Zone1 Barak or Baraq


VIP Member
Jan 29, 2022
Barack, also spelled Barak or Baraq, is a given name of Arabic origin.
From the Semitic root B-R-K, it means "blessed" and is most commonly used in its feminine form Baraka(h).
The Semitic root B-R-K has the original meaning of "to kneel down", with a secondary meaning "to bless".

Obama is a common Fang surname in western Central Africa. Obama is a common Luo surname. It means "to lean", "to bend", "bent over", or "limping". Obama, also translated as Ohama or Kohama, (小浜 or 小濱) is a Japanese surname literally meaning "little beach" or "little island".

Barak means Lighting: Hebrew meaning This comes from Barak,

And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:18-19 (NKJV)
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Barack, also spelled Barak or Baraq, is a given name of Arabic origin.
From the Semitic root B-R-K, it means "blessed" and is most commonly used in its feminine form Baraka(h).
The Semitic root B-R-K has the original meaning of "to kneel down", with a secondary meaning "to bless".

Obama is a common Fang surname in western Central Africa. Obama is a common Luo surname. It means "to lean", "to bend", "bent over", or "limping". Obama, also translated as Ohama or Kohama, (小浜 or 小濱) is a Japanese surname literally meaning "little beach" or "little island".

Barak means Lighting: Hebrew meaning This comes from Barak,

And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:18-19 (NKJV)
If you're constantly banging our forehead on the ground 5 times per're going to come up with some really fucked up names.
If you're constantly banging our forehead on the ground 5 times per're going to come up with some really fucked up names.
already your head is spinning
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Barak means Lighting: Hebrew meaning This comes from Barak,

And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Instead of laughing at you , I will simply ask you what alternatives you imagine might have fallen from the sky ?
Rain and / or frogs .?
If it was Satan , who told you , and where is your evidence ?
When did it happen ?
Was it before( another miracle) or after we know the story was invented ?

When did you first start to be overwhemed ?
What medication helps most ?
Instead of laughing at you , I will simply ask you what alternatives you imagine might have fallen from the sky ?
Rain and / or frogs .?
If it was Satan , who told you , and where is your evidence ?
When did it happen ?
Was it before( another miracle) or after we know the story was invented ?

When did you first start to be overwhemed ?
What medication helps most ?
As an atheist, i agree with your overall sentiment, but i would point out that "raining frogs" is in fact a real phenomenon. It can happen with fish sometimes too. Its caused by water cyclones at sea and tornados in swampy areas. They get sucked up into the sky and they can travel a long distance if the weather conditions are just right.
Barack, also spelled Barak or Baraq, is a given name of Arabic origin.
From the Semitic root B-R-K, it means "blessed" and is most commonly used in its feminine form Baraka(h).
The Semitic root B-R-K has the original meaning of "to kneel down", with a secondary meaning "to bless".

Obama is a common Fang surname in western Central Africa. Obama is a common Luo surname. It means "to lean", "to bend", "bent over", or "limping". Obama, also translated as Ohama or Kohama, (小浜 or 小濱) is a Japanese surname literally meaning "little beach" or "little island".

Barak means Lighting: Hebrew meaning This comes from Barak,

And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:18-19 (NKJV)

Barak was a Jewish general in the Old Testament.

Barak was a contemporary and associate of the prophetess and judge Deborah. He completely defeated the Canaanite oppressor despite impossible odds and is listed as one of the faith heroes of Hebrews 11. Bible References: Barak's story is told in Judges 4 and 5.
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If you're constantly banging our forehead on the ground 5 times per're going to come up with some really fucked up names.

Barak was a contemporary and associate of the prophetess and judge Deborah. He completely defeated the Canaanite oppressor despite impossible odds and is listed as one of the faith heroes of Hebrews 11. Bible References: Barak's story is told in Judges 4 and 5.
Barak is also used in the Ethiopian language of Amharic. Meaning " He who blesses."
Barack, also spelled Barak or Baraq, is a given name of Arabic origin.
From the Semitic root B-R-K, it means "blessed" and is most commonly used in its feminine form Baraka(h).
The Semitic root B-R-K has the original meaning of "to kneel down", with a secondary meaning "to bless".

Obama is a common Fang surname in western Central Africa. Obama is a common Luo surname. It means "to lean", "to bend", "bent over", or "limping". Obama, also translated as Ohama or Kohama, (小浜 or 小濱) is a Japanese surname literally meaning "little beach" or "little island".

Barak means Lighting: Hebrew meaning This comes from Barak,

And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:18-19 (NKJV)
Barack was a Jewish general in the time of Deborah. Has nothing to do with Islam.
Barack was a Jewish general in the time of Deborah. Has nothing to do with Islam.


a little history

Washington CNN —
The Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal, US officials confirmed Wednesday.

President Barack Obama approved the $400 million transfer, which he had announced in January as part of the Iran nuclear deal. The money was flown into Iran on wooden pallets stacked with Swiss francs, euros, and other currencies as the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement resolving claims at an international tribunal at The Hague over a failed arms deal under the time of the Shah.
A fifth American man was released by Iran separately.

$1.7 billion to Iran approved the $400 million transfer this funding Iran proxy-wars around the world



if Obama had covered to Christianity, he might have renounced Islam, given his name, and given a Christian name as his birth
if not then he would not have participated in any Islamic tradition, and would not have entered Islamic countries
by not renouncing the Islamic name, and being cast as an infidel, Barack Hussein Obama.

the name Hassan translated as Hussein is given to the prophet Muhammad, a name that gives him high status in the Islamic community, making a President show this status as


here he was given the highest prestige as a Muslim


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a little history

Washington CNN —
The Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal, US officials confirmed Wednesday.

President Barack Obama approved the $400 million transfer, which he had announced in January as part of the Iran nuclear deal. The money was flown into Iran on wooden pallets stacked with Swiss francs, euros, and other currencies as the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement resolving claims at an international tribunal at The Hague over a failed arms deal under the time of the Shah.
A fifth American man was released by Iran separately.

$1.7 billion to Iran approved the $400 million transfer this funding Iran proxy-wars around the world

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if Obama had covered to Christianity, he might have renounced Islam, given his name, and given a Christian name as his birth
if not then he would not have participated in any Islamic tradition, and would not have entered Islamic countries
by not renouncing the Islamic name, and being cast as an infidel, Barack Hussein Obama.
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the name Hassan translated as Hussein is given to the prophet Muhammad, a name that gives him high status in the Islamic community, making a President show this status as

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here he was given the highest prestige as a Muslim

The money belongs to Iran. Until Trump queered the nuclear agreement it was a way to bring Iran back into the international community.

Muslims don't go to church for 20 years.

You've never been to Iran or any other countries in the Middle East, have you?
The money belongs to Iran. Until Trump queered the nuclear agreement it was a way to bring Iran back into the international community.

Muslims don't go to church for 20 years.

You've never been to Iran or any other countries in the Middle East, have you?
Muslims go to two places, the Dome of the Rock, and Mecca. Muslims pray five times a day Muslims in Mecca


the Dome of the Rock is a shrine thus the Dome of Rock is dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad, whose ascension into the realm of the evil one


unfortunately, you may need more milk, not solid food
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try reading the post clearly
Muslims go to two places, the Dome of the Rock, and Mecca. Muslims pray five times a day Muslims in Mecca

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the Dome of the Rock is a shrine thus the Dome of Rock is dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad, whose ascension into the realm of the evil one

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unfortunately, you may need more milk, not solid food
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try reading the post clearly

The Dome of the Rock is built to the God of Abraham.

Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia? I lived there 2 decades.
The Dome of the Rock is built to the God of Abraham.

Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia? I lived there 2 decades.
The Dome of the Rock
greetings little one

the Dome of the Rock Islamic shrine AL-Aqsa, mosque at the compound's center on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem.

The Foundation Stone or Noble Rock that the temple was built over bears great significance in Abrahamic religions as the place where God created the world as the first human, Adam. And the Foundation Stone which is sacred to both Jews and Muslims.
According to Jewish tradition, the stone is the navel of the earth the place where creation began, and the site where Abraham was poised to sacrifice Isaac.
Genesis 26: 3 -5
Sojourn in this land and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father;
And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
Because of that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

Onto Ishmael see Genesis 16:7-16

Jews are not allowed to worship in the Dome of the Rock, as we see Jews, Orthodox Jews can worship at the wailing wall of the falling into Idolatry

the purpose of the Dome of the Rock is to seal a portal directly to the God of Abraham
The Temple Mount has 12 gates

the Eastern Gate
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The Golden Gate Jerusalem is the north section of the east wall of the Temple Mount.
The gate is the gate called Sha'a HaRakhamim and is considered to be the end of days

Jesus entering the east gate in the days of old


On that day the gate is open, and Christ will enter the gate of heaven open

the purpose of the Dome of the Rock is to seal a portal directly to the God of Abraham


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greetings little one
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the Dome of the Rock Islamic shrine AL-Aqsa, mosque at the compound's center on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem.
The Foundation Stone or Noble Rock that the temple was built over bears great significance in Abrahamic religions as the place where God created the world as the first human, Adam. And the Foundation Stone which is sacred to both Jews and Muslims.
According to Jewish tradition, the stone is the navel of the earth the place where creation began, and the site where Abraham was poised to sacrifice Isaac.
Genesis 26: 3 -5
Sojourn in this land and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father;
And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
Because of that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

Onto Ishmael see Genesis 16:7-16
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Jews are not allowed to worship in the Dome of the Rock, as we see Jews, Orthodox Jews can worship at the wailing wall of the falling into Idolatry

the purpose of the Dome of the Rock is to seal a portal directly to the God of Abraham
The Temple Mount has 12 gates
View attachment 951912
the Eastern Gate
View attachment 951906
The Golden Gate Jerusalem is the north section of the east wall of the Temple Mount.
The gate is the gate called Sha'a HaRakhamim and is considered to be the end of days
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Jesus entering the east gate in the days of old

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On that day the gate is open, and Christ will enter the gate of heaven open

the purpose of the Dome of the Rock is to seal a portal directly to the God of Abraham

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You dodged the question.

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