Bakers fined for not working homosexual "wedding" continue fighting for their freedoms

They have every right to argue their case in court- even though they are wrong.

They are wrong, but they are also right. They are right in the sense that they shouldn't have to do business with someone they don't want to. If you believe in the idea of a free country you can't then support the fraternization of parties under the coercion of government. They are wrong in the sense that their reasoning for not wanting to bake the cake is fucking stupid. There is nothing sinful about baking a cake and they're being ridiculous.
Jesus said, "And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery."

These hypocrites are using the bible as an excuse for their hate. They use only those parts of the Bible which suit their bigotry.

That is sacrilege, boys and girls.

We know this because they do not live by the WHOLE Bible which tells them divorce is evil in the sight of God. We know this because we don't see bakers and county clerks denying service to people who are remarrying.

The bible has a lot to say about hypocrites, too. A lot more than what it says about homosexuals.

God didn't even want to grant divorce for adultery. He let Moses talk him into that loophole.

That's how much God hates divorce.
For crying out loud!

Stop whining and bake the fucking cake

So, stop in here,


and ask them to make a cake celebrating Hitlers birthday
How'd that work for you?
Someone tell me which branch of Christianity says gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish.

Then I might believe this "they are exercising their religion" bullshit.
For crying out loud!

Stop whining and bake the fucking cake

So, stop in here,


and ask them to make a cake celebrating Hitlers birthday
How'd that work for you?

How did what work?

I havent' bought a birthday cake, or made one, in my life.

How would it work if David Duke walked into that Jewish bakery and ordered a Birthday cake for hitler?
I'll go you one better.

How would it work out if the Nazis wanted to hold a parade through the Jewish neighborhood of Skokie, IL?

Answer that question, and you'll have the answer to your Hitler birthday cake question.
"So the court must determine: Has Oregon, for example, compelled Catholics to sculpt totems for Wiccan rituals? Feminists to photograph fraternity initiations? Pro-life filmmakers to video abortions?" the brief asks. "It has not, and that ends the case."

THAT is spot on.
All three would be told the very same thing, do your damn job.

Who are you forcing to do what job?
No one is forcing them to do anything but treat all transactions and customers equally. Had they then they would still have a business.
No,no...what job do you wish to force them to do?

It's a simple question....
The job they hold and agreed to fucking do.
For crying out loud!

Stop whining and bake the fucking cake

So, stop in here,


and ask them to make a cake celebrating Hitlers birthday
How'd that work for you?

How did what work?

I havent' bought a birthday cake, or made one, in my life.

How would it work if David Duke walked into that Jewish bakery and ordered a Birthday cake for hitler?
I'll go you one better.

How would it work out if the Nazis wanted to hold a parade through the Jewish neighborhood of Skokie, IL?

Answer that question, and you'll have the answer to your Hitler birthday cake question.

Did the Nazis get a permit to hold the parade?

Don't you consider forcing a Jewish bakery to create a cake for Hitlers birthday hate speech?

If the skinhead sued the bakery for NOT making the cake, would they be able to find a judge that didn't find the actions of the skinhead reprehensible?
Doctors would be free to only treat people of their own religion. You can't separate people by vocation. "Well bakers can discriminate but doctor can't". Why? If they are the same religion and a doctor doesn't want to treat someone that is Hindu, or Atheist, how exactly do you justify one getting to pick and choose and not another.
Some doctors bake cakes, no doubt....
So just what the fuck was your point?
His point is all jobs are the same in this case so do your job.
Let me postulate this...

What if the baker came out and said "you know, I don't agree with the gay lifestyle but god commands us to love our neighbor and not cast the first stone so I will begin baking cakes for the gay community, I apologize for my previous stance".

Do you suppose they would get more or less business?
Doctors would be free to only treat people of their own religion. You can't separate people by vocation. "Well bakers can discriminate but doctor can't". Why? If they are the same religion and a doctor doesn't want to treat someone that is Hindu, or Atheist, how exactly do you justify one getting to pick and choose and not another.
Some doctors bake cakes, no doubt....
So just what the fuck was your point?
His point is all jobs are the same in this case so do your job.
Who do you wish to force to do what job?

They have every right to argue their case in court- even though they are wrong.

They are wrong, but they are also right. They are right in the sense that they shouldn't have to do business with someone they don't want to. If you believe in the idea of a free country you can't then support the fraternization of parties under the coercion of government. They are wrong in the sense that their reasoning for not wanting to bake the cake is fucking stupid. There is nothing sinful about baking a cake and they're being ridiculous.

Yeah, well it's been that way since the Civil Rights Act. Let me know when y'all get around to repealing that...
"So the court must determine: Has Oregon, for example, compelled Catholics to sculpt totems for Wiccan rituals? Feminists to photograph fraternity initiations? Pro-life filmmakers to video abortions?" the brief asks. "It has not, and that ends the case."

THAT is spot on.
All three would be told the very same thing, do your damn job.

Who are you forcing to do what job?
No one is forcing them to do anything but treat all transactions and customers equally. Had they then they would still have a business.
No,no...what job do you wish to force them to do?

It's a simple question....
The job they hold and agreed to fucking do.
What job? Why do you want to force them to agree?
Doctors would be free to only treat people of their own religion. You can't separate people by vocation. "Well bakers can discriminate but doctor can't". Why? If they are the same religion and a doctor doesn't want to treat someone that is Hindu, or Atheist, how exactly do you justify one getting to pick and choose and not another.
Some doctors bake cakes, no doubt....
So just what the fuck was your point?
His point is all jobs are the same in this case so do your job.
Who do you wish to force to do what job?
No matter the job, do it.

They have every right to argue their case in court- even though they are wrong.

They are wrong, but they are also right. They are right in the sense that they shouldn't have to do business with someone they don't want to. If you believe in the idea of a free country you can't then support the fraternization of parties under the coercion of government. They are wrong in the sense that their reasoning for not wanting to bake the cake is fucking stupid. There is nothing sinful about baking a cake and they're being ridiculous.

Yeah, well it's been that way since the Civil Rights Act. Let me know when y'all get around to repealing that...
So people's choices are a civil right? Huh.....
Doctors would be free to only treat people of their own religion. You can't separate people by vocation. "Well bakers can discriminate but doctor can't". Why? If they are the same religion and a doctor doesn't want to treat someone that is Hindu, or Atheist, how exactly do you justify one getting to pick and choose and not another.
Some doctors bake cakes, no doubt....
So just what the fuck was your point?
His point is all jobs are the same in this case so do your job.
Who do you wish to force to do what job?
No matter the job, do it.
Who do you want to force to do what job?

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