Barack Obama's Legacy

While the left will inevitably do what they do best (attempt to replace history with propaganda), here is the true legacy of the Barack Obama presidency...

1. The non-stimulating stimulus. Obamaā€™s $750,000,000-plus stimulus plan retarded economic recovery, but it did manage to shatter by gargantuan amounts the record for annual federal budget deficits and set us on the path of approximately doubling the national debt during Obamaā€™s eight years.

2. The unconstitutional takeover/reorganization of General Motors and Chrysler. Obama shredded over 200 years of settled bankruptcy law by placing unsecured creditors (UAW) ahead of the secured creditors (bondholders) of those companies.

3. Seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. Obama abandoned the winning Bush/Petraeus surge strategy in Iraq, destabilizing that key country, pushing it closer to Iran as well as opening the door for Isis.

4. Allowing the American military to fall into a state of disrepair. Well, at least he has made sure that the Navy is using expensive biofuels instead of cheap petroleum.

5. Loss of American stature in the world. Jimmy Carter-like, he has sought to charm Americaā€™s enemies (the Castros and the Iranian ayatollahs) while disrespecting old allies like the UK and newer allies like Poland. Through his indecisiveness with Syria, his bumbling interference in Libya, his capitulation to the Iranian mullahs, his passive acquiescence to Putinā€™s takeover of Crimea, and his obvious belief that America owes the world apologies instead of strong leadership, he has greatly reduced respect for our country around the globe.

6. Obamacare. ā€˜Nuff said.

7. Dodd-Frank and its wicked spawn, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Ditto.

8. Hostility to fossil fuels. Using the EPA and other regulatory agencies, he has done everything he could to cripple the domestic production of cheap, reliable fossil fuels and given subsidies to political cronies and others producing green boondoggles.

9. Disrespect for our system of government. He has shown contempt for our Constitution, for anyone who resists his power grabs, and for the American people, particularly the middle class. He seems to have tried to reduce the United States of America to a banana republic by governing in the manner of a Latin American caudillo.

10. Weak support for police and an increase of racial tensions. You know itā€™s bad when the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations is so frustrated that he publicly accuses the President of the United States of waging ā€œwar on cops.ā€

10 things you wonā€™t see the mainstream media talk about in the last 100 days of Obamaā€™s presidency
True in 2016. True in history.
P@triot, post: 18896319
Only an idiot progressive would ā€œcall BSā€ on facts.

Trump ran on calling Bush a liar about WMD in Iraq. So if your 'fact' was correct that WMD were found that justified war, then Trump had no basis to call Bush a liar.

P@triot, post: 18896319
Only an idiot progressive could call thousands of WMDā€™s ā€œsuch minuscule amountsā€. Once again - to quote a former U.S. Navy Seal:

Did you vote for the orange faced idiot progressive who obviously does not believe what your former US Navy Seal has to say?

Bush is still shocked angry and sickened by the fact that the WMD was not there. Trump says Bush lied by claiming they were there in the first place.

Very pertinent facts you chose to ignore. Why do you pretend those two facts do not exist?
deltex1, post: 18896556
Merry Christmas, Foo. I was afraid you committed suicide! MAGA!

I'm in Cancun where life is great. If I see any Islamists heading north to behead you I'll let you know. Don't come out until Mexico pays fir the wall.

Have you learned how to spell Kobani yet, idiot?
deltex1, post: 18896556
Merry Christmas, Foo. I was afraid you committed suicide! MAGA!

I'm in Cancun where life is great. If I see any Islamists heading north to behead you I'll let you know. Don't come out until Mexico pays fir the wall.

Have you learned how to spell Kobani yet, idiot?
Is that the Kobani where Trump abandoned Obabble's strategic patience policy and used Mad Dog to slaughter ISIS?

Good to see you are thriving in the Trump economy. Under Obabble you vacationed in Cleveland at the YMCA...
The Obama Administration was unquestionably the most corrupt administration in U.S. history. Thank goodness that Attorney General Jeff Sessions isnā€™t ignoring this.

Jeff Sessions orders investigation into accusations against Obama admin


We see the racist right cannot quit.
Merry Christmas, Foo. I was afraid you committed suicide! MAGA!

Foo"s been beating that dead horse for 13 years. All he's accomplished is getting tired.

I'm in Cancun where life is great.
Oh, good! Itā€™s always nice to see anti-American marxists get the fuck out of the U.S. Please stay down there permanently. And try to avoid being beheaded by those drug cartels when you purchase all of your beloved narcotics!
The Obama Administration was unquestionably the most corrupt administration in U.S. history. Thank goodness that Attorney General Jeff Sessions isnā€™t ignoring this.

Jeff Sessions orders investigation into accusations against Obama admin
Yes. Thatā€™s how our justice system works. When accusations are made - they are investigated to make certain they are either true or false. The system includes due process, warrants (which requires a judges authorization), subpoenas, etc. Itā€™s all a bit technical and way above your mental capacity - but just trust us, snowflake.

I realize youā€™re used to Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who would incarcerate people - or just plain execute them - based on just accusations with no due you must find an investigation strange and new.
SassyIrishLass, post: 18897275
Foo"s been beating that dead horse for 13 years. All he's accomplished is getting tired.

Watching all you wingnut Bush43 pro-Iraq invasion goons now defending a rightwing president who has confirmed the fact that Bush lied in order to invade Iraq. And now tweeting that both Bush's wars were a foolish waste.

You people have no principles, no morals, no values. You have nothing, but Trump to represent you now.

Trump's further demise will be yours as well.
P@triot, post: 18897894
We see the losing left cannot stop resorting to falsely crying ā€œracistsā€ rather than take responsibility for their failures.

The shoe fits. And you are wearing it. Such racist garbage you post about Obama on a thread that has nothing to do with Obama.
P@triot, post: 18897894
We see the losing left cannot stop resorting to falsely crying ā€œracistsā€ rather than take responsibility for their failures.

The shoe fits. And you are wearing it. Such racist garbage you post about Obama on a thread that has nothing to do with Obama.
You suck obama ass... youā€™re biased
Poor Foo...we had Iraq won until your Boy Blunder, Ears bungled it away then the stupid SOB got involved in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, drug his feet leading from behind in Afghanistan and pretty much fucked them all up.

Your Bush lied shit is old, redundant and worn your posts.

Now sit back and watch Mattis show you how to kill Islamo terrorists.....oops he already did. ISIS is decimated
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You people have no principles, no morals, no values. You have nothing, but Trump to represent you now.
You donā€™t even have that. Youā€™re just an unethical, entitled, evil, parasite who canā€™t accept that heā€™s not entitled to what other people earned. Republicans own the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states. No matter how much you whine, you canā€™t change that.

Since you refuse to take the personal responsibility necessary, the integrity and honesty necessary to live in the U.S., and since you hate the U.S., you should really find a new place to live.
We see the losing left cannot stop resorting to falsely crying ā€œracistsā€ rather than take responsibility for their failures.
The shoe fits. And you are wearing it. Such racist garbage you post about Obama on a thread that has nothing to do with Obama.
We donā€™t know if the shoe fits. As a typical progressive parasite, you stole the shoe. Then you attempt to claim that everyone else is wearing it. Donā€™t project your rascism on the rest of us. After all, the Dumbocrats are the party of the KKK.
P@triot, post: 18905569
progressive parasite, you stole the shoe. Then you attempt to claim that everyone else is wearing it. Donā€™t project your rascism on the rest of us. After all, the Dumbocrats are the party of the KKK.

Republicans have become the exclusive KKK white nationalist PARTY since JFK.. Decades of history elude the pioint your racist mind has prepared for you.

The head of your Party got there as a racist birther. You support him.

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