Baptist Pastor from Florida rips Kim Davis a new one.

So...when the majority said that there should be Jim Crow laws...they should prevail?

I wouldn't have any problem with it if the majority actually supported it.
And.....................there you have it folks. The Bill of Rights and civil rights means nothing to this poster.

You feel better now? Good. The rights of the majority mean nothing to you - just so you have your way. You're just another "victim", right?
The majority most certainly has rights, exercised through their votes...but this is not a Democracy like you seem to think it is...we are a Constitutional Republic....the rule of law applies. You can get 99% of the voting public vote for something, but if it goes against the Constitution and it's amendments, it is unConstitutional and cannot become enforceable law. That's how things are in this country. Welcome to U.S. Government 101.

Then why isn't Obama not under arrest for all his Constitutional violations and for not enforcing our immigration laws and laws against civil disobedience? Why isn't Hillary not under arrest for violating our national security laws governing the handling, transmission, and possession of classified documents including Top Secret of which every rank-and-file federal civil servant is held accountable? It depends on who is breaking the law doesn't it. Really. Straw Dog.

Because those " crimes" exist only in your addled mind.
The God entity I interact with I know as Tetra a short version of Tetragrammaton a Hebrew name meaning the four sounds of God..... I also call the entity OSOTU an acronym for Operating System of the Universe.... I assure you OSOTU does not care at all who is having sex with who.....this entity is running a Universe and does not have time for petty stuff....Our conceptual neural hardware cannot contain this entity...
I prefer the ISIS treatment for them.
I would not expect anything else from a Christian...


How old are you?

Have you noticed your own signature? Tinker Bell is another imaginary creature but, to my knowledge, she has never murdered her own child or drowned the entire world.

You write as though you believe you can make god real if you just clap your hands real hard.

She's cute and flirtatious, a bit tempermental, but precious...
No, you can't clap hands, but, you can expose yourself for what you are, a child of God.
Acknowledging Him and the fact that you are nothing without Him.
Most people don't have the bravery to admit that.
There is no gender to the OSOTU...........its ineffable and ethereal yet as real as the Nuclear heart of the sun....its the TAO the weirdness and mystery of everything....
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You feel better now? Good. The rights of the majority mean nothing to you - just so you have your way. You're just another "victim", right?
The majority most certainly has rights, exercised through their votes...but this is not a Democracy like you seem to think it is...we are a Constitutional Republic....the rule of law applies. You can get 99% of the voting public vote for something, but if it goes against the Constitution and it's amendments, it is unConstitutional and cannot become enforceable law. That's how things are in this country. Welcome to U.S. Government 101.

Then why isn't Obama not under arrest for all his Constitutional violations and for not enforcing our immigration laws and laws against civil disobedience? Why isn't Hillary not under arrest for violating our national security laws governing the handling, transmission, and possession of classified documents including Top Secret of which every rank-and-file federal civil servant is held accountable? It depends on who is breaking the law doesn't it. Really. Straw Dog.

Where are the charges against President Obama for "all his Constitutional violations"? Again, you show that you have no clue about how our government runs. For the President to be arrested, he must first be removed from office via impeachment and conviction. You've just been schooled again.

Don't know how I made it 72 years without you but it sure was a pleasure.
And our Republic has done just fine for over 230 years as a Republic...not the pure democracy you seem to think it is. If you are indeed 72 years old, you've seen Jim Crow, segregation, civil rights, Brown v. Board of Ed, women's rights, a few amendments, an impeachment, a Presidential resignation, and a few other things. How have you isolated yourself so well from reality?

Through a disciplined effort to remain staunchly defiant to change combined with a desire to remain devoid of any form of intellectual curiosity.

IOW conservative.
Also known as fear and ignorance.
I prefer the ISIS treatment for them.
I would not expect anything else from a Christian...
You wouldn't even have a point even if I was a christian. But since I am not a christian hell I am not even a bible believer or believer in god or jesus or heaven or hell you are WAY off base. :) Wanna try again?
Ok that means you are just a regular asshole
Eh your opinion.
I prefer the ISIS treatment for them.
I would not expect anything else from a Christian...

I am sorry but Christians are conservatives who support an aggressive foreign policy to kill third world people like they were flies.............
Then why are christians and other assorted religious types ALWAYS the ones bringing in non white invaders? In the midwest its the Lutheran church....bringing in the damn somalis
Who can get a License from Kimbo ?

A married man and three other women. Yes.

The Old Testament endorses polygamy, and the New Testament does not reverse this—except for church elders (1 Timothy 3:2). (See

Church elders?
It was the apostle Paul's letter written to Timothy who was the Pastor of the Church in Ephesus and he had worked and traveled extensively with Paul.
Then why are christians and other assorted religious types ALWAYS the ones bringing in non white invaders? In the midwest its the Lutheran church....bringing in the damn somalis

Racist is as racist does...
Yawn. See how well that worked on me? :) Your silly Jewish communist invented buzz words don't do jack shit to me or mean jack shit to me juden. My country I will fight for it till I die that includes making sure I can do EVERYTHING in my power to stop the invasion by non American SCUM like you.

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