show down there, just like Groundhog Day a failure every single day
Well, The
Please, everyone, remember what Patton once said. "Wall fortification is a monument to man's stupidity". tRump has now proven just how right Patton was!
The numbers of caught illegal aliens are down because more are getting by our none existent border security.
Like I said it’s a fucking clown show down there, just like Groundhog Day a failure every single day

In your dreams Tonto!
BAIT: I will make Mexico pay for it!

SWITCH: I will make Congress and the American taxpayers pay for it!
The fact remains it’s a fucking clown show down there, totally ineffective to this point. We have no border security to speak of down there

Yes, doesn't matter if we build a 100' steel wall w/C4 mines around it....because>>>>

I could have gone on, plenty of links of early last year.

DD nails it

No, the reason why it’s a failure Progressives need the votes, corporate America needs the labor, and snowflakes need natural law

Seems to me your side are the snowflakes you've been crying about a wall and replacement of obamacare now, how long? Your daily cryies are laughed at by the educated on both sides of the political spectrum. Keep whining and crying and maybe you'll get your wish one day and I can foresee the demise of obamacare long before a wall.

You used "cryies" and talk about being educated? Were you dribbled on your head as a child?

No was in a hurry this morning Mr correctness. Now who was talking about being educated in this thread?

You were dumbass! It is in the same sentence!

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