Barack Obama Is Still Trying to Rewrite His Presidential Legacy

The longer Trump is in office, the more fondly we remember Obama's presidency.

Must've been hard to wake up to find out the "Queen for a Day" program was cancelled out by the "Orange Man Bad" program. :lmao:

The trump show is far more fictional and grotesque; just like reality TV
Get your head out of the DNC talking points, lady. They're the product of the DNC War Room.
Not only is Donald Trump innocent of all the garbage spill number they're doing on him, he is courageous under fire, he is honest in his business dealings, and when he's wrong, he fixes whatever is broke as best he can. Don't mess with Donald Trump. Just sayin' for your personal benefit after your talking points creators double cross America. And it's not if, it's when.

Thanks for the comedic ramblings.

Did you intend to be this funny on the net? You really should save a little for the 2 drink minimum audience at the club
I'm allergic to alcohol. I'm allergic to smoke. I'm allergic to most drugs including flu and pneumonia shots. And I'm acutely aware that when talking to avid morons, that not only does their psychic portion fail, the truth that is clear to me never crosses their brainwashed-by-party minds. Sorry for jinxing your puerile proclamations with the beautiful truth, but someday you will know it is. Unfortunately, it will be when St. Peter is standing there with the 58 million aborted babies looking on who bear silent witness to party voters who pushed abortion through the sacred laws set forth by the founders of Christian America. And they will not like what they are looking at if you are as arrogant then as you are right now. Your best bet is to say beautress lumped you in with morons. In heaven, that could get you a reprieve if you are sorry for your commitment to the death of those who could not fight back after the abortion doctor punched a hole in them, dismembered them, or sucked out their brains in the most cruelly punitive way that would be against the law to euthanize a man who serially murdered and raped 300 women. Because the same law that allows women to commit infanticide protects criminals. What have you idiots done to the good laws the founders gave you?

edit: pluralized single noun
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Because the US has sold off its mass transit infrastructure to placate big oil

Third world countries have invested more in rail than we have

That someone else spends more than we do is somehow wrong? How does that work?

What high-speed rail systems in the United States are profitable, in other words, it supports itself?

What mass transit systems have we (the US) sold off and to whom?
Honest in his business dealings ??? The man is a certified slime bag His past history is that of a cheat a liar and a con man

"The man" has been a more thorough examination into his previous business dealings than any other President at this point in their administration than anyone I've ever seen.

Democrats are willing to do anything to intimidate President Donald Trump and prevent him from accomplishing our goals for America. Progressives have learned that they cannot intimidate Trump so they are bent on bankrupting and destroying anyone who has ever or is working today with the President regardless of what they have, or might have, done.
The longer Trump is in office, the more fondly we remember Obama's presidency.

Must've been hard to wake up to find out the "Queen for a Day" program was cancelled out by the "Orange Man Bad" program. :lmao:

The trump show is far more fictional and grotesque; just like reality TV
Get your head out of the DNC talking points, lady. They're the product of the DNC War Room.
Not only is Donald Trump innocent of all the garbage spill number they're doing on him, he is courageous under fire, he is honest in his business dealings, and when he's wrong, he fixes whatever is broke as best he can. Don't mess with Donald Trump. Just sayin' for your personal benefit after your talking points creators double cross America. And it's not if, it's when.

Thanks for the comedic ramblings.

Did you intend to be this funny on the net? You really should save a little for the 2 drink minimum audience at the club
I'm allergic to alcohol. I'm allergic to smoke. I'm allergic to most drugs including flu and pneumonia shots. And I'm acutely aware that when talking to avid morons, that not only does their psychic portion fail, the truth that is clear to me never crosses their brainwashed-by-party minds. Sorry for jinxing your puerile proclamations with the beautiful truth, but someday you will know it is. Unfortunately, it will be when St. Peter is standing there with the 58 million aborted babies looking on who bear silent witness to party voters who pushed abortion through the sacred laws set forth by the founders of Christian America. And they will not like what they are looking at if you are as arrogant then as you are right now. Your best bet is to say beautress lumped you in with morons. In heaven, that could get you a reprieve if you are sorry for your commitment to the death of those who could not fight back after the abortion doctor punched a hole in them, dismembered them, or sucked out their brains in the most cruelly punitive way that would be against the law to euthanize a man who serially murdered and raped 300 women. Because the same law that allows women to commit infanticide protects criminals. What have you idiots done to the good laws the founders gave you?

edit: pluralized single noun
You also seem to be allergic to facts, truth, honesty and character
A selloff ..... under ........ a Republican. Say it slowly, let it roll off the lips, for emphasis.
Trumpf rides the wave of an economy already healthy and strong, one that was wrecked when Obama took office, and had to spend time fixing, to prevent us from falling off the cliff. Then trumpf claims credit. Then his supporters rewrite history, say the economy was bad right up to 2017. Say God sent trumpf to save us from Democrats. Yes, sent the pussy grabber, the 3-time cheater, the compulsive liar, who has chiseled every contractor he ever hired, the draft dodging con artist that serves cheap junk food to football players. God sure knows how to pick 'em.

Your problem beautress is you can't smell trumps shit when it's dangling in front of your nose Trump had no bone spurs

Please provide us with your reliable source and working link proving your allegation.
The total and complete failure of the Obama Presicency

"Obama’s presidency often seemed fueled by his ego and his enjoyment of the perks of the position. The Obama family frequently took lavish vacations, and Michelle Obama had a ridiculously large staff of aides. President Trump, however, donates his presidential salary, and his net worth has actually gone down since becoming president. Most importantly, Obama’s personal gain over his two terms stands in stark contrast to the millions of Americans who suffered under his policies."

"Obama also claimed he surrounded himself with people who disagreed with him -- and that's a huge whopper that even Obama loyalists don’t agree with. Former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said this in 2013: “I think that there is an issue with what people told the president, and I think that there is an instinct to tell the president what he wants to hear.” Even Obama-loving Chris Matthews agreed that Obama thought he was right about everything because he only received advice from yes-men. “The fact that this president is getting advice from people that say, ‘You’re always right,’ is the problem. He’s got too many sycophants around him telling him, ‘All you have to keep doing is what you’re doing.'”"

Obama's legacy.....Barack Obama Is Still Trying To Rewrite His Presidential Legacy

Funny, the thing I remember about the Obama presidency is when Republicans exposed themselves as racist and against America.

A selloff ..... under ........ a Republican. Say it slowly, let it roll off the lips, for emphasis.
Trumpf rides the wave of an economy already healthy and strong, one that was wrecked when Obama took office, and had to spend time fixing, to prevent us from falling off the cliff. Then trumpf claims credit. Then his supporters rewrite history, say the economy was bad right up to 2017. Say God sent trumpf to save us from Democrats. Yes, sent the pussy grabber, the 3-time cheater, the compulsive liar, who has chiseled every contractor he ever hired, the draft dodging con artist that serves cheap junk food to football players. God sure knows how to pick 'em.

what he's done ,,? bankrupt companies and putting his name on buildings
The longer Trump is in office, the more fondly we remember Obama's presidency.

Must've been hard to wake up to find out the "Queen for a Day" program was cancelled out by the "Orange Man Bad" program. :lmao:

The trump show is far more fictional and grotesque; just like reality TV
Get your head out of the DNC talking points, lady. They're the product of the DNC War Room.
Not only is Donald Trump innocent of all the garbage spill number they're doing on him, he is courageous under fire, he is honest in his business dealings, and when he's wrong, he fixes whatever is broke as best he can. Don't mess with Donald Trump. Just sayin' for your personal benefit after your talking points creators double cross America. And it's not if, it's when.
A selloff ..... under ........ a Republican. Say it slowly, let it roll off the lips, for emphasis.
Trumpf rides the wave of an economy already healthy and strong, one that was wrecked when Obama took office, and had to spend time fixing, to prevent us from falling off the cliff. Then trumpf claims credit. Then his supporters rewrite history, say the economy was bad right up to 2017. Say God sent trumpf to save us from Democrats. Yes, sent the pussy grabber, the 3-time cheater, the compulsive liar, who has chiseled every contractor he ever hired, the draft dodging con artist that serves cheap junk food to football players. God sure knows how to pick 'em.

Ed, your butt hurt is showing again. :)
I'm not allowed to think ,to say, that the current occupant of our WH is a low life piece of garbage?? a republican?
Honest in his business dealings ??? The man is a certified slime bag His past history is that of a cheat a liar and a con man

"The man" has been a more thorough examination into his previous business dealings than any other President at this point in their administration than anyone I've ever seen.

Democrats are willing to do anything to intimidate President Donald Trump and prevent him from accomplishing our goals for America. Progressives have learned that they cannot intimidate Trump so they are bent on bankrupting and destroying anyone who has ever or is working today with the President regardless of what they have, or might have, done.
Intimidate?? Are you stupid or just a republicanYour AH McConnell did all he could to intimidate Obama so now you don't like your shit coming back in your face ?? TOO FN BAD
A selloff ..... under ........ a Republican. Say it slowly, let it roll off the lips, for emphasis.
Trumpf rides the wave of an economy already healthy and strong, one that was wrecked when Obama took office, and had to spend time fixing, to prevent us from falling off the cliff. Then trumpf claims credit. Then his supporters rewrite history, say the economy was bad right up to 2017. Say God sent trumpf to save us from Democrats. Yes, sent the pussy grabber, the 3-time cheater, the compulsive liar, who has chiseled every contractor he ever hired, the draft dodging con artist that serves cheap junk food to football players. God sure knows how to pick 'em.

what he's done ,,? bankrupt companies and putting his name on buildings
There was Trump University.

A business model for Republicans.

Must've been hard to wake up to find out the "Queen for a Day" program was cancelled out by the "Orange Man Bad" program. :lmao:

The trump show is far more fictional and grotesque; just like reality TV
Get your head out of the DNC talking points, lady. They're the product of the DNC War Room.
Not only is Donald Trump innocent of all the garbage spill number they're doing on him, he is courageous under fire, he is honest in his business dealings, and when he's wrong, he fixes whatever is broke as best he can. Don't mess with Donald Trump. Just sayin' for your personal benefit after your talking points creators double cross America. And it's not if, it's when.
A selloff ..... under ........ a Republican. Say it slowly, let it roll off the lips, for emphasis.
Trumpf rides the wave of an economy already healthy and strong, one that was wrecked when Obama took office, and had to spend time fixing, to prevent us from falling off the cliff. Then trumpf claims credit. Then his supporters rewrite history, say the economy was bad right up to 2017. Say God sent trumpf to save us from Democrats. Yes, sent the pussy grabber, the 3-time cheater, the compulsive liar, who has chiseled every contractor he ever hired, the draft dodging con artist that serves cheap junk food to football players. God sure knows how to pick 'em.

Ed, your butt hurt is showing again. :)
I'm not allowed to think ,to say, that the current occupant of our WH is a low life piece of garbage?? a republican?

Apparently you’re free ro spout garbage with reckless abandon.
I'm not allowed to think ,to say, that the current occupant of our WH is a low life piece of garbage?? a republican?

You thinking would be a refreshing change. The false information you have eagerly swallowed is the source of your opinion of President Donald Trump. Go for it!
The total and complete failure of the Obama Presicency

"Obama’s presidency often seemed fueled by his ego and his enjoyment of the perks of the position. The Obama family frequently took lavish vacations, and Michelle Obama had a ridiculously large staff of aides. President Trump, however, donates his presidential salary, and his net worth has actually gone down since becoming president. Most importantly, Obama’s personal gain over his two terms stands in stark contrast to the millions of Americans who suffered under his policies."

"Obama also claimed he surrounded himself with people who disagreed with him -- and that's a huge whopper that even Obama loyalists don’t agree with. Former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said this in 2013: “I think that there is an issue with what people told the president, and I think that there is an instinct to tell the president what he wants to hear.” Even Obama-loving Chris Matthews agreed that Obama thought he was right about everything because he only received advice from yes-men. “The fact that this president is getting advice from people that say, ‘You’re always right,’ is the problem. He’s got too many sycophants around him telling him, ‘All you have to keep doing is what you’re doing.'”"

Obama's legacy.....Barack Obama Is Still Trying To Rewrite His Presidential Legacy
You do know that it's literally been years since Obama was president.

Must've been hard to wake up to find out the "Queen for a Day" program was cancelled out by the "Orange Man Bad" program. :lmao:

The trump show is far more fictional and grotesque; just like reality TV
Get your head out of the DNC talking points, lady. They're the product of the DNC War Room.
Not only is Donald Trump innocent of all the garbage spill number they're doing on him, he is courageous under fire, he is honest in his business dealings, and when he's wrong, he fixes whatever is broke as best he can. Don't mess with Donald Trump. Just sayin' for your personal benefit after your talking points creators double cross America. And it's not if, it's when.
A selloff ..... under ........ a Republican. Say it slowly, let it roll off the lips, for emphasis.
Trumpf rides the wave of an economy already healthy and strong, one that was wrecked when Obama took office, and had to spend time fixing, to prevent us from falling off the cliff. Then trumpf claims credit. Then his supporters rewrite history, say the economy was bad right up to 2017. Say God sent trumpf to save us from Democrats. Yes, sent the pussy grabber, the 3-time cheater, the compulsive liar, who has chiseled every contractor he ever hired, the draft dodging con artist that serves cheap junk food to football players. God sure knows how to pick 'em.

Ed, your butt hurt is showing again. :)
I'm not allowed to think ,to say, that the current occupant of our WH is a low life piece of garbage?? a republican?

You can say whatever the hell you want and I will say whatever the hell I want.
You do know that it's literally been years since Obama was president.

Yeah but his Presidency will live on in infamy. Total failure, apologizing for America, racist comments....The most divisive President in history.
The total and complete failure of the Obama Presicency

"Obama’s presidency often seemed fueled by his ego and his enjoyment of the perks of the position. The Obama family frequently took lavish vacations, and Michelle Obama had a ridiculously large staff of aides. President Trump, however, donates his presidential salary, and his net worth has actually gone down since becoming president. Most importantly, Obama’s personal gain over his two terms stands in stark contrast to the millions of Americans who suffered under his policies."

"Obama also claimed he surrounded himself with people who disagreed with him -- and that's a huge whopper that even Obama loyalists don’t agree with. Former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said this in 2013: “I think that there is an issue with what people told the president, and I think that there is an instinct to tell the president what he wants to hear.” Even Obama-loving Chris Matthews agreed that Obama thought he was right about everything because he only received advice from yes-men. “The fact that this president is getting advice from people that say, ‘You’re always right,’ is the problem. He’s got too many sycophants around him telling him, ‘All you have to keep doing is what you’re doing.'”"

Obama's legacy.....Barack Obama Is Still Trying To Rewrite His Presidential Legacy
You do know that it's literally been years since Obama was president.


Give it a rest, Bush was the Democrat’s scapegoat for eight years and even to this day you nut complain about how Reagan ruined your lives long after his death and you are all pissy because someone went back two years, while you still cry about Presidents 10 and 31 years ago?

Your dumbass victim card has been spent, give it a rest cupcake.
The total and complete failure of the Obama Presicency

"Obama’s presidency often seemed fueled by his ego and his enjoyment of the perks of the position. The Obama family frequently took lavish vacations, and Michelle Obama had a ridiculously large staff of aides. President Trump, however, donates his presidential salary, and his net worth has actually gone down since becoming president. Most importantly, Obama’s personal gain over his two terms stands in stark contrast to the millions of Americans who suffered under his policies."

"Obama also claimed he surrounded himself with people who disagreed with him -- and that's a huge whopper that even Obama loyalists don’t agree with. Former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said this in 2013: “I think that there is an issue with what people told the president, and I think that there is an instinct to tell the president what he wants to hear.” Even Obama-loving Chris Matthews agreed that Obama thought he was right about everything because he only received advice from yes-men. “The fact that this president is getting advice from people that say, ‘You’re always right,’ is the problem. He’s got too many sycophants around him telling him, ‘All you have to keep doing is what you’re doing.'”"

Obama's legacy.....Barack Obama Is Still Trying To Rewrite His Presidential Legacy
You do know that it's literally been years since Obama was president.



Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama pass all blame, for eight years on President George Bush. Now, after President Donald Trump has taken office, Obama is taking credit for what Trump has done.

How does that work?

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