Band Names


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
If you had a band, what would you name it?

My names:

Jehu's Horse (actually the name of the band I'm in)

Nuclear Buddha

Acid Enema

Ten Year Tide

The Flaming Smileys
Are you trying to choose a name out of the ones you gave? I like Acid Enema the best out of those choices.
Not trying to choose... just wondering if anyone else sits around and thinks up names for their future bands.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Not trying to choose... just wondering if anyone else sits around and thinks up names for their future bands.

I think your signature would be a great name!

Grandpa Adolf Pol Pot Whoremonger
I always thought that the Rolling Stones was a perfect name! Husker Du and Motley Crue were cool names. I've never been musical so never joined a band and I had a hard enough time naming my kid. But...

If I had a band I'd probably name it: Nimble Fingers
Originally posted by jimnyc
I think your signature would be a great name!

Grandpa Adolf Pol Pot Whoremonger

A little bit long... but I agree, a cool name! :thup:

Anyone else?
My band name would commemorate a childhood endearment I heard rather often:

The Ungrateful Bastards.
I have been in a few bands in my time.

The Silver Dollar Nipples
Aqua Bee
Damage Inc.
Satan's Step Children
These were actual bands performing in the Cincinnati area some years back:

Bovine Militia

Bob on This

99 Puking Priests
my band name is Aldehyde.

but I 've friends who play balck metal, and their name is Satan's child.

i find it quite well for this kind of music
padisha emperor said:

nice joke, not the first time I hear it, but nice ;)

Thank you for wording that so gently. Most of the musicians I know would have added a healthy dollop of sarcasm!

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