Baltimore is setting a great example that all police in inner cities should emulate !

That word FORCE is becoming quite common from the libs/left/dems isn't it?
Baltimore is what it is. Nothing is going to help it but getting RID of 50 years of Democrats running it. You voted for them now lay in the bed they made for you

and ENJOY not having a police force to protect you. Call up Obama, I'm sure he'd run in there in the middle of a shoot out and save ya

Yes the cop haters say that a lot.

They also focus on the "serve" word. Always saying "cops are supposed to SERVE". that they've run off all the racist white cops....they can go to the local restaurant and just hire a waiter to serve them. Yep. Thugs shooting it out? Call up Wondas Chicken N Waffles. Tell them you want a 3 piece dark meat...and have someone come stop the gang shootout. And a grape soda....and fries. Oh...and some hot sauce.
for once I am going to agree and congratulate the liberal left and the black community for the advances that have been made in the city of Baltimore ! since the police have been forced to stop aggressive policing in Baltimore blacks no longer have to be worried about being racially targeted or profiled by the police !! the cops are backing off as they should !! if all inner city precincts would just follow their example America would be a much better place !

Put it this way, if they continue to back off and nigga's think they get away with won't be but a matter of time, hommy before they come to your neck of the woods....and lets just hope the backing off eases up for ya!!

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