Barack Obama's Legacy

Obama's full legacy will be that he was a


which will end up on his tombstone after he gets convicted for the dozens of counts of treason he is 100% guilty of
because today's "Republicans" are mostly frauds, left wing big spending Zionists obsessed with Israel beyond anything else....

Lindsay Graham
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell

they are nothing but kleptocratic traitors, not "conservatives"
While the left will inevitably do what they do best (attempt to replace history with propaganda), here is the true legacy of the Barack Obama presidency...

1. The non-stimulating stimulus. Obama’s $750,000,000-plus stimulus plan retarded economic recovery, but it did manage to shatter by gargantuan amounts the record for annual federal budget deficits and set us on the path of approximately doubling the national debt during Obama’s eight years.

2. The unconstitutional takeover/reorganization of General Motors and Chrysler. Obama shredded over 200 years of settled bankruptcy law by placing unsecured creditors (UAW) ahead of the secured creditors (bondholders) of those companies.

3. Seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. Obama abandoned the winning Bush/Petraeus surge strategy in Iraq, destabilizing that key country, pushing it closer to Iran as well as opening the door for Isis.

4. Allowing the American military to fall into a state of disrepair. Well, at least he has made sure that the Navy is using expensive biofuels instead of cheap petroleum.

5. Loss of American stature in the world. Jimmy Carter-like, he has sought to charm America’s enemies (the Castros and the Iranian ayatollahs) while disrespecting old allies like the UK and newer allies like Poland. Through his indecisiveness with Syria, his bumbling interference in Libya, his capitulation to the Iranian mullahs, his passive acquiescence to Putin’s takeover of Crimea, and his obvious belief that America owes the world apologies instead of strong leadership, he has greatly reduced respect for our country around the globe.

6. Obamacare. ‘Nuff said.

7. Dodd-Frank and its wicked spawn, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Ditto.

8. Hostility to fossil fuels. Using the EPA and other regulatory agencies, he has done everything he could to cripple the domestic production of cheap, reliable fossil fuels and given subsidies to political cronies and others producing green boondoggles.

9. Disrespect for our system of government. He has shown contempt for our Constitution, for anyone who resists his power grabs, and for the American people, particularly the middle class. He seems to have tried to reduce the United States of America to a banana republic by governing in the manner of a Latin American caudillo.

10. Weak support for police and an increase of racial tensions. You know it’s bad when the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations is so frustrated that he publicly accuses the President of the United States of waging “war on cops.”

10 things you won’t see the mainstream media talk about in the last 100 days of Obama’s presidency

So we are still losing 800,000 jobs a month, the economy is still shrinking at a rate over 6%


The CBO said the stimulus bill did exactly what it was supposed to be.,

While the left will inevitably do what they do best (attempt to replace history with propaganda), here is the true legacy of the Barack Obama presidency...

1. The non-stimulating stimulus. Obama’s $750,000,000-plus stimulus plan retarded economic recovery, but it did manage to shatter by gargantuan amounts the record for annual federal budget deficits and set us on the path of approximately doubling the national debt during Obama’s eight years.

2. The unconstitutional takeover/reorganization of General Motors and Chrysler. Obama shredded over 200 years of settled bankruptcy law by placing unsecured creditors (UAW) ahead of the secured creditors (bondholders) of those companies.

3. Seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. Obama abandoned the winning Bush/Petraeus surge strategy in Iraq, destabilizing that key country, pushing it closer to Iran as well as opening the door for Isis.

4. Allowing the American military to fall into a state of disrepair. Well, at least he has made sure that the Navy is using expensive biofuels instead of cheap petroleum.

5. Loss of American stature in the world. Jimmy Carter-like, he has sought to charm America’s enemies (the Castros and the Iranian ayatollahs) while disrespecting old allies like the UK and newer allies like Poland. Through his indecisiveness with Syria, his bumbling interference in Libya, his capitulation to the Iranian mullahs, his passive acquiescence to Putin’s takeover of Crimea, and his obvious belief that America owes the world apologies instead of strong leadership, he has greatly reduced respect for our country around the globe.

6. Obamacare. ‘Nuff said.

7. Dodd-Frank and its wicked spawn, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Ditto.

8. Hostility to fossil fuels. Using the EPA and other regulatory agencies, he has done everything he could to cripple the domestic production of cheap, reliable fossil fuels and given subsidies to political cronies and others producing green boondoggles.

9. Disrespect for our system of government. He has shown contempt for our Constitution, for anyone who resists his power grabs, and for the American people, particularly the middle class. He seems to have tried to reduce the United States of America to a banana republic by governing in the manner of a Latin American caudillo.

10. Weak support for police and an increase of racial tensions. You know it’s bad when the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations is so frustrated that he publicly accuses the President of the United States of waging “war on cops.”

10 things you won’t see the mainstream media talk about in the last 100 days of Obama’s presidency
And, Bush invaded Iraq. Bush took out Iran's number one enemy.
You can pout, stomp your feet, lie your ass off, & try to blame Obama all you want. But even a jackass like you knows that was Bush All Bush. All supported by anti-American fools like you.
While the left will inevitably do what they do best (attempt to replace history with propaganda), here is the true legacy of the Barack Obama presidency...

1. The non-stimulating stimulus. Obama’s $750,000,000-plus stimulus plan retarded economic recovery, but it did manage to shatter by gargantuan amounts the record for annual federal budget deficits and set us on the path of approximately doubling the national debt during Obama’s eight years.

2. The unconstitutional takeover/reorganization of General Motors and Chrysler. Obama shredded over 200 years of settled bankruptcy law by placing unsecured creditors (UAW) ahead of the secured creditors (bondholders) of those companies.

3. Seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. Obama abandoned the winning Bush/Petraeus surge strategy in Iraq, destabilizing that key country, pushing it closer to Iran as well as opening the door for Isis.

4. Allowing the American military to fall into a state of disrepair. Well, at least he has made sure that the Navy is using expensive biofuels instead of cheap petroleum.

5. Loss of American stature in the world. Jimmy Carter-like, he has sought to charm America’s enemies (the Castros and the Iranian ayatollahs) while disrespecting old allies like the UK and newer allies like Poland. Through his indecisiveness with Syria, his bumbling interference in Libya, his capitulation to the Iranian mullahs, his passive acquiescence to Putin’s takeover of Crimea, and his obvious belief that America owes the world apologies instead of strong leadership, he has greatly reduced respect for our country around the globe.

6. Obamacare. ‘Nuff said.

7. Dodd-Frank and its wicked spawn, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Ditto.

8. Hostility to fossil fuels. Using the EPA and other regulatory agencies, he has done everything he could to cripple the domestic production of cheap, reliable fossil fuels and given subsidies to political cronies and others producing green boondoggles.

9. Disrespect for our system of government. He has shown contempt for our Constitution, for anyone who resists his power grabs, and for the American people, particularly the middle class. He seems to have tried to reduce the United States of America to a banana republic by governing in the manner of a Latin American caudillo.

10. Weak support for police and an increase of racial tensions. You know it’s bad when the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations is so frustrated that he publicly accuses the President of the United States of waging “war on cops.”

10 things you won’t see the mainstream media talk about in the last 100 days of Obama’s presidency
And, Bush invaded Iraq. Bush took out Iran's number one enemy.
You can pout, stomp your feet, lie your ass off, & try to blame Obama all you want. But even a jackass like you knows that was Bush All Bush. All supported by anti-American fools like you.

Wow, here I thought this thread was about Obama's legacy.
So we are still losing 800,000 jobs a month, the economy is still shrinking at a rate over 6% Yes?
No. After the American people got a first-hand look at failed left-wing policy, they turned to Republicans nation-wide in the 2010 “shellacking”. Those Republicans then implemented conservative policy which started the road back to prosperity.

Thanks for playing, junior.
O covered for W

O never gets elected unless W runs the US into the ground by outspending LBJ

W dances with Ms. O since Mr. O is really a faggot
Barack Obama's Legacy is that he is America's first Muslim and non natural born citizen to become President.
Barack Obama's Legacy is that he is America's first Muslim and non natural born citizen to become President.
Praised criminals, destroyed race relations, massive debt, flooded us with illegals, made us a laughing stick.

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