Baltimore affirmative action prosecutor violating discovery laws; Yet ANOTHER reason cops will walk


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Baltimore cop argues Freddie Gray had illegal knife

Wow...Baltimore police attorneys are gonna school this prprosecutor. They've made a motion to inspect the knife for defense in the false imprisonment charges. She said NO. The police task force of investigators inspected it...but she wont disclose it to the defense lawyers AFTER charges have been filed.

Which...she has to do:
Criminal Law Right to Evidence Disclosure

She thinks allowing police investigators access to the knife BEFORE cbarges was enough. And defense now asked for it AFTER charges...which is when discovery kicks in.

She said no. And the defense has complained...but not too much. Let her think she got by on this one. Because they're laying the groundwork for a mistrial or flat out dismissal.

How can she be this incompetent?
The defense has requested it...and hinted at releasing their findings publicly (which will be that the knife IS illegal). Prosecutor knows this...and doesnt want the public to find out because...well...she'll look bad and the case will be in jeopardy.

So shes denying it. She made hasty charges overnight...and forgot to read the CITY ordinance on switchblades...rather than just the less restrictive state law.

Which violates disclosure/discovery laws....and can result in a dismissal or mistrial.

5 days in and shes already being trumped. She made fraudulent charges for appeasing a mob and to get social fairness of some kind. When her career is tanked in 5 years...she can thank Al Sharpton and the mob she tried to appease.
If she doesn't turn it over it can be excluded completely. She won't be able to use it as evidence.

Now we pretty much know the knife was illegal.
We'll see. If they did call in for an ambulance and the knife was illegal, I'd imagine the whole case is toast.

It'd be more so if it turns out the EMS guys crushed his windpipe while performing CPR - though honestly I'm not really buying that bit, you'd think they would have read that and went nope... The legal by state not muni law on the knife thing is flyable as an oversight on their part (similar to the wrong persons charged thing), and even the question of proving that EMS was called for Gray or not could be worth looking into further, but "CPR may have crushed windpipe" is pretty much a deal breaker.
If these officers turn out to be completely innocent it looks like Mosby is fucked.

Or Baltimore is fucked. The deal reeks of manslaughter but the legal shenanigans - intended to mollify the community - may well mean the charges will be gutted or even dropped and Baltimore, along with other cities, will burn.
Gonna be a hot summer and I'm not talking 'bout the weather.

In the words of Stan from South Park.... "Dude holy shit"!!!

This gets worse by the day. This is an absolute hit job by the left using the Baltimore attorney generals office as a social vengeance tool.

These cops are 100% innocent and I hope that attorney herself is sued and charged for false arrest!!!
Racist teapers are they don't want the system to work. If they are innocent...a jury will find them innocent. But Bucs and his racist nonsense...posting 18 threads a day about Baltimore is fucking rdiculous. What a racist hack.
If these officers turn out to be completely innocent it looks like Mosby is fucked.

Or Baltimore is fucked. The deal reeks of manslaughter but the legal shenanigans - intended to mollify the community - may well mean the charges will be gutted or even dropped and Baltimore, along with other cities, will burn.
Gonna be a hot summer and I'm not talking 'bout the weather.

You said it, SAYIT.


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