Baker must make gay cakes

Unless you have some sort of evidence that he is currently discriminating you really can't argue that the ruling is appropriate, especially the part about keeping lack of innocent third parties simply to satisfy a commission that has no legal authority to impose any types of sanctions.

The ruling isn't about what is happening "currently", it's because of what already happened, a year ago.

What do you mean by "keeping lack of innocent third parties..."? I'm having a hard time parsing the sentence.

That is because you don't have all the facts.

In its decision, the panel required Phillips to submit quarterly reports for two years that show how he has worked to change discriminatory practices by altering company policies and training employees. Phillips also must disclose the names of any clients who are turned away.
Civil rights commission says Lakewood baker discriminated against gay couple - The Denver Post

Did you notice that the Commission actually provides the training it suddenly says that he has to provide, for a fee? If this wasn't a government agency you might call the ruling a way to drum up business. Since it is, you might even call it a conflict of interest.

Actually, I would call it a SHAKEDOWN!
Can we make a Muslim baker make me a birthday cake that says...

Islam sucks and so do Muslims! HA HA HA...

Muslims do not bake decorated cakes that depict any living thing. They will throw on a few stylized flowers.

No suicide bomber caricatures? No vans full of ANFO?

No its in the koran. No depictions of living things. A friend of mine wanted a jungle themed cake for her kids first birthday. She went to the bakery in Westwood, owned by muslims. They gave her a bare cake, a couple of bags of colored frosting and a sheet of directions. She got little plastic animals at toys r us.

I go to that bakery all the time.
All wedding cakes are gay. Wedding ceremonies are gay. Wedding planners are gay. Tuxedos are gay.

Everything about weddings is gay.

What's the problem?


What Real Man makes a living baking cakes, anyway?

He probably listens to show tunes while drinking Mai Tais and taking a bubble bath.

There's a local bakery that makes all sorts of stuff (including wedding cakes). Without fail, there is heavy metal blasting from the kitchen. (Last time I was in there, the dude had a Manowar shirt under his apron.)

No mention as to whether or not the baker can pick and choose what ingredients he puts in the cake. Since gays are fond of certain bodily fluids and other bodily matter perhaps the baker could oblige. :eusa_shifty:

And, yet, another example of why I want nothing to do with self proclaimed "Christians"...

LOL. Assume much? I didn't say he "should" I just said he "could." :lol: I mean ... he wouldn't even have to do anything but perhaps let a rumor slip out. It might cure the LGBT community from going to him instead of a gay baker, perhaps.
Your religion is not a trump card that can used to violate other's constitutional rights. No matter what your religion, if you choose to enter into an endeavour, a business for example, that is bound by the law to respect the rights of others, you are so bound;

your religion is not some sort of legal immunity.

There is no constitutional right to a wedding cake.

None? Try opening, for example, a whites only bakery. See how that works out for you.

Ever here of Wonder Bread?
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Hahaha. Now THAT's what I'm talkin' about. Bam!

Look ... if a queer must go to a straight dude to get a cake just go in and ask for a cake without announcing your sexual preferences. I don't go to Subway and ask for a sandwich then blurt out: " by the way ... I'm straight ... just so ya know." Only a mentally incompetent goon would announce his sexual activities when ordering food.

Now if a queer goes in and asks the baker to draw an image of a penis on the cake the baker has EVERY RIGHT UNDER THE SUN to decline such a mentally screwed up request.
Thing is they don't need to announce it. I remember me and my wife going to a cake maker together and picking out our cake...that's how the cake maker knew they were fags.

I'm not following. You and your wife went to pick out a cake and the baker knew that someone else was a fag?
Okay..having not read this thread, I just have to ask.

What the hell is a gay cake? is that like some muscular chippendale or something?
Okay..having not read this thread, I just have to ask.

What the hell is a gay cake? is that like some muscular chippendale or something?

It's a two-layer cake turned upside down so that the tops of both layers are facing down. :eek:
It doesn't matter what the cake was for. If the baker advertises that he makes wedding cakes, he must provide that service to everyone. If he doesn't want to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, he simply stops making cakes.

Or he could put a sign on the front window stating that he refuses to bake cakes for homosexual people. But I guess he wouldn't want to lose business, eh?
First, the guy says that he is going to close the bakery, rather than compromise his beliefs. Then he says he would bake cup cakes for gays, but not wedding cakes. Face it guys. The guy is just making a statement for the press. He will stay in the bakery business and not bake wedding cakes. Big deal. Post it on the electronic billboard at Times Square. Nothing but berry strudel for gays! Jesus is Ok with that.

Finally a post I can agree with you on! Who cares?

Gotta laugh at the cupcake remark though...funny stuff, no matter who you are. He definitely made a statement with that one!

I think the point was that making a cupcake isn't making a statement or endorsing anything. Making a wedding cake certainly does both of those!
First, the guy says that he is going to close the bakery, rather than compromise his beliefs. Then he says he would bake cup cakes for gays, but not wedding cakes. Face it guys. The guy is just making a statement for the press. He will stay in the bakery business and not bake wedding cakes. Big deal. Post it on the electronic billboard at Times Square. Nothing but berry strudel for gays! Jesus is Ok with that.

Weirdly enough, baking a wedding cake for a gay couple isn't compromising his beliefs at all. No is forcing him to become gay.
Thing is they don't need to announce it. I remember me and my wife going to a cake maker together and picking out our cake...that's how the cake maker knew they were fags.

I'm not following. You and your wife went to pick out a cake and the baker knew that someone else was a fag?

No they knew we were a couple as we were getting a wedding cake. If 2 guys walk into a shop or 2 women and ask for a wedding cake design its pretty obvious no?

Not necessarily. It could be two brothers; a father and a son; a man and his best friend; a man and his wife's brother; etc. Nobody has to come in and say: "hello everyone. thsssSteve and I want to order a cake with frothsssting for our wedding nupthialsss." What they need to do before they go in is pick the one that will do the talking (the one with the least amount of lisp). Then simply ask in as normal a tone of voice as he can muster: "I would like to order a wedding cake." Then pay the deposit and leave.
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First, the guy says that he is going to close the bakery, rather than compromise his beliefs. Then he says he would bake cup cakes for gays, but not wedding cakes. Face it guys. The guy is just making a statement for the press. He will stay in the bakery business and not bake wedding cakes. Big deal. Post it on the electronic billboard at Times Square. Nothing but berry strudel for gays! Jesus is Ok with that.

Weirdly enough, baking a wedding cake for a gay couple isn't compromising his beliefs at all. No is forcing him to become gay.

True ... as long as he doesn't have to write anything on the cake that's contrary to his beliefs. The best solution to this entire thing is for gays to go to a gay baker instead of a Christian baker. Problem solved.
Baker must make gay cakes

Actually not.

Business owners must comply with necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, where religious beliefs may not be used to ‘justify’ violating those measures, as such measures in no way ‘violate’ religious belief.
First, the guy says that he is going to close the bakery, rather than compromise his beliefs. Then he says he would bake cup cakes for gays, but not wedding cakes. Face it guys. The guy is just making a statement for the press. He will stay in the bakery business and not bake wedding cakes. Big deal. Post it on the electronic billboard at Times Square. Nothing but berry strudel for gays! Jesus is Ok with that.

Weirdly enough, baking a wedding cake for a gay couple isn't compromising his beliefs at all. No is forcing him to become gay.

True ... as long as he doesn't have to write anything on the cake that's contrary to his beliefs. The best solution to this entire thing is for gays to go to a gay baker instead of a Christian baker. Problem solved.

Its not like there are signs on the front window stating GAY BAKERS EMPLOYED HERE is there?

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