Barack Obama’s Shadow Government Of Coup Plotters In Exile


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Barack Obama’s Shadow Government Of Coup Plotters In Exile

Barack Obama's shadow government of coup plotters in exile
24 Jun 2019 ~~ By L.J. Keith
It used to be a truism of American politics that we only have one President at a time. That there was a strong tradition ensuring the ‘peaceful transition of power” from one administration to the other. President Barack Obama is obliterating those quaint traditions of American democracy. Indeed he seems to have set up a government in exile, in Washington DC, while he seeks to undermine and sabotage the sitting President. (Trump claims ‘Obama had to know about’ efforts to undermine presidency)
His actions are unprecedented. The impact of his activities may well lead to a string of criminal indictments against a plethora of senior Obama Administration officials. Both in the senior levels of his cabinet. And in the upper echelons of the Obama White House staff and the Oval Office itself. There is no instance where a two-term President has left the Oval Office and then actively sought to destroy his successor. Until Barack Obama. There is no situation where the outgoing President weaponized the intelligence agencies and the DOJ to target, frame, and decimate the incoming President, even before he has taken office.
Obama had his 8 years and he blew it
America can only have one President at a time. Barack Obama has not only ignored that. He and the senior members of his corrupt government have been conducting an active conspiracy against the duly elected President. They have been doing so since well before the 2016 election. Those activities continue to this day.
They need to be stopped, exposed, and prosecuted. Never before in the history of our country has a former President acted in such an illegal and despicable manner. The former President, by effectively running an opposition government in exile, has betrayed the Constitution and the people of the United States.
“POTUS wants to know everything we are doing”, Peter Strzok texted Lisa Page. Well, so do we. John Durham needs to hold all of them accountable. All of them. From Strzok to Brennan. From Jarrett and Rice to Rhodes and Obama. For the sake of the Republic. It seems clear that Durham is well on his way to bringing them all to justice. A grand jury has already been empaneled. The scope of the investigation continues to expand. No wonder the coup plotters are nervous. They ought to be.

Obama set up his next set of offices in D.C. Who with? Valerie Jarrett, who didn't just take a room. She took several rooms. We ALL wait, knowing America will not be safe until there are many, many indictments. Please, start with Valerie Jarrett. She might be the hardest target of all, in multiple respects.
Actually, Obama has a whole staff of approximately 13 people at his ‘home office’. At least until the ghetto library in Chicagostan is completed.
0bama is untouchable, as the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats would have major cities of America be burned to the ground if he was arrested. Not only that, but you could never get a jury to convict him. Clapper and Lisa Page are the weak links and might have enough info to get into the Oval office and maybe nab Jarrett, Rhodes, Rice, and/or Powers but it goes no higher in the West Wing0bama is untouchable, as the major cities of America would be burned to the ground if he was arrested. Not only that, but you could NEVER get a jury to convict him. Clapper and Lisa Page are the weak links and might have enough info to get into the Oral office and maybe nab Jarrett or Rhodes, but it goes no higher in the West Wing. Brennan is the cutout and fall guy and will take one for the team.
If the plotters of this cabal are still walking free, what is the general public to do? I personally think allowing any one person from Barry's previous administration mentioned in the article, to walk free, is a travesty. Hang them high or at the least they should spend the remainder of their life in prison.
The attempted removal of a duly elected President by non-Constitutional means is one of the greatest acts of treason in American history.
and they'll all get jobs as 'University and high school teachers when released to society .
Trump also claimed that Oblama was not citizen and his birth certificate was phoney, yet during his campaign for president he redacted that accusation..Well, which is it boys, does Trump lie or tell the truth?
The rest of the story is the usual mish-mash of hyperbole, projectile pejoratives and lots of bias for something that is just a wishful as nailing Trump over Russia..
in my opinion it sounds like he Changed his mind and his opinion Moonglow .
its not a big deal to me , people change their minds and opinions all the time and I give TRUMP the same Courtesy .
though , I do believe that 'mrobama' is muslim and I believe all the other talk said about 'mrobama' Moonglow .

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