Barack Obama's 52'nd birthday!

Pretty fitting, that .gif — and pretty pathetic that that's likely exactly how they're acting, while an American Marine who did absolutely nothing wrong struggles to survive in a Mexican prison.

Be proud of your little jiffy ya got there, Dottie. :thup:

The guy in prison, it's his own fault for being there..

You call yourself an American veteran.

I don't know ANY American veteran who isn't defending or wouldn't defend that Marine behind bars in Mexico.

I am going to make your life HELL if I find out you're lying about being a veteran. Trust that.

McVeigh was/is a vet. That doesn't give someone blanket immunity from obeying the law asswipe.
52 years old, and has never actually WORKED one day in his life.

Birthday wishes to EVERYBODY who has a birthday today, EXCEPT Barack Obama!
Except as a teacher, senator, lawyer.

And two term, duly elected President of the United States.

Happy Birthday, Mr President and thank you for all the hard work you've done on the behalf of the common folks.
Pretty fitting, that .gif — and pretty pathetic that that's likely exactly how they're acting, while an American Marine who did absolutely nothing wrong struggles to survive in a Mexican prison.

Be proud of your little jiffy ya got there, Dottie. :thup:

The guy in prison, it's his own fault for being there..

You call yourself an American veteran.

I don't know ANY American veteran who isn't defending or wouldn't defend that Marine behind bars in Mexico.

I am going to make your life HELL if I find out you're lying about being a veteran. Trust that.

HA! Threaten me all you like, doesn't change the fact that the jarhead got himself intojail, he can get himself out. You never once helped me get out of jail, but then again, I didn't cry and sob loud enough for another country to hear me....
The guy in prison, it's his own fault for being there..

You call yourself an American veteran.

I don't know ANY American veteran who isn't defending or wouldn't defend that Marine behind bars in Mexico.

I am going to make your life HELL if I find out you're lying about being a veteran. Trust that.

HA! Threaten me all you like, doesn't change the fact that the jarhead got himself intojail, he can get himself out. You never once helped me get out of jail, but then again, I didn't cry and sob loud enough for another country to hear me....

The worst thing that could happen to this guy is for Obama to help get him out...his life would be ruined!!!
Fox and the Republicans would crucify him and his family.
There would be a rush to Twitter and Facebook accounts by Republicans to erase supportive posts.
We've seen it before...the poor bloke is probably safer where he is.
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And this Friday is the 40th anniversary of the day Nixon resigned.

Coinkidink? I think not.
Nixon was the last decent Republican president, sadly.

and Carter though he was awful running the country and bright untold misery onto us...He was the last decent Democrat President who acted like one and had respect for the blowjobs and lying right to the people faces about it (Clinton), no winning lie of the year and acting like a street thug, (Obama)
The guy in prison, it's his own fault for being there..

You call yourself an American veteran.

I don't know ANY American veteran who isn't defending or wouldn't defend that Marine behind bars in Mexico.

I am going to make your life HELL if I find out you're lying about being a veteran. Trust that.

HA! Threaten me all you like, doesn't change the fact that the jarhead got himself intojail, he can get himself out. You never once helped me get out of jail, but then again, I didn't cry and sob loud enough for another country to hear me....

Yabut, did you try to sneak guns into a foreign country?

I mean, Bush tried that with Fast & Furious and it was a disaster. Good thing President Obama put a stop to it.
"Happy birthday Mr. President. You are 52 years old going on 16." - Mark Levin

Pretty fitting, that .gif — and pretty pathetic that that's likely exactly how they're acting, while an American Marine who did absolutely nothing wrong struggles to survive in a Mexican prison.

You mean like crossing into another country with three illegal guns?

:cuckoo:Yah...your right. Guess anyone would of done it since the sign indicating which way to go to the U.S.A. had grafitti over it. Kind of hard to see.

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