Baptist Pastor from Florida rips Kim Davis a new one.

The decision was the worst in history. Worse than Plessy v Ferguson. Worse than Roe v Wade. The Supreme Court threw out:
1) 2000 years of Western tradition, which holds marriage is one man, one woman
2) 200 years of American Jurisprudence, which holds judges interpret laws
3) the 10th Amendment, which holds powers not specifically granted to the federal government are retained by the states
4) 200 years of tradition that holds states primarily define marriage and similar laws within their borders
5) Over 200 years of tradition that holds the Will of the People is the ultimate arbiter of standards
6) The principle of one man, one vote
7) The principle of limited government

Now the Supreme Court can invent anything, call it a right, and declare that it is protected under the 14th A. There is no limiting principle to it.

Exactly. Next will come polygamous marriages, incestuous marriages. The floodgates are wide open. I'd simply allow Walmart to sell the licenses just as they sell hunting and fishing licenses now. The license means nothing except as a vehicle to clam tax status and other perceived benefits and even the tax status often results in a penalty.
ROFL what a lying bigoted piece of shit you are.

At least I can speak without resorting to a speel of profanity. You are a vulgar uncouth brute beast and an insult to humanity in general.
You don't like the salt? Then quit with the bullshit slippery slope fallacy. How about if I say something like if we let you bible thumping bigots get away with your attack on gay people next you'll be burning sinners in the town square and killing children for blood sacrifices?

Yours is not salt. Yours is the limited vocabulary of a sick and depraved mind. For anyone to resort to typing out obscene words on a public forum attests to the low-life character of that individual and the total failure of his parents in rearing him to assimilate into civilized society.
Go to hell you piece of shit.
Baptist Pastor Crushes Kim Davis And The Hypocrisy Of His Fellow Evangelicals In Open Letter

The letter:

"Since I am a pastor of a southern Baptist church please allow me to weigh in on the case of Kim Davis, the lady in Kentucky who refuses to issue a marriage licenses to a same sex couple.

First: This is not a case of the government forcing anyone to violate their religious belief. She is free to quit her job. If she quits her job to honor God surely God would take care of her.

Second: This is not a case of someone trying to uphold the sanctity of marriage. If she wanted to uphold the sanctity of marriage she should not have been married four different times. If she is worried about her name being affixed to a marriage license that goes against a biblical definition of marriage, she should not have her name on the last three marriage licenses given to her.

Third: This seems to be a case of someone looking to cash in on the religious right. Churches all across the south will throw money at her to come and tell congregations how the evil American government put her in jail because of her faith in Jesus.

This is why we are losing.

This is why people have such disdain for evangelicals.

Not because we disagree but because we don’t take the bible seriously. If ever there was a case of “he who is without sin cast the first stone”, this is it. If ever there was a “take the log out of your eye” moment, this is it.

We must stop looking to the government to make America a Christian utopia. Our kingdom is not of this world.

We must abandon all thoughts of fixing others and let Jesus fix us.

If we want sanctity of marriage then stop cheating, stop having affairs, stop looking at porn, stop getting divorces. That is the way for the church to stand up for the biblical definition of marriage, not by someone martyring their self-righteous self."

(non-copyright material, can be published in its entirety)

Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin. He's a Christian and a Pastor. She is not a Pastor. So, who is right, here?

If he was a pastor and knew the bible he would also know that ALL of your sins prior to becoming a christian (for Kim it was 4 years ago) are wiped away once you are saved. Just another asshole talking out of his ass.

yep, and i bet we could dig up some stuff on this guy too...
Baptist Pastor Crushes Kim Davis And The Hypocrisy Of His Fellow Evangelicals In Open Letter

The letter:

"Since I am a pastor of a southern Baptist church please allow me to weigh in on the case of Kim Davis, the lady in Kentucky who refuses to issue a marriage licenses to a same sex couple.

First: This is not a case of the government forcing anyone to violate their religious belief. She is free to quit her job. If she quits her job to honor God surely God would take care of her.

Second: This is not a case of someone trying to uphold the sanctity of marriage. If she wanted to uphold the sanctity of marriage she should not have been married four different times. If she is worried about her name being affixed to a marriage license that goes against a biblical definition of marriage, she should not have her name on the last three marriage licenses given to her.

Third: This seems to be a case of someone looking to cash in on the religious right. Churches all across the south will throw money at her to come and tell congregations how the evil American government put her in jail because of her faith in Jesus.

This is why we are losing.

This is why people have such disdain for evangelicals.

Not because we disagree but because we don’t take the bible seriously. If ever there was a case of “he who is without sin cast the first stone”, this is it. If ever there was a “take the log out of your eye” moment, this is it.

We must stop looking to the government to make America a Christian utopia. Our kingdom is not of this world.

We must abandon all thoughts of fixing others and let Jesus fix us.

If we want sanctity of marriage then stop cheating, stop having affairs, stop looking at porn, stop getting divorces. That is the way for the church to stand up for the biblical definition of marriage, not by someone martyring their self-righteous self."

(non-copyright material, can be published in its entirety)

Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin. He's a Christian and a Pastor. She is not a Pastor. So, who is right, here?


In all fairness, some truth of the facts should be presented here. Ms. Davis won her election to County Clerk by an overwhelming majority of the voters of her county. At the time of her election to office, marriage was pretty much defined as the union between one man and one woman. The Supreme Court decision redefining marriage has only recently been given. The fact still remains that the Kentucky Legislature still has not changed that state's law defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman. Now, since she was elected by the people of her County to uphold the laws of their county and the state of Kentucky, would she not be violating her oath of office were she to issue licenses in direct conflict with the law of her county and her state? She even went so far as to ask that judge who sentenced her to jail "What law am I violating here?" and she received no answer to her question. The simple fact is that she is an official of her county and of her state and is sworn to uphold their law.

You make a pretty nice argument, and you word it very well, too. But before she is duty sworn to uphold the laws or her state, she is first duty sworn to uphold the US Constitution, and by extension, the interpretation of law that comes from the US Supreme Court. This issue of federal vs. state was cleared up a long, long, long time ago.

So she runs the risk of being placed under arrest by the governor of Kentucky if she violates the Kentucky law? I say the judge should have ordered the Kentucky legislature to convene and pass legislation that coincides with Federal Law in order to prevent just such conflicts as these from occurring. What the Supreme Court did was make new law that voided the will of the people in several states. That judge over-reached, even the ACLU said so.
actually, it's not federal law....

the supreme court was ruling on a case from kentucky that made same sex marriage illegal in kentucky, and the supreme court ruled that kentucky's law doing this, was unconstitutional...

the end result is same sex marriage is constitutional...

soooo, the law she is saying is kentucky law that she is following, is unconstitutional, thus, the law is null and void
Kim Davis "I have a dream speech"

"I have a dream that someday the gays in Uganda and the Gays in the US will be burning in the same fire pit while we stone them in Jesus name Amen"
Kim Davis "I have a dream speech"

"I have a dream that someday the gays in Uganda and the Gays in the US will be burning in the same fire pit while we stone them in Jesus name Amen"

If THIS Is what people got out of Kim Davis standing up for her beliefs (IF that is why she did what she did) - she did a great disservice to our Lord.
Exactly. Next will come polygamous marriages, incestuous marriages. The floodgates are wide open. I'd simply allow Walmart to sell the licenses just as they sell hunting and fishing licenses now. The license means nothing except as a vehicle to clam tax status and other perceived benefits and even the tax status often results in a penalty.
ROFL what a lying bigoted piece of shit you are.

At least I can speak without resorting to a speel of profanity. You are a vulgar uncouth brute beast and an insult to humanity in general.
You don't like the salt? Then quit with the bullshit slippery slope fallacy. How about if I say something like if we let you bible thumping bigots get away with your attack on gay people next you'll be burning sinners in the town square and killing children for blood sacrifices?

Yours is not salt. Yours is the limited vocabulary of a sick and depraved mind. For anyone to resort to typing out obscene words on a public forum attests to the low-life character of that individual and the total failure of his parents in rearing him to assimilate into civilized society.
Go to hell you piece of shit.

My MY. Mommy's little thug upset here?
who is your Daddy ?

No License for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

A man with a consenting woman, but without her father’s permission.No. Numbers 30:1-16 teaches that a single woman’s father has final authority over legal contracts she may enter.
Kim Davis "I have a dream speech"

"I have a dream that someday the gays in Uganda and the Gays in the US will be burning in the same fire pit while we stone them in Jesus name Amen"
I prefer the ISIS treatment for them.

I believe Odious is pretty typical of those who want sharia law in the US. They're all about taking basic rights away from others and the hatred they have for the principlesand constitution of the US is growing.

Funny thing is, they SAY they hate radical Muslims but. as Odious and Kim Davis say, they're really the same thing.

They're a very hypocritical and lying bunch. As has been pointed out, Davis would be stoned for many of her own life decisions.

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