Bank failures have started

But of course! Everything Trump touches turns to shit, whether it's railroad deregulation or financial deregulation.

gregory has been warning his viewers for some time- debt market collapse, bank bail ins, housing collapse, global financial chaos, and bank runs. today he suggests withdrawing money from small banks.

Hal gives you the news first.

You think this is about Biden?
He's only been in the presidency for two years, not enough time to do much, and he's only the president, he doesn't make laws.
Everything that Trump fucked up - railroad deregulation, financial deregulation, surrender treaty with the Taliban, forced Afghanistan timetable, Covid vaccine distribution, $9 trillion added to the debt - is Biden’s fault.

You didn't know that?
Silicon Valley? Let it fail.
Yeah, let China surpass us in technology, equipping their fighter jets with the latest precision targeting and building the impenetrable defenses. We'll just stand pat and hope for the best.

I swear, Trumpers and wingnuts are the stupidest people on the planet.
They sold $21B of MBS for a $1.8B loss. That is only a 10% haircut due to interest rates going up. If that is the size of the issue and this is a liquidity problem, the depositors will get 90% of their mony back when regulators unwind the bank.

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