Bannon calls on 4000 shock troopers tp destroy our government

There's one now ^^

Just like ringing the dinner bell... call 'em out, and they come running
^ Farty proving yet again that posting on topic is a bridge too far for him.

Helpful hint. Here is the alleged “topic:”

“Bannon calls on 4000 shock troopers tp destroy our government”​

But, the odds are Farty won’t touch on the topic. Too much trolling’ to done.

I wonder if Bannon was being literal? I’m guessing he wasn’t because 4000 wouldn’t even amount to much of a smear on the streets.
I can only assume he is referencing the 4,000 or so positions in the executive and independent branches that a POTUS fills.
Look at all of these outstanding right wing patriots, standing up for their country.

Maybe if we renamed it to the United States of Trump...?
No.....He was talking about wrapping giant tarps around places like the DOJ, FBI, & IRS and having them totally fumigated, so to speak.
Same difference. Someone has to man the desks when the swamp skeeters leave. Might as well be the roaches.
Jim, I believe those that voted for Trump ( the majority of them ) would be perfectly fine with armed conflict and have no issue getting themselves killed in the name of what they would consider glory…

Sad really but I truly believe a Civil War will happen…
Same difference. Someone has to man the desks when the swamp skeeters leave. Might as well be the roaches.
Not the same difference....He's talking about cleaning out career bureaucrats who act like they're the ones who really run the country.

This is what demoncrats like Jimmy the Freak are terrified of....It means that their bureacratic minions won't be around to kneecap and monkeywrench administrations and policies with which they disagree....When they wring their hands about "losing democracy", it really means losing control over the permanent administrative/technocratic State.
Not the same difference....He's talking about cleaning out career bureaucrats who act like they're the ones who really run the country.

This is what demoncrats like Jimmy the Freak are terrified of....It means that their bureacratic minions won't be around to kneecap and monkeywrench administrations and policies with which they disagree....When they wring their hands about "losing democracy", it really means losing control over the permanent administrative/technocratic State.

4,000 isn't a random number. It is the number of "career bureaucrats" who get appointed by the POTUS.

Bannon and trump will not be happy until they start another Civil war. They are inciting the crazies out there. So how many of the 4000 shock troopers will end up in jail.....while Bannon skates?

The thing about a second civil war? There's no one to fight it for the democrats but little flitting fairies and poop pushing unicorns. You can't win a war with make believe.
IOW, people serious about flushing out the corrupt carreer bureaucratic scum that infest the agencies in the District of Criminals.

Most of them are raising families and trying to earn a living regardless of Trump crackpot conspiracies about deep state.
I know it's not a random number....Bannon is talking about those 4,000 culling the thousands and thousands of lower level career administrative/technocratic State hacks, like Lois Lerner and Peter Strzok.

No, he is talking about trying to find 4K people he think he can dup into paying him big bucks to get one of those jobs that he and Donald will never get to hand out.

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