Baltimore: get rid of police--enable criminals

..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
YOU did not read the post
1, WOW--13 less homicides --WOW WOWOW
still it has a HIGH murder rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. crime REPORTING is down [ NOT crimes!!! ] because they are not CHARGING people
FKN DUH--GODDAMN you're stupid
if you don't charge people, OF COURSE it will show less crime --ON THE BOOKS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So people are not reporting homicides, rapes, burglaries, robberies, or stolen cars? My God. How are they convincing insurance companies to pay off?

Perhaps it works the other way. Instead of the cops wasting their days writing up some bullshit solicitation charge they are spending their days looking for serious criminals. Instead of trying to bust the guy with a dime bag of weed they are following leads on the jackass who killed grandma.

When I was in the Army we used to say if it is stupid but works, it’s not stupid. You probably say if it is stupid the people who say it works are lying communists.
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
defund/hate police--enable criminals
YES it will lead to chaos

Or putting resources to work for mental health and rehab..
there has ALWAYS been crime
what are you even yakking about???????!!!!!!!

I'm saying you probably can't expect police officers to deal with the mentally ill effectively. We are a rich country .. Aren't we as smart as Europeans? Don't we have the will? We can even get healthcare for all Americans. Is there something about your particular religious denomination that is so stupid and inhumane?
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
defund/hate police--enable criminals
YES it will lead to chaos

Or putting resources to work for mental health and rehab..
there has ALWAYS been crime
what are you even yakking about???????!!!!!!!

I'm saying you probably can't expect police officers to deal with the mentally ill effectively. We are a rich country .. Aren't we as smart as Europeans? Don't we have the will? We can even get healthcare for all Americans. Is there something about your particular religious denomination that is so stupid and inhumane?
1. there is no god--religious denomination = HAHAHAHAHAHHA
2. who said anything about the mentally ill/etc?? we are talking about criminals
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
YOU did not read the post
1, WOW--13 less homicides --WOW WOWOW
still it has a HIGH murder rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. crime REPORTING is down [ NOT crimes!!! ] because they are not CHARGING people
FKN DUH--GODDAMN you're stupid
if you don't charge people, OF COURSE it will show less crime --ON THE BOOKS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So people are not reporting homicides, rapes, burglaries, robberies, or stolen cars? My God. How are they convincing insurance companies to pay off?

Perhaps it works the other way. Instead of the cops wasting their days writing up some bullshit solicitation charge they are spending their days looking for serious criminals. Instead of trying to bust the guy with a dime bag of weed they are following leads on the jackass who killed grandma.

When I was in the Army we used to say if it is stupid but works, it’s not stupid. You probably say if it is stupid the people who say it works are lying communists.
they [ the CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ] are NOT reporting crimes
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
defund/hate police--enable criminals
YES it will lead to chaos

Or putting resources to work for mental health and rehab..
there has ALWAYS been crime
what are you even yakking about???????!!!!!!!

I'm saying you probably can't expect police officers to deal with the mentally ill effectively. We are a rich country .. Aren't we as smart as Europeans? Don't we have the will? We can even get healthcare for all Americans. Is there something about your particular religious denomination that is so stupid and inhumane?
jesus christ
1. this is NOT tv or a movie--but REAL life ...
2. the European countries' populations are a lot smaller and less diverse
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
YOU did not read the post
1, WOW--13 less homicides --WOW WOWOW
still it has a HIGH murder rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. crime REPORTING is down [ NOT crimes!!! ] because they are not CHARGING people
FKN DUH--GODDAMN you're stupid
if you don't charge people, OF COURSE it will show less crime --ON THE BOOKS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So people are not reporting homicides, rapes, burglaries, robberies, or stolen cars? My God. How are they convincing insurance companies to pay off?

Perhaps it works the other way. Instead of the cops wasting their days writing up some bullshit solicitation charge they are spending their days looking for serious criminals. Instead of trying to bust the guy with a dime bag of weed they are following leads on the jackass who killed grandma.

When I was in the Army we used to say if it is stupid but works, it’s not stupid. You probably say if it is stupid the people who say it works are lying communists.
they [ the CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ] are NOT reporting crimes

I get it. This actual crime scene video from Baltimore shows how they are avoiding the reporting.

..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!
Insist your legislators do their Job!

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
YOU did not read the post
1, WOW--13 less homicides --WOW WOWOW
still it has a HIGH murder rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. crime REPORTING is down [ NOT crimes!!! ] because they are not CHARGING people
FKN DUH--GODDAMN you're stupid
if you don't charge people, OF COURSE it will show less crime --ON THE BOOKS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So people are not reporting homicides, rapes, burglaries, robberies, or stolen cars? My God. How are they convincing insurance companies to pay off?

Perhaps it works the other way. Instead of the cops wasting their days writing up some bullshit solicitation charge they are spending their days looking for serious criminals. Instead of trying to bust the guy with a dime bag of weed they are following leads on the jackass who killed grandma.

When I was in the Army we used to say if it is stupid but works, it’s not stupid. You probably say if it is stupid the people who say it works are lying communists.
they [ the CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ] are NOT reporting crimes

I get it. This actual crime scene video from Baltimore shows how they are avoiding the reporting.

..people like you who did not graduate from school should not be allowed on forums......
..stop trying to double talk it ---we are not stupid
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
YOU did not read the post
1, WOW--13 less homicides --WOW WOWOW
still it has a HIGH murder rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. crime REPORTING is down [ NOT crimes!!! ] because they are not CHARGING people
FKN DUH--GODDAMN you're stupid
if you don't charge people, OF COURSE it will show less crime --ON THE BOOKS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So people are not reporting homicides, rapes, burglaries, robberies, or stolen cars? My God. How are they convincing insurance companies to pay off?

Perhaps it works the other way. Instead of the cops wasting their days writing up some bullshit solicitation charge they are spending their days looking for serious criminals. Instead of trying to bust the guy with a dime bag of weed they are following leads on the jackass who killed grandma.

When I was in the Army we used to say if it is stupid but works, it’s not stupid. You probably say if it is stupid the people who say it works are lying communists.
they [ the CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ] are NOT reporting crimes

I get it. This actual crime scene video from Baltimore shows how they are avoiding the reporting.

..people like you who did not graduate from school should not be allowed on forums......
..stop trying to double talk it ---we are not stupid

Well some may not be stupid. But obviously you are.

The “Broken Windows” approach has a flaw. It does reduce petty crime. But it doesn’t do much for serious crime, and it has the flaw of utilizing several unconstitutional tactics and techniques.

The original vision of Broken Windows Policing was cops walking a beat. The beat cops that were essentially history by the time the theory came out.

Many studies have been conducted and the result on crime has been inconclusive. Why? Cops are busy dealing with penny ante bullshit. Writing code violation citations and coming down hard on minor crimes.

Common sense. An uncommon virtue in some people. Common sense says that while you are dealing with minor crimes you aren’t pursuing major crimes. The best cop of old knew his neighborhood and the people in it. He could see more than when driving around in a car.

Broken Windows was about a return to community policing. When everyone knew the neighborhood cop and he knew them.

If the cop isn’t worrying about jaywalkers and hookers. He is looking at other things. He’s finding stolen cars. He’s finding robbers and rapists. Again common sense.

if you work a 12 hour shift and spend three of it writing reports and booking a hooker then half your shift is gone and all you have done is get a hooker off the street for a day at the most.

If the hookers know you aren’t going to bust them they may be willing to share information on real criminals. The same way cops ignored numbers runners in the old days. The information they got was more valuable than the arrest.

It is why you would make a terrible cop. They aren’t people to you. They’re animals. Scum. Worthless trash. Sub human. They wouldn’t share any information with you. The real criminals. The robbers and murderers would get away with it.
Everyone that wants to use drugs can find all they want in any town or city in America. Everyone that wants to pay someone to play with their wiener can find someone to do it. The war on drugs and immorality is an abject failure. Why should it continue?
......what about traffic laws?? just let everyone drive as FAST and wherever they want?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That’s the case around Baltimore for
An idiot like Moseby might try to rationalize her position by saying something like 'the law enforcement jobs she's destroying will be replaced by new and more criminal jobs', so from an employment standpoint it will be a plus. And she would get 100% of the anchors on CNN and MSNBC to agree with her. Idiotic Democrats and their media buttboys think that not punishing lawbreakers and destroying our border will improve our country.
An idiot like Moseby might try to rationalize her position by saying something like 'the law enforcement jobs she's destroying will be replaced by new and more criminal jobs', so from an employment standpoint it will be a plus. And she would get 100% of the anchors on CNN and MSNBC to agree with her. Idiotic Democrats and their media buttboys think that not punishing lawbreakers and destroying our border will improve our country.
Law enforcement jobs? That's your concern here? Feeding repeat drug offenders to the prison industrial complex is not a job we need to worry about keeping.
These Democrats are bound and determined to turn the great American cities into unliveable crime ridden shitholes, aren't they? They are not satisfied with the crime they have, they want more.
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Everyone that wants to use drugs can find all they want in any town or city in America. Everyone that wants to pay someone to play with their wiener can find someone to do it. The war on drugs and immorality is an abject failure. Why should it continue?
......what about traffic laws?? just let everyone drive as FAST and wherever they want?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out traffic laws are somewhat enforceable even though they are, like drug laws, much too punitive for poor people. That broken tag light ticket that we can just pay is often an unmitigated disaster to someone just scraping by.

Job Killing *Joe is in the process of fixing that. His solution is make it too expensive for poor people to drive.

Yeah, DAMN that "Job Killin' Joe!" :laughing0301:

Cool story. Now explain in detail what *Joe did to achieve those numbers.
You can't so you won't.

Sure - The economic recovery has always been about getting a handle on COVID. Joe is doing that averaging 2-3 million shots in arms a day. The Recovery Act had a lot to do with it too. History will remember Mango Menace by his lying, downplaying and dithering resulting in an economic crash and the unessessary death minimally a couple hundred thousand Americans.
Everyone that wants to use drugs can find all they want in any town or city in America. Everyone that wants to pay someone to play with their wiener can find someone to do it. The war on drugs and immorality is an abject failure. Why should it continue?
......what about traffic laws?? just let everyone drive as FAST and wherever they want?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out traffic laws are somewhat enforceable even though they are, like drug laws, much too punitive for poor people. That broken tag light ticket that we can just pay is often an unmitigated disaster to someone just scraping by.

Job Killing *Joe is in the process of fixing that. His solution is make it too expensive for poor people to drive.

Yeah, DAMN that "Job Killin' Joe!" :laughing0301:

Cool story. Now explain in detail what *Joe did to achieve those numbers.
You can't so you won't.

Sure - The economic recovery has always been about getting a handle on COVID. Joe is doing that averaging 2-3 million shots in arms a day. The Recovery Act had a lot to do with it too. History will remember Mango Menace by his lying, downplaying and dithering resulting in an economic crash and the unessessary death minimally a couple hundred thousand Americans.
hahahhahahahahah-Mr Trump did that--not idiot Joe
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
YOU did not read the post
1, WOW--13 less homicides --WOW WOWOW
still it has a HIGH murder rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. crime REPORTING is down [ NOT crimes!!! ] because they are not CHARGING people
FKN DUH--GODDAMN you're stupid
if you don't charge people, OF COURSE it will show less crime --ON THE BOOKS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So people are not reporting homicides, rapes, burglaries, robberies, or stolen cars? My God. How are they convincing insurance companies to pay off?

Perhaps it works the other way. Instead of the cops wasting their days writing up some bullshit solicitation charge they are spending their days looking for serious criminals. Instead of trying to bust the guy with a dime bag of weed they are following leads on the jackass who killed grandma.

When I was in the Army we used to say if it is stupid but works, it’s not stupid. You probably say if it is stupid the people who say it works are lying communists.
they [ the CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ] are NOT reporting crimes

I get it. This actual crime scene video from Baltimore shows how they are avoiding the reporting.

..people like you who did not graduate from school should not be allowed on forums......
..stop trying to double talk it ---we are not stupid

Well some may not be stupid. But obviously you are.

The “Broken Windows” approach has a flaw. It does reduce petty crime. But it doesn’t do much for serious crime, and it has the flaw of utilizing several unconstitutional tactics and techniques.

The original vision of Broken Windows Policing was cops walking a beat. The beat cops that were essentially history by the time the theory came out.

Many studies have been conducted and the result on crime has been inconclusive. Why? Cops are busy dealing with penny ante bullshit. Writing code violation citations and coming down hard on minor crimes.

Common sense. An uncommon virtue in some people. Common sense says that while you are dealing with minor crimes you aren’t pursuing major crimes. The best cop of old knew his neighborhood and the people in it. He could see more than when driving around in a car.

Broken Windows was about a return to community policing. When everyone knew the neighborhood cop and he knew them.

If the cop isn’t worrying about jaywalkers and hookers. He is looking at other things. He’s finding stolen cars. He’s finding robbers and rapists. Again common sense.

if you work a 12 hour shift and spend three of it writing reports and booking a hooker then half your shift is gone and all you have done is get a hooker off the street for a day at the most.

If the hookers know you aren’t going to bust them they may be willing to share information on real criminals. The same way cops ignored numbers runners in the old days. The information they got was more valuable than the arrest.

It is why you would make a terrible cop. They aren’t people to you. They’re animals. Scum. Worthless trash. Sub human. They wouldn’t share any information with you. The real criminals. The robbers and murderers would get away with it.

1.PBS--hahahahhaha--they are anti-white and anti-cop--like YOU
2. there is no problem of police brutality
3. the culture with the highest crime rate hates the police/etc like YOU --understand?? OF COURSE the '''leftists'' criminal LOVING people hate the police/etc
4. plain and simple--the people in charge of the worst crime cities are leftists/blacks--it would be stupid to listen to them
----you/they hate law-order and LOVE criminals = destructive
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
YOU did not read the post
1, WOW--13 less homicides --WOW WOWOW
still it has a HIGH murder rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. crime REPORTING is down [ NOT crimes!!! ] because they are not CHARGING people
FKN DUH--GODDAMN you're stupid
if you don't charge people, OF COURSE it will show less crime --ON THE BOOKS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So people are not reporting homicides, rapes, burglaries, robberies, or stolen cars? My God. How are they convincing insurance companies to pay off?

Perhaps it works the other way. Instead of the cops wasting their days writing up some bullshit solicitation charge they are spending their days looking for serious criminals. Instead of trying to bust the guy with a dime bag of weed they are following leads on the jackass who killed grandma.

When I was in the Army we used to say if it is stupid but works, it’s not stupid. You probably say if it is stupid the people who say it works are lying communists.
they [ the CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ] are NOT reporting crimes

I get it. This actual crime scene video from Baltimore shows how they are avoiding the reporting.

..people like you who did not graduate from school should not be allowed on forums......
..stop trying to double talk it ---we are not stupid

Well some may not be stupid. But obviously you are.

The “Broken Windows” approach has a flaw. It does reduce petty crime. But it doesn’t do much for serious crime, and it has the flaw of utilizing several unconstitutional tactics and techniques.

The original vision of Broken Windows Policing was cops walking a beat. The beat cops that were essentially history by the time the theory came out.

Many studies have been conducted and the result on crime has been inconclusive. Why? Cops are busy dealing with penny ante bullshit. Writing code violation citations and coming down hard on minor crimes.

Common sense. An uncommon virtue in some people. Common sense says that while you are dealing with minor crimes you aren’t pursuing major crimes. The best cop of old knew his neighborhood and the people in it. He could see more than when driving around in a car.

Broken Windows was about a return to community policing. When everyone knew the neighborhood cop and he knew them.

If the cop isn’t worrying about jaywalkers and hookers. He is looking at other things. He’s finding stolen cars. He’s finding robbers and rapists. Again common sense.

if you work a 12 hour shift and spend three of it writing reports and booking a hooker then half your shift is gone and all you have done is get a hooker off the street for a day at the most.

If the hookers know you aren’t going to bust them they may be willing to share information on real criminals. The same way cops ignored numbers runners in the old days. The information they got was more valuable than the arrest.

It is why you would make a terrible cop. They aren’t people to you. They’re animals. Scum. Worthless trash. Sub human. They wouldn’t share any information with you. The real criminals. The robbers and murderers would get away with it.

1.PBS--hahahahhaha--they are anti-white and anti-cop--like YOU
2. there is no problem of police brutality
3. the culture with the highest crime rate hates the police/etc like YOU --understand?? OF COURSE the '''leftists'' criminal LOVING people hate the police/etc
4. plain and simple--the people in charge of the worst crime cities are leftists/blacks--it would be stupid to listen to them
----you/they hate law-order and LOVE criminals = destructive

It is a shame you are so stupid. I would use ignorant. Ignorant defined as you do not know. Stupid is more appropriate. You don’t know. You don’t want to.

The link was to an interview with the author of the Broken Windows proposal. The conclusions are from him.

Let me make it simple for you. The type of law enforcement you advocate is based upon his recommendations. The fact that he says it is being done wrong should resonate. Obviously it does not.

I and everyone here know you are terrified of Black People. All I can say is if you don’t like it here then go back to Europe where you came from.
..we already have seen how stupid Mosby they will stop charging people for various crimes.....OF COURSE if you stop charging people---there will be less crimes on the book!!!!!!- DUH
..AND there were a WHOPPING 13 less homicides--WOOOPYDEEEEDOOOOOO!!!!! 13
..more proof the Dems and '''leftists''' create shitholes

and she is a racist--and we knew that:
''''''......against black and brown people.'''''''
they LOVE their criminals --and hate law -order
--get rid of police--enable CRIMINALS!! what could go wrong??!!

Did you read the article? Crime is down. Across the board crime is down from Homicide to jaywalking.

And what crimes are we talking about ignoring? Prostitution and drugs. Are you seriously suggesting that this is going to lead to chaos?
YOU did not read the post
1, WOW--13 less homicides --WOW WOWOW
still it has a HIGH murder rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. crime REPORTING is down [ NOT crimes!!! ] because they are not CHARGING people
FKN DUH--GODDAMN you're stupid
if you don't charge people, OF COURSE it will show less crime --ON THE BOOKS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So people are not reporting homicides, rapes, burglaries, robberies, or stolen cars? My God. How are they convincing insurance companies to pay off?

Perhaps it works the other way. Instead of the cops wasting their days writing up some bullshit solicitation charge they are spending their days looking for serious criminals. Instead of trying to bust the guy with a dime bag of weed they are following leads on the jackass who killed grandma.

When I was in the Army we used to say if it is stupid but works, it’s not stupid. You probably say if it is stupid the people who say it works are lying communists.
they [ the CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ] are NOT reporting crimes

I get it. This actual crime scene video from Baltimore shows how they are avoiding the reporting.

..people like you who did not graduate from school should not be allowed on forums......
..stop trying to double talk it ---we are not stupid

Well some may not be stupid. But obviously you are.

The “Broken Windows” approach has a flaw. It does reduce petty crime. But it doesn’t do much for serious crime, and it has the flaw of utilizing several unconstitutional tactics and techniques.

The original vision of Broken Windows Policing was cops walking a beat. The beat cops that were essentially history by the time the theory came out.

Many studies have been conducted and the result on crime has been inconclusive. Why? Cops are busy dealing with penny ante bullshit. Writing code violation citations and coming down hard on minor crimes.

Common sense. An uncommon virtue in some people. Common sense says that while you are dealing with minor crimes you aren’t pursuing major crimes. The best cop of old knew his neighborhood and the people in it. He could see more than when driving around in a car.

Broken Windows was about a return to community policing. When everyone knew the neighborhood cop and he knew them.

If the cop isn’t worrying about jaywalkers and hookers. He is looking at other things. He’s finding stolen cars. He’s finding robbers and rapists. Again common sense.

if you work a 12 hour shift and spend three of it writing reports and booking a hooker then half your shift is gone and all you have done is get a hooker off the street for a day at the most.

If the hookers know you aren’t going to bust them they may be willing to share information on real criminals. The same way cops ignored numbers runners in the old days. The information they got was more valuable than the arrest.

It is why you would make a terrible cop. They aren’t people to you. They’re animals. Scum. Worthless trash. Sub human. They wouldn’t share any information with you. The real criminals. The robbers and murderers would get away with it.

1.PBS--hahahahhaha--they are anti-white and anti-cop--like YOU
2. there is no problem of police brutality
3. the culture with the highest crime rate hates the police/etc like YOU --understand?? OF COURSE the '''leftists'' criminal LOVING people hate the police/etc
4. plain and simple--the people in charge of the worst crime cities are leftists/blacks--it would be stupid to listen to them
----you/they hate law-order and LOVE criminals = destructive

It is a shame you are so stupid. I would use ignorant. Ignorant defined as you do not know. Stupid is more appropriate. You don’t know. You don’t want to.

The link was to an interview with the author of the Broken Windows proposal. The conclusions are from him.

Let me make it simple for you. The type of law enforcement you advocate is based upon his recommendations. The fact that he says it is being done wrong should resonate. Obviously it does not.

I and everyone here know you are terrified of Black People. All I can say is if you don’t like it here then go back to Europe where you came from.

1. hahahhahahahaah
2. you HATE the police
3. there is no problem with the police--the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates---= this is such a SIMPLE fact...
and then they resist and ATTACK the police
your HATE blinds you

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