Baker investigated for refusing to make same sex wedding cake

Ladies and Gentleman or ladies and ladies and gentleman and gentlemen as so not to offend anyone the P.C. police have struck again.
Ladies and Gentleman or ladies and ladies and gentleman and gentlemen as so not to offend anyone the P.C. police have struck again.

I agree. But I think it has far more implications for our society than just P C.
This baker has become the subject of a full scale investigation by the Department of Justice. That's what's wrong.
Because it's about being loud, in your face obnoxious and demanding. LOOK AT ME!!!!

I agree, I get the impression this wedding ceremony is just another attention getting event in a long list of oxygen sucking antics.

It's not. But the tantrum over the wedding cake IS.

If the wedding were so important I hardly think anyone would file a complaint over a cake maker. Attention getting bs.

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This baker has become the subject of a full scale investigation by the Department of Justice. That's what's wrong.

They actually had I believe an SVU episode recently about "gay on gay" hate crimes, and you have liberals on the internet going insane, some saying it's an issue that must be discussed why saying gays aren't capable of committing hate crimes. Typical liberal bullshit, like only whites can be racist. That shit. It's going to get even more hilarious watching these mutants deny reality.
Surely you don't really mean to equate a city permit with a private contract.

I'm not the one who made the analogy. But public policy applies to private businesses who do work for the public.

Then they just have to stop doing that work for the public. How hard can this be to understand? My mechanic stopped doing business with the public and makes a very good living still fixing cars. Just not for black people. The photographer friend has suffered no loss of business because he stopped doing wedding photography. He still does as much wedding photography as he ever did. He just no longer has to perform services for same sex couples because wedding photography is not a service he offers to the general public. My case went to court and I did not have to paint the wedding portrait of a same sex couple because this was not a service I offered to the public.

This is a growing practice and it should be. People will always find a way out of oppression.

I would have painted a LOUSY portrait!
I'm not the one who made the analogy. But public policy applies to private businesses who do work for the public.

Then they just have to stop doing that work for the public. How hard can this be to understand? My mechanic stopped doing business with the public and makes a very good living still fixing cars. Just not for black people. The photographer friend has suffered no loss of business because he stopped doing wedding photography. He still does as much wedding photography as he ever did. He just no longer has to perform services for same sex couples because wedding photography is not a service he offers to the general public. My case went to court and I did not have to paint the wedding portrait of a same sex couple because this was not a service I offered to the public.

This is a growing practice and it should be. People will always find a way out of oppression.

I would have painted a LOUSY portrait!

Similar vein, there was a show on the food network, baker king or something... And a woman came in and wanted to commission a cake for her bachelorette party, and she wanted it to be a giant penis. The baker told her, he doesn't make graphic cakes. He should have that right, just like the baker in this story.

Not the same, they baker refused because of the type or content, not due to discrimination. He doesn't provide the type of cake request, he doesn't sell it to one group and not another.

Its the same with this baker. If didnt refused to sell a birthday cake because the customer was gay, he stated he doesn't make gay wedding cakes. The baker in my story makes bachelorette cakes, however he doesn't make naked cakes.

No it's not, it is a wedding cake for a gay couple, it is a cake with an objective body part. Not anywhere near the same. I'd be willing to bet that the Oregon statute will stand.
Why say he makes wedding cakes when he doesn't make wedding cakes for certain people? He needs to advertise that he won't make a wedding cake for same sex couples.

Then people will vote with their feet. His business will go downhill, all because of a stupid decision he made.

He also says that gays can 'buy my stuff' and that he will sell gay people 'stuff' but he is lying - if he served gay people, and sold them what they wanted, he wouldn't have refused to make the cake!
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Also, check out their website:

Home - Sweet Cakes

First, it says this:

Welcome to Sweet Cakes! Are you looking for a wedding cake or for ANY occasion?

This implies they make cakes for same sex couples. It does say 'any' occasion, after all.

Then it states some obvious beliefs about marriage, but below that, it says this:

!!!!!Remember we do cakes for any occasion!!!

But they don't.

I don't blame the woman for getting offended. She probably looked at the misleading website and thought they'd make her cake.
I wonder how long before the people who don't want to deal with gay weddings start to get creative: take the job, and just NOT deliver the cake! Don't know about you, but I would MUCH rather order a cake and be told, "Sorry, we won't do it," than order a cake for a wedding and never have it delivered!

Or they can just take the job and do it.

Not seeing the problem here. They have a business. That means they have to accommedate ALL customers capable of paying for the goods and services.

Here's the real problem, homophobia is becoming unacceptable as a bigotry. Even these bible thumping inbreds had to qualify that they "do not hate homosexuals".
I don't think lawsuits are examples of the free market in action. If they weren't in it for the attention, they would have just gone to a baker who would make the cake, and that baker would be financially better off.


But I think the point they were making was about the discrimination and the failure to follow the law as a public accommadation.
Why say he makes wedding cakes when he doesn't make wedding cakes for certain people? He needs to advertise that he won't make a wedding cake for same sex couples.

Then people will vote with their feet. His business will go downhill, all because of a stupid decision he made.

He also says that gays can 'buy my stuff' and that he will sell gay people 'stuff' but he is lying - if he served gay people, and sold them what they wanted, he wouldn't have refused to make the cake!

Why would you think that? I'd sell any of my paintings to someone who is gay. I just wouldn't paint their portrait.
The bakery should stop making wedding cakes unless the customer is well known to them.
Odd though that refusing to enter into an agreement to bake a cake has resulted in a full scale department of justice investigation.

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