barack obama is the worst president in history!

"Barry, I have 1 lesson for you! if you really wanna change things, you have to play on fear, but ultimately you have to give people the antidote, and that is hope" - Bill Ayers to Obama

Obama grinned as he put out his cigarette: "What do i tell folks who asked about our relationship?" Barack asked

"Just tell em I was a guy in the neighborhood" - Ayers bellowed
The Left doesn't understand that force doesn't work. Government is FORCE and government can't force me to be good, nice or smart

It's on me
President Obama magnificiently connected deregulation, corruption, and income inequality in his 08 Cooper Union speech, but he did just to REEL IN THE SUCKERS!

the suckers that are the people who could hear the pillars of their middle-class world snapping. the suckers being the people who could see that the system was crumbling and maybe we oughtta do somethin about it!
Barack Hussein Weakbama killed jobs and strangled economic growth just so he can feel fuzzy about taking money from working families and spreadin it around to folks like Solyndra!
"I do think at a certain point, you've made enough money" - Obama

shameful and sad.

no wonder he turned America into a huge train wreck.
When Obama has left office the historians will then rate Obama and that rating will go into the history books. The problem with the historians doing the rating is they know so much of the background to Obama's presidency, so I predict Obama will be rated, twenty second or above.
I have spoken. it is so.
By the way if I get some flack for my rating, I may raise it to twenty.
The neoliberal era in the United States ended with a neofascist bang!
Weakbama had a chance to make history...all he did was make excuses!
Total US stock market added $98,400,000,000 in value today and $1,600,000,000,000 since Trump's election -hope you got a piece of the action
Obama's legacy will dissapear 100 days after President Trump becomes president
Don't tell Howard Dean, but 657 coke dealers have had their sentences shortened by Obama

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