Baker must make gay cakes

If I give a friend $500.00 so his girlfriend can get an abortion, did I sin knowing what the money was for?

If I let my neighbor borrow my hammer because he wanted to murder his wife with it, did I commit a crime?

If I let my son drive my car knowing he is drunk and he kills someone by driving on the sidewalk, am I not guilty as well?

If I bake a cake for a gay wedding and homosexuality is considered a sin in my religion, am I not committing a sin?

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, where – again – religious doctrine and dogma cannot be used to ‘excuse’ disobeying a just and proper law, such as public accommodations laws.

What's next, forcing church's to perform gay weddings? Because that's what this "Panel" is doing, you wait and see.


Public accommodations laws apply only to for profit commercial entities that provide goods and services to the general public in the context of a given local market, where the Commerce Clause authorizes government to safeguard the integrity of the markets, as allowing discriminatory practices can result in the disruption of the local market and other interrelated market (Wickard v. Filburn (1942)).

Churches are private non-profit entities, and are not subject to public accommodations laws accordingly.
If I give a friend $500.00 so his girlfriend can get an abortion, did I sin knowing what the money was for?

If I let my neighbor borrow my hammer because he wanted to murder his wife with it, did I commit a crime?

If I let my son drive my car knowing he is drunk and he kills someone by driving on the sidewalk, am I not guilty as well?

If I bake a cake for a gay wedding and homosexuality is considered a sin in my religion, am I not committing a sin?

You may think I'm wrong and that's cool, you have your opinion. I can sell donuts to homosexuals, the klan, to whoever and that is not a sin. I can make a cake for a homosexuals birthday party, that's cool too. But when you force me to participate in something that goes against my religion, that's not cool. Forcing this guy to bake a wedding cake is forcing him to participate in their sin, that is not cool.

What's next, forcing church's to perform gay weddings? Because that's what this "Panel" is doing, you wait and see.
no wonder Hadrian built his wall.
The baker, Mr. Phillips has already stated in the past that he is willing to go to jail rather than renounce his faith. I support him, no way would I ever abandon my religion because of some court ruling. I'd go to jail as well in order to keep practicing my faith.

Colo. Baker Willing to Go to Jail for Not Baking Cake for Same-Sex Wedding

Yup, because you should totally go to jail because an imaginary pixie in the Sky said something.

So when is he going to start stoning his neighbors for working on Sunday like the Sky Pixie said?
If I give a friend $500.00 so his girlfriend can get an abortion, did I sin knowing what the money was for?

If I let my neighbor borrow my hammer because he wanted to murder his wife with it, did I commit a crime?

If I let my son drive my car knowing he is drunk and he kills someone by driving on the sidewalk, am I not guilty as well?

If I bake a cake for a gay wedding and homosexuality is considered a sin in my religion, am I not committing a sin?

You may think I'm wrong and that's cool, you have your opinion. I can sell donuts to homosexuals, the klan, to whoever and that is not a sin. I can make a cake for a homosexuals birthday party, that's cool too. But when you force me to participate in something that goes against my religion, that's not cool. Forcing this guy to bake a wedding cake is forcing him to participate in their sin, that is not cool.

What's next, forcing church's to perform gay weddings? Because that's what this "Panel" is doing, you wait and see.

Your religion is not a trump card that can used to violate other's constitutional rights. No matter what your religion, if you choose to enter into an endeavour, a business for example, that is bound by the law to respect the rights of others, you are so bound;

your religion is not some sort of legal immunity.
The baker, Mr. Phillips has already stated in the past that he is willing to go to jail rather than renounce his faith. I support him, no way would I ever abandon my religion because of some court ruling. I'd go to jail as well in order to keep practicing my faith.

Colo. Baker Willing to Go to Jail for Not Baking Cake for Same-Sex Wedding

Yup, because you should totally go to jail because an imaginary pixie in the Sky said something.

So when is he going to start stoning his neighbors for working on Sunday like the Sky Pixie said?
I've not worked a single Sunday in my entire life. Even as a student in college, I'd work 6 days in the summer months, and evenings, and Saturdays while in school, but never on Sunday.

I realize that there are folks of different faiths, thus my motto is to live and let live. This applies to both working on Sundays and gay marriage. However I will not participate in any of these events in any way as I myself have my own faith and I do not intend on renouncing it. I'd go to jail first.
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Gays can get away with a lot, but when the public has had enough, this is the result.

Reports of Anti-Gay Crimes Rose 26 Percent in 2013, Advocates Say - Midtown - New York

It is not an easy task to get people to accept degeneracy as normal behavior. They have a tendency to fight back.


I hate to guess what ingredients the Colorado Baker may use in a Gay Wedding Cake.

I'm also astonished there's not a Gay Wedding Cake Baker who specializes in catering to the minority: Could it be that Gay Weddings are not as popular as the MSM would have us believe?
Really demonstrates that religions are all about hate.

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All wedding cakes are gay. Wedding ceremonies are gay. Wedding planners are gay. Tuxedos are gay.

Everything about weddings is gay.

What's the problem?


What Real Man makes a living baking cakes, anyway?

He probably listens to show tunes while drinking Mai Tais and taking a bubble bath.
The baker, Mr. Phillips has already stated in the past that he is willing to go to jail rather than renounce his faith. I support him, no way would I ever abandon my religion because of some court ruling. I'd go to jail as well in order to keep practicing my faith.


Yup, because you should totally go to jail because an imaginary pixie in the Sky said something.

So when is he going to start stoning his neighbors for working on Sunday like the Sky Pixie said?
I've not worked a single Sunday in my entire life. Even as a student in college, I'd work 6 days in the summer months, and evenings, and Saturdays while in school, but never on Sunday.

I realize that there are folks of different faiths, thus my motto is to live and let live. This applies to both working on Sundays and gay marriage. However I will not participate in any of these events in any way as I myself have my own faith and I do not intend on renouncing it. I'd go to jail first. you watch any football on Sunday?

If so then that's as bad as working.


I won't tell if you don't.
Gays can get away with a lot, but when the public has had enough, this is the result.

Reports of Anti-Gay Crimes Rose 26 Percent in 2013, Advocates Say - Midtown - New York

It is not an easy task to get people to accept degeneracy as normal behavior. They have a tendency to fight back.

:rolleyes: you mean like the kind of degeneracy that ACCEPTS 'fighting back' with physical violence against gays as normal behavior??

The organization's research found that 594 people reported attacks in New York City because of their sexual identity in 2013, up from 470 in 2012. The numbers are based on a combination of attacks reported in the media and victims who reported incidents to AVP.


The organization cautioned that their numbers may be “a reflection of the enhanced accuracy in reporting, as well as the fact that we are reaching more New Yorkers with our message of safety for LGBTQ and HIV-affected people," rather than show an increase in violence, AVP Executive Director Sharon Stapel said.

Nationally, the number of reported anti-gay attacks was down slightly in 2013 compared to 2012, with a nearly 1 percent decrease, according to a report by the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs.

Reports of Anti-Gay Crimes Rose 26 Percent in 2013, Advocates Say - Midtown - New York

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