Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Most of the nation now approves of the president’s job performance.

While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are battling to get into the White House, its current occupant is seeing his numbers continue to climb.

A new Monmouth University survey out Wednesday gives President Barack Obama a 56 percent approval rating, up 7 points since July.


How the nation sees Obama matters for reasons beyond his legacy. Views of the incumbent president and the state of the economy have traditionally been a strong predictor of which party’s nominee will replace him.

Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Almost 10 million jobs, huge gains in the private sector and halved the unemployment rate. Obama kicks ass!!!
Obama is about as popular as a dose of clap. There ain't no popularity contests in politics.

Well, if you get the majority = you're elected.
Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Most of the nation now approves of the president’s job performance.

While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are battling to get into the White House, its current occupant is seeing his numbers continue to climb.

A new Monmouth University survey out Wednesday gives President Barack Obama a 56 percent approval rating, up 7 points since July.


How the nation sees Obama matters for reasons beyond his legacy. Views of the incumbent president and the state of the economy have traditionally been a strong predictor of which party’s nominee will replace him.

Barack Obama Just Keeps Getting More Popular

Almost 10 million jobs, huge gains in the private sector and halved the unemployment rate. Obama kicks ass!!!

Sure. Because he's on his way out and people are ecstatic that he's leaving.

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