Barack Obama: “The LAST THING We Want to Do Is Raise Taxes During a Recession” (2009

Is the recession OVER??????????

Yes it is.
Then why did unemployment go up to 9.2% the other day? and the number of underemployed go up with it?
We now have a recovering economy and the republicans are doing EVERYTHING they can think of to slow and or stop the recovery.
Where is the recovery at? Because noone can see it anywhere. Only 18,000 private sector jobs created nation wide.
OBAMANOMICS … Unemployment Rate up to 9.2% for June 2011, Only 18,000 Jobs Created | Scared Monkeys
That is FACT, now if you care to post a FACT that debunks my FACT here feel free to do so.

Its time to raise taxes so we can pay down our debts so we can have a better future.
Raising taxes only hurts the lower and middle class, that is another FACT. If you want taxes,start by making Obamas buddies on capital hill pay all of the back taxes they owe.
To tax anyone more that is making $200,000 plus dollars a year will hurt the middle and lower class, because alot of those people own businesses, and do you think they will absorb a tax increase? No they wont, they will raise the price of their goods to cover the increase or they will lay someone off. It's simple economics, not that any of us expect you to understand that.
You cannot create wealth by confiscating it from those who have earned it. It's called theft by government, and you should be ashamed for wanting that.

The Bush tax cuts didnt produce any jobs during Bush's term and we had a much better economy when the taxes were higher under Clinton.
The economy was better under clinton because he mistakenly over downsized our military and risked our security to save a few bucks instead of reigning in reckless spending, and then got shellacked in the midterms and had a GOP congress keeping him in check the rest of his ride through his term. Remember hillary care? They tried destroying our health care under clinton too, but luckily we stopped it. Raising taxes won't help us recover, running a balanced budget and trimming unnecessary programs and reigning in spending will.

You want recovery?

Raise revenues to pay off the debt like Clinton did and we will see a better economy JUST LIKE UNDER CLINTON.
Vote out Obama and all of the left and right progressives in the senate and congress, elect Constitutional Tea Party members and others who will put in place amendments that will prevent this from ever happening again, if you want recovery that is. Your recovery is "I want more free shit from big brother at the expense of someone else". That is not recovery, that is tyranny.
Are any of you cons going to amitt the COLD HARD FACT that we are no longer in a recession????????

If you put any hard evidence out there that would suggest that we are out of it will will. For some reason I just dont see that happening though.
Ever notice when liberals are cornered with facts they either:

1) Shift the subject
2) Ignore the facts
3) Name call

It's amazing at how consistent they are at it.

Yeah, Cut n Run... Or go Bwarney Fwank on ya.

How about answering the question? If not raising taxes improves the job situation, where are the jobs?!?! The CONS seem to be "cut-n-running" on that one in EVERY thread!!!

Anyone who knows economics 101 understands that businesses will not hire in a wrecked economy like the one created by hope and change. If Obama loses in 2012 and we get a more business friendly white house and congress the business owners will start hiring again, and then you libs will say "See Obamas policies worked!" even though everyone else will know they only hired because of a more business friendly white house and congress.
I just don't get how so many can cheerlead for Tax-Hikes for a Government that spent us into this $14.5 Trillion Debt Hell. These people are so lost. They just regurgitate DNC,HuffyPoop,and NBC Talking Points without putting any thought into that stupid rhetoric. Why should Americans support handing more of their paychecks over to the Government? The Government needs to get their own House in order before demanding Taxpayers be punished for something they're not even responsible for. Even this President understood this at one point. Looks like he's become lost as well. We don't have a Taxpayer problem. We have a Government problem.
Fantasyland economics....

"the recession is over"
"It's the summer of recovery"
"Unemployment will not go above 8%"
"GM has paid back all of the stimulus money"
"Hope and Change!!"

"We can fight two wars"
"Cutting taxes will save economy"
"Compassionate Conservative"
"It's a Reagan economy."
Taxes are near an all time low and unemployment is at 9.2%. Looks like supply-side charlatans and cranks can't explain this one, but they still cheer lead for it even after previously experiencing the worst job growth since WWII under Bush.

I am not sure whether these people are parrots or sheep, but they love their empty talking points that are handed down to them.

Plus, the recession has been officially over for 2 years and the rich have been benefiting nicely from government and monetary policy.
Well he was also against raising Debt Limits when the other side had power. So can this President really be trusted?
What tax hikes?

The Bush tax cuts were never meant to be permanent.
Why would any logical-thinking American want to send more of their Paycheck to a Government that spent us into this catastrophic $14.5 Trillion Debt Hell? Doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Punishing Taxpayers for this mess is just wrong. This is all on the Government. Let them fix their mess.
Taxes are near an all time low and unemployment is at 9.2%. Looks like supply-side charlatans and cranks can't explain this one, but they still cheer lead for it even after previously experiencing the worst job growth since WWII under Bush.

I am not sure whether these people are parrots or sheep, but they love their empty talking points that are handed down to them.

Plus, the recession has been officially over for 2 years and the rich have been benefiting nicely from government and monetary policy.

Call me when the 120,000,000 Americans who pay $0 start paying, I dunno, at least $.01.
like 80% of voters want taxes on rich people raised. mostly because they arent rich but o well...
Taxes are near an all time low and unemployment is at 9.2%. Looks like supply-side charlatans and cranks can't explain this one, but they still cheer lead for it even after previously experiencing the worst job growth since WWII under Bush.

I am not sure whether these people are parrots or sheep, but they love their empty talking points that are handed down to them.

Plus, the recession has been officially over for 2 years and the rich have been benefiting nicely from government and monetary policy.

Call me when the 120,000,000 Americans who pay $0 start paying, I dunno, at least $.01.

Ok so was that your support to repeal the bush tax cuts? Because thats the reason why most of those low income families dont pay any taxes.
Taxes are near an all time low and unemployment is at 9.2%. Looks like supply-side charlatans and cranks can't explain this one, but they still cheer lead for it even after previously experiencing the worst job growth since WWII under Bush.

I am not sure whether these people are parrots or sheep, but they love their empty talking points that are handed down to them.

Plus, the recession has been officially over for 2 years and the rich have been benefiting nicely from government and monetary policy.

Call me when the 120,000,000 Americans who pay $0 start paying, I dunno, at least $.01.

You just can win with rw kooks. They bitch that taxes are too high and then bitch that many people do not pay enough taxes. Talk about spin.

The idea that 120,000,000 Americans that don't pay taxes is fucking ludicrous. The income tax isn't the only tax. Stop living in never-never land. Plus, the tax freeloader myth has been exposed.
The Tax Freeloader Myth | The New Republic

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