Ban all pressure cookers!

Not to worry. He's on the no-fly list.
Matters not, he is all gassed up and ready for take off all by himself.
Had a buddy who used to light farts at parties. On night he dropped his drawers, hiked up his shirt and bent over. Just as he flicked his bic, the shirt slipped and the flash of flame caused the hair all over his butt to catch fire. He never did it again. True story.

I am sure he was the butt of many jokes after that.
This message has been brought to you by eots, a nutjob ignoramus Islamic terrorist worshiper who posts non-stop youtube videos to hide his illiteracy.
Matters not, he is all gassed up and ready for take off all by himself.
Had a buddy who used to light farts at parties. On night he dropped his drawers, hiked up his shirt and bent over. Just as he flicked his bic, the shirt slipped and the flash of flame caused the hair all over his butt to catch fire. He never did it again. True story.

I am sure he was the butt of many jokes after that.
Telegram for Connery.

Comedy Zone needs talent. Stop.

Will be your agent. Stop.

Sending contract for signature. Stop.


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