Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards

Strong, decisive actions by our President prevented a depression

Isn't this just re-asserting what you previously said? On to the proof...

He was rewarded by an overwhelming victory in 2012

This isn't proof that he is the cause of the things you listed.


After Obama passed his stimulus and TARP, GDP went positive and the stock market collapse reversed within weeks

Saved us from depression

I believe like the Iraq war, Bush passed TARP. Passed that, reversing the stock market was easy, all your demi God Obama had to do was dump billions on the rich, then they invested in stocks. Less jobs exists today than in 2009, UE is higher in that less actual people are working as a % of population.

I do love having you here on the boards RW, you make reasonable people looking for answers see what selling out to a party does to ones credibility.
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Isn't this just re-asserting what you previously said? On to the proof...

This isn't proof that he is the cause of the things you listed.


After Obama passed his stimulus and TARP, GDP went positive and the stock market collapse reversed within weeks

Saved us from depression

I believe like the Iraq war, Bush passed TARP. Passed that, reversing the stock market was easy, all your demi God Obama had to do was dump billions on the rich, then they invested in stocks. Less jobs exists today than in 2009, UE is higher in that less actual people are working as a % of population.

I do love having you here on the boards RW, you make reasonable people looking for answers see what selling out to a party does to ones credibility.
Like the Iraq war...Bush's TARP was a failure
When Bush passed TARP the market kept crashing another 3000 points. When Obama passed his TARP the market immediately reversed and hasn't stopped since
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After Obama passed his stimulus and TARP, GDP went positive and the stock market collapse reversed within weeks

Saved us from depression

I believe like the Iraq war, Bush passed TARP. Passed that, reversing the stock market was easy, all your demi God Obama had to do was dump billions on the rich, then they invested in stocks. Less jobs exists today than in 2009, UE is higher in that less actual people are working as a % of population.

I do love having you here on the boards RW, you make reasonable people looking for answers see what selling out to a party does to ones credibility.

When Bush passed TARP the market kept crashing another 3000 points. When Obama passed his TARP the market immediately reversed and hasn't stopped since

Whelp RW, I know it's hard to believe.... but thing were not going to keep crashing forever.
See, even at 1 million jobs being lost a month no matter how you cut it, if the president did 100% nothing within a year there would not be 1 million jobs lost a month. Unless of course you can somehow prove the entire history of the world wrong and show where an economy just kept crashing towards 100% UE.

Thanks again for proving that historically lacking amount of common sense that far left loony toonz seem to live by.

You focus on the rich getting money rained on them because the middle class and the poor ended up so much worse off. You have become everything you hate, the guy defending the rich stay rich.
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Stock Market? Doubled
Unemployment? Down 3.2% since the end of the recession
Financial sector? solid
Housing market? rising
Auto Sector? Solid
GDP? Steady growth

Looks like Obama has earned a third term

Stock market.....Manipulated by Q E

Unemployment ...... Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's

Financial sector ..... Solid? :lol::lol: painting with to broad a brush for me to destroy this claim

Housing market ....... Democrats may have finally gotten it to rock bottom with no place to go but up, with Obama claiming full credit for the mild uptick...

Auto sector...solid? After billions of dollars in taxpayer money to GM, Detroit is bankrupt.... :thup:

GDP.......steady anemic, where do get this growth shit from? Oh yeah, if it grow .000001% per quarter you dipshits do cartwheels....

RW's responce... "But Obama dumped trillions of the rich people!!! The rich are richer and it makes markets look guuud!!!! That is the only thing that matters!!!"

Then, RW in a different thread.

"All you Republicans care about it making the rich more rich!!!!"
I believe like the Iraq war, Bush passed TARP. Passed that, reversing the stock market was easy, all your demi God Obama had to do was dump billions on the rich, then they invested in stocks. Less jobs exists today than in 2009, UE is higher in that less actual people are working as a % of population.

I do love having you here on the boards RW, you make reasonable people looking for answers see what selling out to a party does to ones credibility.

When Bush passed TARP the market kept crashing another 3000 points. When Obama passed his TARP the market immediately reversed and hasn't stopped since

Whelp RW, I know it's hard to believe.... but thing were not going to keep crashing forever.
See, even at 1 million jobs being lost a month no matter how you cut it, if the president did 100% nothing within a year there would not be 1 million jobs lost a month. Unless of course you can somehow prove the entire history of the world wrong and show where an economy just kept crashing towards 100% UE.

Thanks again for proving that historically lacking amount of common sense that far left loony toonz seem to live by.

You focus on the rich getting money rained on them because the middle class and the poor ended up so much worse off. You have become everything you hate, the guy defending the rich stay rich.

Yes, I understand the rightwing doctrine of doing nothing

As the market started to crash, Bush, like a good Republican said......let it self correct
Bush listened to his advisers like a good republican...let the market forces apply themselves.
In the mean time, the stock market crashed from 14,000 to 8,000, GDP was negative, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month
It was not till Obama won the election that Bush started to listen to Paulson and started the TARP process..........but too little and too late
When Bush passed TARP the market kept crashing another 3000 points. When Obama passed his TARP the market immediately reversed and hasn't stopped since

Whelp RW, I know it's hard to believe.... but thing were not going to keep crashing forever.
See, even at 1 million jobs being lost a month no matter how you cut it, if the president did 100% nothing within a year there would not be 1 million jobs lost a month. Unless of course you can somehow prove the entire history of the world wrong and show where an economy just kept crashing towards 100% UE.

Thanks again for proving that historically lacking amount of common sense that far left loony toonz seem to live by.

You focus on the rich getting money rained on them because the middle class and the poor ended up so much worse off. You have become everything you hate, the guy defending the rich stay rich.

Yes, I understand the rightwing doctrine of doing nothing

As the market started to crash, Bush, like a good Republican said......let it self correct
Bush listened to his advisers like a good republican...let the market forces apply themselves.
In the mean time, the stock market crashed from 14,000 to 8,000, GDP was negative, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month
It was not till Obama won the election that Bush started to listen to Paulson and started the TARP process..........but too little and too late

Bush is a Progressive you ignorant fuck. How do you think we got the housing bubble???? Massive progressive bubble building policies. List if you can anything Bush cut other than taxes on everyone? I'll give you the massive list of expansion of Government Bush did.

I win, you lose.

Odd Harding brings the US out of a depression by cutting regulations, cutting spending... and doing nothing. FDR and Obama managed to prolong depressions despite historic spending. Obama only made markets look better, BY DUMPING MONEY ON THE RICH. The middle class are poorer. The poor are poorer. 5 years later and the top 1% are incredibly better off due to Obama's expansion of TARP and stimulus.

You need to stop protecting the rich RW, your support of Obama's policies are killing the middle class and expanding the ranks of the poor. Only 5 documented years of that.
I didn't read the OP. I think it's preposterous to think that Obama's public statements have anything to do with how he views his presidency. He lies all of the time (and he doesn't care who knows it). His presidency is based upon his own personal deviance, period. And by that standard, he's likely pretty pleased. He's laughing all the way to the bank.
Whelp RW, I know it's hard to believe.... but thing were not going to keep crashing forever.
See, even at 1 million jobs being lost a month no matter how you cut it, if the president did 100% nothing within a year there would not be 1 million jobs lost a month. Unless of course you can somehow prove the entire history of the world wrong and show where an economy just kept crashing towards 100% UE.

Thanks again for proving that historically lacking amount of common sense that far left loony toonz seem to live by.

You focus on the rich getting money rained on them because the middle class and the poor ended up so much worse off. You have become everything you hate, the guy defending the rich stay rich.

Yes, I understand the rightwing doctrine of doing nothing

As the market started to crash, Bush, like a good Republican said......let it self correct
Bush listened to his advisers like a good republican...let the market forces apply themselves.
In the mean time, the stock market crashed from 14,000 to 8,000, GDP was negative, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month
It was not till Obama won the election that Bush started to listen to Paulson and started the TARP process..........but too little and too late

Bush is a Progressive you ignorant fuck. How do you think we got the housing bubble???? Massive progressive bubble building policies. List if you can anything Bush cut other than taxes on everyone? I'll give you the massive list of expansion of Government Bush did.

I win, you lose.

Odd Harding brings the US out of a depression by cutting regulations, cutting spending... and doing nothing. FDR and Obama managed to prolong depressions despite historic spending. Obama only made markets look better, BY DUMPING MONEY ON THE RICH. The middle class are poorer. The poor are poorer. 5 years later and the top 1% are incredibly better off due to Obama's expansion of TARP and stimulus.

You need to stop protecting the rich RW, your support of Obama's policies are killing the middle class and expanding the ranks of the poor. Only 5 documented years of that.

Harding as well as Bush are two of our worst presidents

Rewriting history does not help
Stock Market? Doubled
Unemployment? Down 3.2% since the end of the recession
Financial sector? solid
Housing market? rising
Auto Sector? Solid
GDP? Steady growth

Now to only prove that these were caused by the President....

Strong, decisive actions by our President prevented a depression

He was rewarded by an overwhelming victory in 2012
"Prevented a depression". An empty claim. Prove it.

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