Baltimore riots...and the Hypocrisy of right wingers

Here you go my loopy friends

Today, Howard Libit, Director of Strategic Planning and Policy, issued the following statement regarding Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s comments on the rights of protesters:

“What she is saying within this statement was that there was an effort to give the peaceful demonstrators room to conduct their peaceful protests on Saturday. Unfortunately, as a result of providing the peaceful demonstrators with the space to share their message, that also meant that those seeking to incite violence also had the space to operate. The police sought to balance the rights of the peaceful demonstrators against the need to step in against those who were seeking to create violence.

The mayor is not saying that she asked police to give space to people who sought to create violence. Any suggestion otherwise would be a misinterpretation of her statement.”

This clarification is regarding comments made by Mayor Rawlings-Blake during a recent press conference. The mayor’s original quote follows (emphasis and clarification added):

“I’ve made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act, because, while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also [as a result] gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. And we worked very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to deescalate, and that’s what you saw.”

The odd tactic of giving Baltimore protesters space to destroy property Fusion

So she screwed up and the spin doctors have taken over, typical political BS CYA.
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A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
A major tenet of liberals is to find something to broadbrush their political enemies with. I haven't read every thread or every post but I don't think it's a federal issue, unless they need the National Guard. And if they do all I want is for Obasm to rubber stamp the request.

Where is he anyway? Golfing? Shouldn't he be trying to calm the situation, maybe show up and hand out new sneakers?

The State pays the Guard for these types of uses, not the feds. The governor can activate them on his own.
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
A major tenet of liberals is to find something to broadbrush their political enemies with. I haven't read every thread or every post but I don't think it's a federal issue, unless they need the National Guard. And if they do all I want is for Obasm to rubber stamp the request.

Where is he anyway? Golfing? Shouldn't he be trying to calm the situation, maybe show up and hand out new sneakers?
The State pays the Guard for these types of uses, not the feds. The governor can activate them on his own.
I thought so but being the National Guard I thought they might need to get DC involved somehow.
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
A major tenet of liberals is to find something to broadbrush their political enemies with. I haven't read every thread or every post but I don't think it's a federal issue, unless they need the National Guard. And if they do all I want is for Obasm to rubber stamp the request.

Where is he anyway? Golfing? Shouldn't he be trying to calm the situation, maybe show up and hand out new sneakers?
The State pays the Guard for these types of uses, not the feds. The governor can activate them on his own.
I thought so but being the National Guard I thought they might need to get DC involved somehow.

A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
A major tenet of liberals is to find something to broadbrush their political enemies with. I haven't read every thread or every post but I don't think it's a federal issue, unless they need the National Guard. And if they do all I want is for Obasm to rubber stamp the request.

Where is he anyway? Golfing? Shouldn't he be trying to calm the situation, maybe show up and hand out new sneakers?
The State pays the Guard for these types of uses, not the feds. The governor can activate them on his own.
I thought so but being the National Guard I thought they might need to get DC involved somehow.

I don't think a simple nope cuts it.
The National Guard continues its historic dual mission, providing trained units to the states, territories and the District of Columbia and keeping itself equipped to protect life and property. The Guard also provides trained units to the nation equipped and ready to defend the United States and its interests all over the globe.
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....
Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
The Obama would give the rioters the space they need to destroy private property as well, so the point is moot.

Absolutely necessary in a free society. Unless you are willing to give up the right to protest peacefully, there will always be a criminal element seeking wanton violence that will take advantage of the space given to peaceful protest.

Believing the meme "the Mayor wanted to give the looter space to destroy......", priceless.
That meme is also known as a lie.
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
A major tenet of liberals is to find something to broadbrush their political enemies with. I haven't read every thread or every post but I don't think it's a federal issue, unless they need the National Guard. And if they do all I want is for Obasm to rubber stamp the request.

Where is he anyway? Golfing? Shouldn't he be trying to calm the situation, maybe show up and hand out new sneakers?
The State pays the Guard for these types of uses, not the feds. The governor can activate them on his own.
I thought so but being the National Guard I thought they might need to get DC involved somehow.

I don't think a simple nope cuts it.

About the Guard
The National Guard continues its historic dual mission, providing trained units to the states, territories and the District of Columbia and keeping itself equipped to protect life and property. The Guard also provides trained units to the nation equipped and ready to defend the United States and its interests all over the globe.

The Governor is the commander in chief for their States guard units unless they receive federal orders activating them, then they fall under federal control. When a Governor activates the Guard they get their orders and pay from the State.
And always you far left drones continue to prove my comments!

Oh, we anxiously await your "comments" and erudition......but mostly when we are in need of a good laugh....
I'm not seeing where people blame Obama for this, I certainly don't. I'm not sure what he could do to prevent or control the situation. I think the governor calling a state of emergency was the best move.

Agreed....however, 2 or 3 right wing poster did begin a thread "blaming" Obama,
I'm not seeing where people blame Obama for this, I certainly don't. I'm not sure what he could do to prevent or control the situation. I think the governor calling a state of emergency was the best move.

Agreed....however, 2 or 3 right wing poster did begin a thread "blaming" Obama,

Yes, mostly mocking you far left drones, or does that not compute?
BTW....just as an aside.....I read here that some republican posters refer to Baltimore as a "far-left city"......and I was wondering if anyone can name ANY of our large cities (1.5 million or more) that is not left-leaning....Perhaps some far south cities, but even in Texas during 2012, Obama actually won the largest 4 cities in that state.
BTW....just as an aside.....I read here that some republican posters refer to Baltimore as a "far-left city"......and I was wondering if anyone can name ANY of our large cities (1.5 million or more) that is not left-leaning....Perhaps some far south cities, but even in Texas during 2012, Obama actually won the largest 4 cities in that state.

Now you are catching on!

And yes they are far left cities, otherwise the feds would be on them like they were in Ferguson...
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
The term "Less Government" is derived from policies that look for ways to cut spending for entitlement programs or wasteful bureaucracy. The reason most of them are rioting is because they live in a sort of "Liberal Utopia" where Uncle Sugar provides for them because they either don't have a job or because there is no jobs because of liberal policies and their damaging effects. Liberal policies that punish businesses while creating an expectation of entitlement and a non-existent work-ethic.

Also, the grievance industry is in full force....which has planted a mentality in these people that all of their problems are because of cops and white society.

It's no surprise that both Ferguson MI and Baltimore Maryland are run by either by blacks or liberals. The mayor of Baltimore is black....and so is the police-chief.......

Same goes for Detroit.......a total shithole because of liberalism. New Orleans......same thing.
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You can always identify an ignorant prog by the way they argue. Even union educated Americans understand that the "right wing" is the party of sane government. While radical progs are advocating anarchy they manage to promote an insane argument that the right wing does not support Police authority.
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....

I haven't seen this tread earlier, so let me start by asking this...

How many riots were there under Bush?
The term "Less Government" is derived from policies that look for ways to cut spending for entitlement programs or wasteful bureaucracy. The reason most of them are rioting is because they live in a sort of "Liberal Utopia" where Uncle Sugar provides for them because they either don't have a job or because there is no jobs because of liberal policies and their damaging effects. Liberal policies that punish businesses while creating an expectation of entitlement and a non-existent work-ethic.

Also, the grievance industry is in full force....which has planted a mentality in these people that all of their problems are because of cops and white society.

It's no surprise that both Ferguson MI and Baltimore Maryland are run by either by blacks or liberals. The mayor of Baltimore is black....and so is the police-chief.......

Same goes for Detroit.......a total shithole because of liberalism. New Orleans......same thing.

Whereas some of your ilk make a lame attempt to hide their seem to want to flaunt it.......Wear turtlenecks to hide that red....
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
A major tenet of right wing republicans is LESS governmental interference, especially from the federal government when it comes to local matters....

Yet, not one of these dingbats on this forum has the cojones to call out their fellow cretins for "blaming" Obama and the executive branch for not doing "something" (whatever that may be) regarding the Baltimore riots....
No, I haven't called them out.
I just don't give those threads my view or reply.
In fact this is the very first riot thread I've replied to.

I think it's mostly due to 'riot fatigue'
The term "Less Government" is derived from policies that look for ways to cut spending for entitlement programs or wasteful bureaucracy. The reason most of them are rioting is because they live in a sort of "Liberal Utopia" where Uncle Sugar provides for them because they either don't have a job or because there is no jobs because of liberal policies and their damaging effects. Liberal policies that punish businesses while creating an expectation of entitlement and a non-existent work-ethic.

Also, the grievance industry is in full force....which has planted a mentality in these people that all of their problems are because of cops and white society.

It's no surprise that both Ferguson MI and Baltimore Maryland are run by either by blacks or liberals. The mayor of Baltimore is black....and so is the police-chief.......

Same goes for Detroit.......a total shithole because of liberalism. New Orleans......same thing.

Whereas some of your ilk make a lame attempt to hide their seem to want to flaunt it.......Wear turtlenecks to hide that red....

Says the hate filled racist far left drone!
You can always identify an ignorant prog by the way they argue. Even union educated Americans understand that the "right wing" is the party of sane government. While radical progs are advocating anarchy they manage to promote an insane argument that the right wing does not support Police authority.

Well who could argue with that unbiased assessment about what a "right wing" party entails FROM a right winger...Allow me to recap:
Right wing= Good......Left-wing=Bad.....pretty much summarizes it, don't you think?

..........Just a few more brain cells in your head, and you may just reach the half-brain mark.

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