barack obama is the worst president in history!

The OP's statement is actually completely factual, documented, and undeniable....depending on what you're talking about:

- Set new U.S. records for 'monthly', 'anual', & 'total' deficit spending.

- 1st responsible for a U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade

- 1st President to NEVER have 1 single year of 3% growth

- The most criminally non-compliant administration regarding the FOIA in U.S. history: 70% criminal non-compliance
-- This is impressive considering his lie / promise to be the most transparent ever, but what do you expect from a man who sealed every one of his own personal records before / while running for office

Again, these - and more - are not 'opinion'. They are FACT. You can try to explain / justify them away, but they are still fact.
Worst president in history
Empty chair
America hating, racist, Muslim from Kenya

Yet, when given a choice between a half breed Kenyan and the best candidate the Republican Party has to offer.......America overwhelmingly chose the Kenyan
Radical Barack would never have been chosen had Wonderful Donald been the Republican nominee.

Radical Barack would never have been chosen had Wonderful Donald been the Republican nominee.

Radical Barack would never have been chosen had Wonderful Donald been the Republican nominee.
Radical Barack would never have been chosen had Wonderful Donald been the Republican nominee.

Radical Barack would never have been chosen had Wonderful Donald been the Republican nominee.

Radical Barack would never have been chosen had Wonderful Donald been the Republican nominee.
Can you imagine if Obama had run against Trump?

Obama would have taken every state
The OP's statement is actually completely factual, documented, and undeniable....depending on what you're talking about:

- Set new U.S. records for 'monthly', 'anual', & 'total' deficit spending.

- 1st responsible for a U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade

- 1st President to NEVER have 1 single year of 3% growth

- The most criminally non-compliant administration regarding the FOIA in U.S. history: 70% criminal non-compliance
-- This is impressive considering his lie / promise to be the most transparent ever, but what do you expect from a man who sealed every one of his own personal records before / while running for office

Again, these - and more - are not 'opinion'. They are FACT. You can try to explain / justify them away, but they are still fact.

Wow . U righties are so dishonest .

The credit downgrade was a result of republicans shutting down the gov and defaulting on the debt. You are gonna blame that on Obama ? Lol. All you do is lie .

It's disgusting how conservatives will sabotage the country just to spite the prez .
It's amazing how libs will even try to re-write history to protect Barry. He just isn't worth it.

No, as documented, the bank warned Oba that - considering his record-setting deficit spending and average $1.3 TRILLION in debt per year added on initially, he needed to agree to more spending cuts in the coming budget. Obama refused. As warned the bank followed through with their promise.

If you do your research you will see how Ibama was so pissed to have such a dubious honor imposed upon him that he sent the IRS and numerous other of his agencies after the bank.

Barry had to do it his way, and no one was going to tell him what he had to do. The narcissist refused to cut spending as the GOP wanted to do, despite the warning. So he earned his downgrade. And - as common-place throughout his entire LIFE, Barry & his apologists tried to blame anyone else.

But you tell a good 'bedtime story', Timmy.
It's amazing how libs will even try to re-write history to protect Barry. He just isn't worth it.

No, as documented, the bank warned Oba that - considering his record-setting deficit spending and average $1.3 TRILLION in debt per year added on initially, he needed to agree to more spending cuts in the coming budget. Obama refused. As warned the bank followed through with their promise.

If you do your research you will see how Ibama was so pissed to have such a dubious honor imposed upon him that he sent the IRS and numerous other of his agencies after the bank.

Barry had to do it his way, and no one was going to tell him what he had to do. The narcissist refused to cut spending as the GOP wanted to do, despite the warning. So he earned his downgrade. And - as common-place throughout his entire LIFE, Barry & his apologists tried to blame anyone else.

But you tell a good 'bedtime story', Timmy.
You neglected to provide a link

It takes a set of balls to post something like that when George W. Bush invaded Iraq and got 4500 young Americans killed....totally unnecessarily!!

The only thing Iraq ever did to the United States was to try to assassinate Bush's daddy in Qatar...circa 1993.
It's amazing how libs will even try to re-write history to protect Barry. He just isn't worth it.

No, as documented, the bank warned Oba that - considering his record-setting deficit spending and average $1.3 TRILLION in debt per year added on initially, he needed to agree to more spending cuts in the coming budget. Obama refused. As warned the bank followed through with their promise.

If you do your research you will see how Ibama was so pissed to have such a dubious honor imposed upon him that he sent the IRS and numerous other of his agencies after the bank.

Barry had to do it his way, and no one was going to tell him what he had to do. The narcissist refused to cut spending as the GOP wanted to do, despite the warning. So he earned his downgrade. And - as common-place throughout his entire LIFE, Barry & his apologists tried to blame anyone else.

But you tell a good 'bedtime story', Timmy.
He'd have cut spending but you wanted the cuts coming from those least able to afford them NOT your rich fat cats

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