Bankrupt City poisons children -- No corporation would get away with this.

Flac, do you get off on body counts, so long as you can somehow blame the government?

It certainly appears that way. After all, he only time you ever give the slightest shit about the environment is if you can somehow blame liberals or the government. We all remember how positively gleeful you were about the EPA spill. Your primary goal in life seems to be to divert attention away from actual polluters and thereby build the maximum body count.

So, now that the mutual pissing is out of the way, care to act like an adult and stop accusing people of wanting body counts, or will that be too tough for you?
Gleeful? About releasing a toxic swamp into 3 river systems that had been contained for 100 years???

Grow the funck up and get another hobby.. You SUCK at this one..
Granny says, "Dat's right Rev. Jesse - you tell `em, lil' black chilluns gotta have clean water...

Civil Rights Activists Blast Michigan City Water Crisis
January 17, 2016 - U.S. civil rights activists descended Sunday on the midwestern city of Flint, Michigan, describing its drinking water contamination crisis as "a disaster, not just an emergency."
Longtime rights leader, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, led a delegation of activists, addressing a crowd of concerned and angered citizens packed into a local church. Speaking later to reporters, Jackson described the city, where residents have been exposed to contaminated drinking and bathing water for nearly two years, as "a crime scene." Health experts report finding dangerously high levels of lead in the city's children, and state officials have begun importing bottled water to protect locals from further contamination.


Longtime civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks during a meeting about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, at the local Heavenly Host Baptist Church​

Jackson's presence in Flint, a largely African American city where 40 percent of the population lives in poverty, came one day after President Barack Obama declared a local state of emergency, clearing the way for streamlining federal aid. His visit also came a day after firebrand filmmaker Michael Moore, who was raised in Flint, spoke at City Hall, declaring the situation is "not just a water crisis. It's a racial crisis. It's a poverty crisis.....That's what created this," he said.

Public outcry mounts

In an editorial Sunday, the Detroit Free Press called on Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to release staff emails that critics say may show a pattern of willful neglect by state officials allegedly attempting to minimize the contamination and its effects. Separately, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the NAACP, decried the crisis, which began in 2014 when the cash-strapped city sought to save money by drawing water from a local river rather than nearby Detroit's water system.


Lemott Thomas carries free water being distributed at the Lincoln Park United Methodist Church in Flint, Mich​

It was later found that officials did not properly treat the corrosive Flint River water to prevent metal leaching from old pipes. Additionally, Flint residents were not told about their tainted drinking water supply for a year and a half, and have now begun demanding to know what and when state officials became aware of the contamination. Flint has since returned to using water from Detroit, but engineers now say its water distribution system may need replacement, costing as much at $1.5 billion.

Hospital sounds early alarm

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