Barbra Bush in hospital Liberals show their true tolerance.


Gold Member
Mar 29, 2009
‘Die f*cking bitch’: Depraved cretins wish death on ailing former first lady Barbara Bush
?Die f*cking bitch?: Depraved cretins wish death on ailing former first lady Barbara Bush | Twitchy
This again puts light on how loving and tolerant those on the left are. Wishing the death of a sick old lady.


Doctor Grosz @doctorgrosz

Barbara Bush has been hospitalized. In other news: that old **** is apparently still alive.

There are many like this at the link.......I again and warmed by the out pouring of sympathy for a elderly lady.

The New York Times ✔ @nytimes

Barbara Bush Hospitalized for Pneumonia in Texas

bob @TTocol

“@nytimes: Barbara Bush Hospitalized for Pneumonia in Texas ” hope she dies roaring! ****!!!
5:45 AM - 1 Jan 2014
Barbara Bush Hospitalized for Pneumonia in Texas

Barbara Bush, 88, was admitted to Houston Methodist Hospital on Monday for treatment of pneumonia and remained there Tuesday evening.
The New York Times @nytimes

The wishing her well by liberals were so apparent dont you think?

Alter Tatil @altermali

Barbara Bush hospitalized, why dont you just die fcking bitch.

This shit is disgusting and this is the true face of liberals mean hate filled trolls that wish the death of a 88 year old woman.
That's what liberals are like. Would you expect a junkyard dog not to growl? Same thing.
wouldn't it be great if all those liberal "well wishers" would just keel over and quit wasting good oxygen ? in fact let's extend that to ALL liberals/democRATS

:Boom2: ........................................................................ liberals
Barbara Bush was a great lady and the whole nation wishes her well

Anonymous people trolling the Internet do not reflect what Americans feel

Exactly...I think any honest person regardless of party lines agree that she is a class act.
Same goes for Laura Bush
There are liberals that say vile things then there are liberals that either ignore or defend liberals that say vile things.
Barbara Bush was a great lady and the whole nation wishes her well

Anonymous people trolling the Internet do not reflect what Americans feel

it just shows a pattern that liberals seem to follow. But you know this.
Wingnuts are such victims. I thought we weren't supposed to bring posts from other websites here.
God, it's only January 3 and I am already getting tired of you whiney ass wingnuts.
the "bleeding heart leftards" showing their true self?

what else is new :rolleyes:


all the wishes to First Lady Mrs.Bush to get well.
‘Die f*cking bitch’: Depraved cretins wish death on ailing former first lady Barbara Bush
?Die f*cking bitch?: Depraved cretins wish death on ailing former first lady Barbara Bush | Twitchy
This again puts light on how loving and tolerant those on the left are. Wishing the death of a sick old lady.


Doctor Grosz @doctorgrosz

Barbara Bush has been hospitalized. In other news: that old **** is apparently still alive.

There are many like this at the link.......I again and warmed by the out pouring of sympathy for a elderly lady.

The New York Times ✔ @nytimes

Barbara Bush Hospitalized for Pneumonia in Texas

bob @TTocol

“@nytimes: Barbara Bush Hospitalized for Pneumonia in Texas ” hope she dies roaring! ****!!!
5:45 AM - 1 Jan 2014
Barbara Bush Hospitalized for Pneumonia in Texas

Barbara Bush, 88, was admitted to Houston Methodist Hospital on Monday for treatment of pneumonia and remained there Tuesday evening.
The New York Times @nytimes

The wishing her well by liberals were so apparent dont you think?

Alter Tatil @altermali

Barbara Bush hospitalized, why dont you just die fcking bitch.

This shit is disgusting and this is the true face of liberals mean hate filled trolls that wish the death of a 88 year old woman.

Is it disgusting. But hardly limited to liberals. Amoral apathetic people cross all political lines.

Hope she gets better.
In fact, if you'd like to actually do something about it to assist her recovery, place your good wishes and prayers into the Western Wall in Jerusalem. It's said G-d will hear prayers placed there.

Place a Note in the Wall

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