Baker must make gay cakes

I've not worked a single Sunday in my entire life. Even as a student in college, I'd work 6 days in the summer months, and evenings, and Saturdays while in school, but never on Sunday.

I realize that there are folks of different faiths, thus my motto is to live and let live. This applies to both working on Sundays and gay marriage. However I will not participate in any of these events in any way as I myself have my own faith and I do not intend on renouncing it. I'd go to jail first. you watch any football on Sunday?

If so then that's as bad as working.


I won't tell if you don't.
I wish I could have a job where I watch football all the time, I'd be volunteering for overtime work, day and night. Doesn't matter if it's NFL or college football.

Kidding aside, watching football, or any sporting event is a recreational event, not considered as work. If I were to mow my lawn or paint the fence on Sunday, that would be considered work. I do all my house chores after work on weekdays, or on Saturday. In my home Sunday is the day to worship God, and a day to spend with family. Not to mention a day of rest.

The point is (assuming you're able to focus for the millisecond it may take) is that you are not worshiping whilst watching football.

Thus you should probably go to hell.

Sorry, but that's your religion.
If I give a friend $500.00 so his girlfriend can get an abortion, did I sin knowing what the money was for?

If I let my neighbor borrow my hammer because he wanted to murder his wife with it, did I commit a crime?

If I let my son drive my car knowing he is drunk and he kills someone by driving on the sidewalk, am I not guilty as well?

If I bake a cake for a gay wedding and homosexuality is considered a sin in my religion, am I not committing a sin?

You may think I'm wrong and that's cool, you have your opinion. I can sell donuts to homosexuals, the klan, to whoever and that is not a sin. I can make a cake for a homosexuals birthday party, that's cool too. But when you force me to participate in something that goes against my religion, that's not cool. Forcing this guy to bake a wedding cake is forcing him to participate in their sin, that is not cool.

What's next, forcing church's to perform gay weddings? Because that's what this "Panel" is doing, you wait and see.

Your religion is not a trump card that can used to violate other's constitutional rights. No matter what your religion, if you choose to enter into an endeavour, a business for example, that is bound by the law to respect the rights of others, you are so bound;

your religion is not some sort of legal immunity.

There is no constitutional right to a wedding cake.

None? Try opening, for example, a whites only bakery. See how that works out for you.
You won't be "equal" until you can have a baby by getting fucked up the ass.

So you are saying all these infertile couples are "unequal", then?

No, since infertile couples can still adopt & raise kids in a natural fashion, a mother & a father. I realize you're too stupid to understand that having a male father & female mother is the best enviroment to raise children in...just because fags could adopt doesn't mean the kid is going to grow up in the best enviroment...but the contrary, it would be the worst possible scenario to raise a child...just look at how mentally screwed up fags are by and large.

Then we should take children away from single moms if there's a man/woman couple who would like to have them?

You're mental.
Your religion is not a trump card that can used to violate other's constitutional rights. No matter what your religion, if you choose to enter into an endeavour, a business for example, that is bound by the law to respect the rights of others, you are so bound;

your religion is not some sort of legal immunity.

There is no constitutional right to a wedding cake.

None? Try opening, for example, a whites only bakery. See how that works out for you.

I always appreciate the queer analogy to race.

The white Cake Baker on non-Queer Cakess should be terribly concerned.

After all, how many white, straight people need weeding cakes?

If I owned a bakery today, I would run it just like muslims run their bakeries. If you want a cake, you walk in and buy one. What you do with it is up to you. If you want a decorated cake, and insist, you will get a plain, bare cake and a bag of frosting with written directions on how to decorate it.

If you know the owner, go to the same mosque, or speak farsi as a first language, you might be able to convince the owner to perform a favor for a price and get something approximating what you want.

Muslims have these policies because they won't make Christian wedding cakes as part of a Christian religious ceremony. It's against their religion. It works just as well for same sex weddings.

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So you are saying all these infertile couples are "unequal", then?

No, since infertile couples can still adopt & raise kids in a natural fashion, a mother & a father. I realize you're too stupid to understand that having a male father & female mother is the best enviroment to raise children in...just because fags could adopt doesn't mean the kid is going to grow up in the best enviroment...but the contrary, it would be the worst possible scenario to raise a child...just look at how mentally screwed up fags are by and large.

Then we should take children away from single moms if there's a man/woman couple who would like to have them?

You're mental.

Why so prejudice against couples?
Your religion is not a trump card that can used to violate other's constitutional rights. No matter what your religion, if you choose to enter into an endeavour, a business for example, that is bound by the law to respect the rights of others, you are so bound;

your religion is not some sort of legal immunity.

There is no constitutional right to a wedding cake.

None? Try opening, for example, a whites only bakery. See how that works out for you.

You cannot compare race to sexual orientation, well, I guess you can but if I were black, I'd be all over the idiots claiming that they have rights and people not wanting to do business with them is as bad as the Jim Crow laws. Face it, no one knows you are gay unless you tell them. Get a wedding cake and put your own two men on top of it, the guy will never know. I provided the topping for my wedding cake, and we used it for the top of my parents 25th anniversary cake as well.
He is an idiot. Talk about taking a giant leap...but I suppose if the single mother is abusive or unable to care for here child(ren), yeah they should be placed in a home with a traditionally married couple. We already do that, so I guess NYCcarbineers gripe is with the current policies.
No, since infertile couples can still adopt & raise kids in a natural fashion, a mother & a father. I realize you're too stupid to understand that having a male father & female mother is the best enviroment to raise children in...just because fags could adopt doesn't mean the kid is going to grow up in the best enviroment...but the contrary, it would be the worst possible scenario to raise a child...just look at how mentally screwed up fags are by and large.

Then we should take children away from single moms if there's a man/woman couple who would like to have them?

You're mental.

Why so prejudice against couples?
He is an idiot. Talk about taking a giant leap...but I suppose if the single mother is abusive or unable to care for here child(ren), yeah they should be placed in a home with a traditionally married couple. We already do that, so I guess NYCcarbineers gripe is with the current policies.
Then we should take children away from single moms if there's a man/woman couple who would like to have them?

You're mental.

Why so prejudice against couples?

I really don't care who adopts children. I do think the order of priority should be married couples with both a husband and a wife first because children need both a father and a mother in the home. Second should be homsexual couples because two parents are always better than one. Lastly, singles should be able to adopt because one parent is better than no parents.

I also think if you are a parent giving your child up for adoption, you have a right to decide who gets to adopt your child. Years ago, there was mother here that was dying of cancer, she wanted a homosexual couple to adopt her child and there was all kinds of cries against it. Quite frankly, unless you can prove they aren't fit, the parents have every right to decide who raises their children. you watch any football on Sunday?

If so then that's as bad as working.


I won't tell if you don't.
I wish I could have a job where I watch football all the time, I'd be volunteering for overtime work, day and night. Doesn't matter if it's NFL or college football.

Kidding aside, watching football, or any sporting event is a recreational event, not considered as work. If I were to mow my lawn or paint the fence on Sunday, that would be considered work. I do all my house chores after work on weekdays, or on Saturday. In my home Sunday is the day to worship God, and a day to spend with family. Not to mention a day of rest.

The point is (assuming you're able to focus for the millisecond it may take) is that you are not worshiping whilst watching football.

Thus you should probably go to hell.

Sorry, but that's your religion.
You forget that Sunday is a day of worship and a day of rest. Watching football is done while resting. How else are you going to rest? Stare at the wall?
First, the guy says that he is going to close the bakery, rather than compromise his beliefs. Then he says he would bake cup cakes for gays, but not wedding cakes. Face it guys. The guy is just making a statement for the press. He will stay in the bakery business and not bake wedding cakes. Big deal. Post it on the electronic billboard at Times Square. Nothing but berry strudel for gays! Jesus is Ok with that.
First, the guy says that he is going to close the bakery, rather than compromise his beliefs. Then he says he would bake cup cakes for gays, but not wedding cakes. Face it guys. The guy is just making a statement for the press. He will stay in the bakery business and not bake wedding cakes. Big deal. Post it on the electronic billboard at Times Square. Nothing but berry strudel for gays! Jesus is Ok with that.

Finally a post I can agree with you on! Who cares?

Gotta laugh at the cupcake remark though...funny stuff, no matter who you are. He definitely made a statement with that one!
No, since infertile couples can still adopt & raise kids in a natural fashion, a mother & a father. I realize you're too stupid to understand that having a male father & female mother is the best enviroment to raise children in...just because fags could adopt doesn't mean the kid is going to grow up in the best enviroment...but the contrary, it would be the worst possible scenario to raise a child...just look at how mentally screwed up fags are by and large.

I think that's a generalization.

I've known gay couples who've done fine jobs raising kids, often because straight parents couldn't be bothered.

I know gays who are better adjusted than most of the people on this board.
...just because fags could adopt doesn't mean the kid is going to grow up in the best enviroment...

Actually it does:

Oct.12, 2005 (Washington) -- Children growing up in same-sex parental households do not necessarily have differences in self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional problems from children growing up in heterosexual parent homes.

"There are a lot of children with at least one gay or lesbian parent," says Ellen C. Perrin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. She revealed the findings at the American Academy of Pediatrics Conference and Exhibition.

Between 1 million and 6 million children in the U.S. are being reared by committed lesbian or gay couples, she says. Children being raised by same-sex parents were either born to a heterosexual couple, adopted, or conceived through artificial insemination.

"The vast consensus of all the studies shows that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way," she tells WebMD. "In some ways children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures."

Study: Same-Sex Parents Raise Well-Adjusted Kids

As the courts have consistently and correctly ruled, opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples is predicated solely on animus toward gay Americans; your many hateful, ignorant posts and use of the term ‘fag’ is further proof of that.

No mention as to whether or not the baker can pick and choose what ingredients he puts in the cake. Since gays are fond of certain bodily fluids and other bodily matter perhaps the baker could oblige. :eusa_shifty:

And, yet, another example of why I want nothing to do with self proclaimed "Christians"...

Or most conservatives, for that matter.
No, since infertile couples can still adopt & raise kids in a natural fashion, a mother & a father. I realize you're too stupid to understand that having a male father & female mother is the best enviroment to raise children in...just because fags could adopt doesn't mean the kid is going to grow up in the best enviroment...but the contrary, it would be the worst possible scenario to raise a child...just look at how mentally screwed up fags are by and large.

I think that's a generalization.

I've known gay couples who've done fine jobs raising kids, often because straight parents couldn't be bothered.

I know gays who are better adjusted than most of the people on this board.
Your personal story carries about the equal value of a Mexican food stamp. The reality is fags are mentally ill & that is widely reported...even with the biased media who want to push for the normalization of homosexuality...thanks to the Internet and people willing to call you enablers on your bullshit. Info is readily available now...y'all want to censor that too.

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