Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Most of the nation now approves of the president’s job performance.

While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are battling to get into the White House, its current occupant is seeing his numbers continue to climb.

A new Monmouth University survey out Wednesday gives President Barack Obama a 56 percent approval rating, up 7 points since July.


How the nation sees Obama matters for reasons beyond his legacy. Views of the incumbent president and the state of the economy have traditionally been a strong predictor of which party’s nominee will replace him.

Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Almost 10 million jobs, huge gains in the private sector and halved the unemployment rate. Obama kicks ass!!!
Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Most of the nation now approves of the president’s job performance.

While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are battling to get into the White House, its current occupant is seeing his numbers continue to climb.

A new Monmouth University survey out Wednesday gives President Barack Obama a 56 percent approval rating, up 7 points since July.


How the nation sees Obama matters for reasons beyond his legacy. Views of the incumbent president and the state of the economy have traditionally been a strong predictor of which party’s nominee will replace him.

Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Almost 10 million jobs, huge gains in the private sector and halved the unemployment rate. Obama kicks ass!!!

The public believes something that is wrong because if you really think the unemployment rate is good then you are about as dumb as your master already thinks you are.
For every point Obama goes up, Trump falls by three.

Is he under 40% now? How long until he is under 35%?
While I'm not all that high on Obamas foreign policy, I think his accomplishments here at home more than make up for that.
Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Most of the nation now approves of the president’s job performance.

While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are battling to get into the White House, its current occupant is seeing his numbers continue to climb.

A new Monmouth University survey out Wednesday gives President Barack Obama a 56 percent approval rating, up 7 points since July.


How the nation sees Obama matters for reasons beyond his legacy. Views of the incumbent president and the state of the economy have traditionally been a strong predictor of which party’s nominee will replace him.

Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Almost 10 million jobs, huge gains in the private sector and halved the unemployment rate. Obama kicks ass!!!
We call it the nasty fart effect. When the window is open...the nasty fart leaves...everyone feels better.
Remember when Obama came to office we were losing 800,000 jobs per month...The banks were collapsing and entire portions of our car industry was going down in flames.

Thankfully, Obama stopped the bleeding and turned it around.
Remember when Obama came to office we were losing 800,000 jobs per month...The banks were collapsing and entire portions of our car industry was going down in flames.

Thankfully, Obama stopped the bleeding and turned it around.
If we could somehow reduce that 19 Trillion......................
Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Most of the nation now approves of the president’s job performance.

While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are battling to get into the White House, its current occupant is seeing his numbers continue to climb.

A new Monmouth University survey out Wednesday gives President Barack Obama a 56 percent approval rating, up 7 points since July.


How the nation sees Obama matters for reasons beyond his legacy. Views of the incumbent president and the state of the economy have traditionally been a strong predictor of which party’s nominee will replace him.

Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Almost 10 million jobs, huge gains in the private sector and halved the unemployment rate. Obama kicks ass!!!
Yeah.....he's great.....looks good in a suit n as a president though.
For all intents and purposes Hillary Clinton is campaigning against the 7 1/2 years of the Obama administration. How does that square with Hussein supporters? Is everyone in the democrat party a hypocrite?
Yeah the man is a wizard...stupid freaking democrats we told you this would happen

Feds Will Struggle to Recoup Loans to Failed Obamacare Co-Ops
Controversial bookkeeping rule allowed co-ops to treat debt as an asset

Under Obamacare, the government lent $358 million to the 23 co-ops that were created under the program. The start up money was to be repaid in five years, unless of course the co-op went bankrupt, and HHS told the borrowers that they could legally redefine the debt as “surplus notes.”

As of the end of last year, 12 co-ops did as HHS recommended and thus subordinated the government’s claims against the entities below other lenders. So far 4 of the 12 have bankrupted and closed their doors.

Feds Will Struggle to Recoup Loans to Failed Obamacare Co-Ops
Yeah the man is a wizard...stupid freaking democrats we told you this would happen

Feds Will Struggle to Recoup Loans to Failed Obamacare Co-Ops
Controversial bookkeeping rule allowed co-ops to treat debt as an asset

Under Obamacare, the government lent $358 million to the 23 co-ops that were created under the program. The start up money was to be repaid in five years, unless of course the co-op went bankrupt, and HHS told the borrowers that they could legally redefine the debt as “surplus notes.”

As of the end of last year, 12 co-ops did as HHS recommended and thus subordinated the government’s claims against the entities below other lenders. So far 4 of the 12 have bankrupted and closed their doors.

Feds Will Struggle to Recoup Loans to Failed Obamacare Co-Ops
Maybe the GOP and its crony insurers should stop sabotaging it. They will when Hillary gets elected...Pfffffttt!!
Remember when Obama came to office we were losing 800,000 jobs per month...The banks were collapsing and entire portions of our car industry was going down in flames.

Thankfully, Obama stopped the bleeding and turned it around.
If we could somehow reduce that 19 Trillion......................

Oh come on, he contained ISIS

He more than contained ISIS. Nearly all of the land ISIS controlled is now back in coaltion hands. Most of ISIS leaders are dead or on the run. Fighters are deserting in droves. Recruitment is non-existent. There are pockets of resistance, but most of the real fighters who are left are fleeing to Libya, which may be the next hot spot.

And all of this was accomplished with minimal cost in American lives or munitions.
Remember when Obama came to office we were losing 800,000 jobs per month...The banks were collapsing and entire portions of our car industry was going down in flames.

Thankfully, Obama stopped the bleeding and turned it around.
If we could somehow reduce that 19 Trillion......................

Oh come on, he contained ISIS

He more than contained ISIS. Nearly all of the land ISIS controlled is now back in coaltion hands. Most of ISIS leaders are dead or on the run. Fighters are deserting in droves. Recruitment is non-existent. There are pockets of resistance, but most of the real fighters who are left are fleeing to Libya, which may be the next hot spot.

And all of this was accomplished with minimal cost in American lives or munitions.

LOL He contained them in France, Belgium, Germany, Iraq, Tunisia, California, Yemen, Turkey.....
Remember when Obama came to office we were losing 800,000 jobs per month...The banks were collapsing and entire portions of our car industry was going down in flames.

Thankfully, Obama stopped the bleeding and turned it around.
If we could somehow reduce that 19 Trillion......................

Oh come on, he contained ISIS
ISIS is going down the drain, dupe. And the ME learned its lesson, and NOT that the USA is satan.

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