Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure

98 million americans not working.. gave up trying.
Health Care a mess.
$17 trillion in debt...
Record number of Americans on food stamps.
Education a disaster.
His biggie... Income inequality has grown on his watch and he's going to give the State of the Union
to say what...that he sees this as a big problem that he will now take the time out of his busy schedule
to do something about because he's just the guy to do it..

I can't wait for this to be over.but we have a few years to go yet...Unfortunately.
Excellent article. Thanks.

It will be dealt with by the Liberal Loons on this board by:

1) Name-calling; and
2) By digging up:
a) Nixon and bitching about something he did; or
b) Reagan and bitching about something he did; or
c) Summoning up the ever-present, enduring, most-whipped whipping boy in history, George Bush. He is never far from their dialogue of excuses for Obama.

They will never touch the content of the article. The closest they will get to it, is too cast aspersions on the magazine which published it.

But, very good article exposing our Socialist Liar of a President for what he is.
No president is 100% successful. To think otherwise is unrealistic. That said, Obama has been extremely successful in many of goals. Here is a short list for you.

I like the fact that Obama was able to turn the economy around and avoid the depression we were headed for.
I like the fact Obama was able to save GM and Chrysler.
I like the fact Obama made a promise to get bin Laden and then he followed up on that promise.
I like the fact he helped get rid of Ghaddafi without putting American boots on the ground.
I like the fact he did not get us involved with the turmoil in Egypt.
I like the fact Obama got Syria to admit to having WMD.
I like the fact that he pushed Syria into destroying those WMD.
I like the fact that we did not go charging into another war in Syria.
I like the fact that he has been able to encourage a dialog with Iran.
I like the fact he has concern for the poor and un-insured Americans.
I like the fact he projects the image of a good family man.
I like the fact his decisions and behavior have increased America's standing in the world communitiy.
I like the fact that American's are getting jobs rather than losing them.
I like the fact he wants to end the run-away inflation of medical costs.
I like the fact he followed through on bush's plan to end the war in Iraq.
I like that Obama intends to have us out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.
I like the fact that Obama is intelligent and has repeatedly made the republicans look like inept jerks.
I like the fact that Obama was able to re-examine and change his view on gay marriage.
I like the fact that Obama was able to see the gay question as one of civil rights and not religious bull shit.
I like the fact Obama is not affraid to stand up to the gop.
I like the fact he has moved quickly when national disasters strike.
I like the fact he wants to take assault weapons off the street.
I like the fact he is trying to rebuild the middle class.
I like the wholesome image he and his family present.
I like that he has done the right thing in trying to work with the gop although it has been a waste of time.
I like the fact Obama is willing to work for ALL Americans and not just the wealthy.
I like the choice Obama made for the Supreme Court.
I like the fact Obama wants to put people to work rebuilding the infrastructure of America.
I like the fact Obama has chosen an Attorney General who is willing to go after states that are attacking voter rights.

Now the right will hate this list and immediately start attacking it. The facts are the facts and regardless of how the right twists then they do not change.

your first like is a joke. the economy now is worse than 2008.

Oh you mean when W rode away laughing while the economy went over a cliff? He played you like a fool.
Stopped a depression
Saved the banks and auto industry
Passed the first universal healthcare
Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
Kllled bin laden

Top ten President

And it only cost 8 trillion dollars, what a fucking bargain.

You have to love his list….

"stopped a depression" - Oh really! Where are the jobs? Where is the helping hand of government to further capitalism? This country is still just as screwed as it was 5 years ago. Check your interest on your savings account stupid. less that .01%. Yeah, we're doing fine.

"Saved the banks and auto industry" - Bullshit. bailouts aren't "helping". Saved Chrysler? Why!?! What happened to the free market? Did Ford need a bailout? Again, check the interest on your savings account or CD's.

"Passed the first universal healthcare" - code for destroying healthcare in the US

"Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan" - Really? Al Queada now controls Iraq again and when the hell did we leave Afghanistan? 5 young men were killed there yesterday.

"Killed Bin Laden" - Damn, I wasn't aware that Barry even knew where the trigger on a .308 was…..

And what have we gotten for our trouble? 17 TRILLION in debt.

Just that one line proves you are a dipshit. Obama said during the presidential primaries that if he found Bin Laden, he would take him out no matter where Bin Laden was. Republicans called him "inexperienced" saying, "What if Bin Laden was in a sovereign country like Pakistan? You can't send a military force into a sovereign country. That proves Obama wasn't ready for prime time.

As soon as Obama became president, he started up the arm of the CIA that Bush disbanded, the one dedicated to finding Bin Laden. And Bin Laden was located. A force was sent in against GOP advice and Bin Laden was taken out. One helicopter didn't make it. That only shows what a dangerous mission it was and Obama gambled and won.

Republicans, the chicken hawks we know them to be, were willing to let a mass murderer who attacked this country to go scott free. Obama wasn't.

So what do right wingers do? The fuckers try to take credit for what Obama did and they advised against. That makes them scum suckers. And anyone who doesn't give Obama his due for what Republicans would have bungled, are shitstains. It's just that simple. That cut and dried.
98 million americans not working.. gave up trying.
Health Care a mess.
$17 trillion in debt...
Record number of Americans on food stamps.
Education a disaster.
His biggie... Income inequality has grown on his watch and he's going to give the State of the Union
to say what...that he sees this as a big problem that he will now take the time out of his busy schedule
to do something about because he's just the guy to do it..

I can't wait for this to be over.but we have a few years to go yet...Unfortunately.

This is America. Not a dictatorship. Would you explain how Obama is supposed to pass anything with Republicans blocking everything?
98 million americans not working.. gave up trying.
Health Care a mess.
$17 trillion in debt...
Record number of Americans on food stamps.
Education a disaster.
His biggie... Income inequality has grown on his watch and he's going to give the State of the Union
to say what...that he sees this as a big problem that he will now take the time out of his busy schedule
to do something about because he's just the guy to do it..

I can't wait for this to be over.but we have a few years to go yet...Unfortunately.

This is America. Not a dictatorship. Would you explain how Obama is supposed to pass anything with Republicans blocking everything?

Didn't Obama say just recently that he has a pen and a phone?...
98 million americans not working.. gave up trying.
Health Care a mess.
$17 trillion in debt...
Record number of Americans on food stamps.
Education a disaster.
His biggie... Income inequality has grown on his watch and he's going to give the State of the Union
to say what...that he sees this as a big problem that he will now take the time out of his busy schedule
to do something about because he's just the guy to do it..

I can't wait for this to be over.but we have a few years to go yet...Unfortunately.

This is America. Not a dictatorship. Would you explain how Obama is supposed to pass anything with Republicans blocking everything?

Oh I don't know, the slimy piece of chicago gutter trash says all he needs is his pen and a phone. Sound like a wannabe dicktator to me.
Is it true to say that you'll follow your political party leader (President) to the end no matter how stupid his actions are?

Who are you talking to?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

What, are you saying there is a need to talk to an individual, you might want to tell your fellow commies about that. TM, franco, the sewer rat and more.

I am not a communist, not even close, hack.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Saved the economy

Saved GM

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Health care reform

Ended the fiasco war that is Iraq

Winding down Afghanistan

Got Bin laden

Ghaddafi dead

Failure? Doesn't look like a failure to me.
98 million americans not working.. gave up trying.
Health Care a mess.
$17 trillion in debt...
Record number of Americans on food stamps.
Education a disaster.
His biggie... Income inequality has grown on his watch and he's going to give the State of the Union
to say what...that he sees this as a big problem that he will now take the time out of his busy schedule
to do something about because he's just the guy to do it..

I can't wait for this to be over.but we have a few years to go yet...Unfortunately.

This is America. Not a dictatorship. Would you explain how Obama is supposed to pass anything with Republicans blocking everything?

You can't be serious, can you? When the hell was the last time that piece of human excrement Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid allowed the republicans to even VOTE on anything!?!?!

Shut the hell up you fool.
And it only cost 8 trillion dollars, what a fucking bargain.

You have to love his list….

"stopped a depression" - Oh really! Where are the jobs? Where is the helping hand of government to further capitalism? This country is still just as screwed as it was 5 years ago. Check your interest on your savings account stupid. less that .01%. Yeah, we're doing fine.

"Saved the banks and auto industry" - Bullshit. bailouts aren't "helping". Saved Chrysler? Why!?! What happened to the free market? Did Ford need a bailout? Again, check the interest on your savings account or CD's.

"Passed the first universal healthcare" - code for destroying healthcare in the US

"Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan" - Really? Al Queada now controls Iraq again and when the hell did we leave Afghanistan? 5 young men were killed there yesterday.

"Killed Bin Laden" - Damn, I wasn't aware that Barry even knew where the trigger on a .308 was…..

And what have we gotten for our trouble? 17 TRILLION in debt.

Just that one line proves you are a dipshit. Obama said during the presidential primaries that if he found Bin Laden, he would take him out no matter where Bin Laden was. Republicans called him "inexperienced" saying, "What if Bin Laden was in a sovereign country like Pakistan? You can't send a military force into a sovereign country. That proves Obama wasn't ready for prime time.

As soon as Obama became president, he started up the arm of the CIA that Bush disbanded, the one dedicated to finding Bin Laden. And Bin Laden was located. A force was sent in against GOP advice and Bin Laden was taken out. One helicopter didn't make it. That only shows what a dangerous mission it was and Obama gambled and won.

Republicans, the chicken hawks we know them to be, were willing to let a mass murderer who attacked this country to go scott free. Obama wasn't.

So what do right wingers do? The fuckers try to take credit for what Obama did and they advised against. That makes them scum suckers. And anyone who doesn't give Obama his due for what Republicans would have bungled, are shitstains. It's just that simple. That cut and dried.

Again, You're full of shite.
Stopped a depression

......I'm still depressed

Saved the banks and auto industry

.......from what?

Passed the first universal healthcare

......not quite

Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan

........By surrendering

Kllled bin laden

........While playing spades wid spades...
98 million americans not working.. gave up trying.
Health Care a mess.
$17 trillion in debt...
Record number of Americans on food stamps.
Education a disaster.
His biggie... Income inequality has grown on his watch and he's going to give the State of the Union
to say what...that he sees this as a big problem that he will now take the time out of his busy schedule
to do something about because he's just the guy to do it..

I can't wait for this to be over.but we have a few years to go yet...Unfortunately.

This is America. Not a dictatorship. Would you explain how Obama is supposed to pass anything with Republicans blocking everything?

What exactly has been blocked?

Stimulus check and check.

quantitative Easing, Check, and I mean CHECK.

Wall Street reform check.

Increase in minimum wage, check.

Housing reform, check.

DADT dropped, Check.

DOMA invalidated, Check.

What exactly ain't he getting? When the majority party can't get legislation passed it means that they are not willing to compromise or negotiate and that is what we saw with Obamacare and most everything not passed by Congress.
Who are you talking to?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

What, are you saying there is a need to talk to an individual, you might want to tell your fellow commies about that. TM, franco, the sewer rat and more.

I am not a communist, not even close, hack.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Then you might want to consider you should stop acting like one.
George W. Bush was better than you know and far better than you deserve for being so ill informed of the truth of his administration.

Every day that you wake up to even the same decrepit lifestyle you've enjoyed the past 10 years, you should get on your knees and Thank God for GWB.


You owe him a debt of gratitude beyond your ability to repay.

Pfffffft. His legacy will be used against the GOP for years to come, and the GOP has no one to blame but themselves.

Bush vs obama? Bush by far. To be true to obama, you should say obama vs carter.

Please refer to the results of the 2012 election. If Bush were better than Obama, Obama would not have won. Conservatives are living in denial. Bush's Presidency has damaged the GOP brand severely. Why can't you learn that?
Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards

Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards - Forbes

It's a failure if your goals were for more conservative policies. For liberals, it's been pretty much a success. Less stupid wars of choice, and more insured Americans. Higher taxes on the overpaid leisure classes. A chemical weapons-free Syria, and a good temp nuclear deal with Iran. No more 'don't ask, don't tell' in the military. There are more.

I'd like to thank the actual failed Presidency of George Dumbya Bush, The Cross Eyed War Monkey, for making the Presidency of Barack Obama a reality. I agree with most voters: It's just best to keep the GOP as far from the White House as possible.


You're lying. Obamacare was supposed to be the success that defined his presidency. It's failure did more to destroy it. In your desperation, you must deflect to Bush, which has been out of office for nearly 6 years, to avoid acknowledging Obama's presidency as a failure.

The ACA is successful . The tempoarary website glitches weren't the death knell conservatives were hoping it would be. The conservative media blew it way out of proportion. Nice try though.

What is it with people getting insurance that gets conservatives so mad? Stupid wars in the Middle East, and conservatives write blank checks, but provide medical services to Americans, and conservatives become Ebenezer Scrooges. No wonder Mitt lost.

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